Resident evil Orignal Characters

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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2008
do u have any oc's
wut that made up characters that u made up.

Mine is

Name:Caroline Rose Audley

age:in Resident evil 0,1, and 2 shes 12
in Resdient evil code name veronica shes 15
in resdient evil 4 shes 18

personailty:smart,doesn't ever tell the whole truth,is sorta a traitor,is mysteries like ada,quiet tought to kill and can be a good friend

dislikes:tight closed up areas/rooms,and wobbly bridges
background story:when she was 4-5 she lived in euroup and always played with ramon salazar(he was the same age),mother got tired of her father(the village cheif) she took Carol away somewhere far and ran into the asford family.Alexia and Alfred were like 15.Alexia became like a big sister to age 10 a new scinectist named masey came to the island to work with the ashford age 11 Alexia begain Exspearments on Carol.Carol didn't mind.

Alexia put the same T-virus that alexia had in her and put it it in Carol.somehow crow DNA got in it.Carol watch Alexia do exspearments on her father.Alfred got jealous of Carol.He pushed carol's mother Merril off the roof.Carol doesn't know.then once she finished she went to antartica and went to sleep.Carol begain to paymore Attenchun to her pet wolf Chark( hes 2).
Masey took Carol and Chark away.she always wanted to move to raccoon city.they were on the train in RE 0.

Carol lost Masey and she runs into Rebecca yea ye this is getting to long(idk if u want to hear more or not)
in RE 1 Carol is the one who got wesker out before the place blew up.yea it was after the trytan attacked him.Chris,Jill,Masey and Rebecca though carol was fallowing them but she was behind.Rebecca was holding on to masey b/c she was limping,Carol caught up.Wesker was getting to heavy.he was pulling strength out of wings begain to grow out of her back.Chris says i need to go back to go get her.Jill said no i'll handle her.u go on ahead!!Carol flew up getting close to jill.Chark was almost running out of breath fallowing Carol.Jill noticed Carol and said Carol wut do u think ur doing.Weskers dead!!!!No hes not!!!Carol said.The trytans were Coimg.Carol was banging her foot agesnt the roof trying to make it break.Jill says Carol said we need to get going..Carol says don't worry about me..i'll be fine.The roof around carol begain to break.chunks of roof fell onto the floor.jill was saying into her mind wut is she.Carol flew up and out and cam acrooss another floor.Chark jumped to catch up with her.A trytan almost got him.Carol got wesker outside onto the grass.She grabbed Chark and flew up to the roof where chris was.Rebecca and jill just made it.Carol says see i told u i would be fine.

in Re 2 she stayed with Claire mostly and became best friends with Sherry.tords the end of the game she was with ada and leon.Masey got infected my sherrys father.Masey was about to attack leon.Carol wasn't gonna let that happen so she faught her.she thought she killed her but no MAsey's not dead.that was the last time Carol saw Masey..after leon andd claire sepreted leon took sherry ofcorse and claire took Carol and chark.

this is only a sample.its not even close to the whole thing.i would tell a sample of wut happen in code name veronica and RE 4 but its getting to long
She's explaining here own made-up Resident Evil Character. I've got my own made up but I still need to add the final touches. The think the thared should of been renamed, "Made-Up Resiedent Evil Character.
[quote author=GiveMeA40 link=topic=709.msg18038#msg18038 date=1229276975]
She's explaining here own made-up Resident Evil Character. I've got my own made up but I still need to add the final touches. The think the thared should of been renamed, "Made-Up Resiedent Evil Character.
[/quote]ok.thnx for the tip :P
[quote author=3d-agent link=topic=709.msg18061#msg18061 date=1229292927]
like sketches, ok now i understand...
[/quote]sorta.u can sketch ur own character.ok do u know when when someone create the characters and the story.well Oringnal character r someone that is fan of that show/book/game and they creat their own to be with the guy character they like.that is an example.mine loves jack krasuer.he would like her back b/c she proably would be his type.yes my oringnal story does fallow very well the with the real story.with krauser dying and stuff
I have a charecter, and it's posted in another thread around here, and I didn't really sketch but his image is right there in my memory!!!