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Operation Raccoon City Resident Evil ORC Competition (Please Help)


Well-Known Member
Hello all you Resident Evil Fans. I've made this post because I need your help. Right now there is a competition on for RE ORC on a Facebook page. The aim it to create your own RE Zombie boss and the one with the most likes on its page wins. The winner gets a replica mask of Vectors from RE ORC.

This is my entry. Its a combination of the T and G virus. I call it the TG-478...

I'm begging you guys for help. I'm not asking you to like my own drawing, but who evers you think should win because... right now... this is winning- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...17746258.76326.107605795944446&type=3&theaterIt was done in paint and obviously to troll and people are liking just for a laugh...mine is far behind it but in second place

I need any help I can get.. I didn't go in this competition with the intention of winning.. but to lose to this is just a disgrace to Resident Evil and I hope you all as true RE fans can help....

Thank you


Well-Known Member
I voted for your picture. Though it's not really a drawing contest, but a fb-friendlist size comparison.
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