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Resident Evil 6 Resident Evil Operation Terrestrial Fear


Wow, a lot of news in that small article. Of course, at this point it's only rumors and speculation, but it did come from a reliable source that has been correct in the past. I'm staying hopeful that the Claire scenario for RE6 isn't exclusive to the WiiU. And although I've already played plenty of Revelations, I still hope it will come to consoles in HD so that I can play it with people I know (none of my friends own a 3DS :( )

Ironically (since you titled the thread with it) the news that least excited me in there was Operation Terrestrial Fear XD
Also, the ORC forum isn't exactly dead. It usually gets instantly revitalized when an interesting thread like this pops up on it.


B.S.A.A. Agent
so from what i've read, so far about this sequel to Operation Raccoon City, it continues from the ending of the Spec Ops; i find it amuzing that the standard edition of ORC is based on the Umbrella Security Service, yet you have to buy the Expansion mission packs for the Spec Ops, and here it is the sequel; in which i have said (that it continues the Spec Ops ending). Amuzing HA


He's a mental giant, TECH N9NE!
Hated ORC and wish id never wasted a second of my time on it. So this isn't even getting a second glance from me.


I thought ORC was fine. And I feel the sequel would be good as well. I had fun playing it, and that's what's important: Whether or not you have fun playing a game.


Nut3lla ^0^
Wow, a lot of news in that small article. Of course, at this point it's only rumors and speculation, but it did come from a reliable source that has been correct in the past. I'm staying hopeful that the Claire scenario for RE6 isn't exclusive to the WiiU. And although I've already played plenty of Revelations, I still hope it will come to consoles in HD so that I can play it with people I know (none of my friends own a 3DS :( )

Ironically (since you titled the thread with it) the news that least excited me in there was Operation Terrestrial Fear XD
Also, the ORC forum isn't exactly dead. It usually gets instantly revitalized when an interesting thread like this pops up on it.
Only reason I didn't buy Revelations was because simply I didn't want to spend money on a 3DS, and the fact that Revelations would be the only game I would be playing on the 3DS lol.
Sorry about that :) it's just the other two stories are old news.


Nut3lla ^0^
so from what i've read, so far about this sequel to Operation Raccoon City, it continues from the ending of the Spec Ops; i find it amuzing that the standard edition of ORC is based on the Umbrella Security Service, yet you have to buy the Expansion mission packs for the Spec Ops, and here it is the sequel; in which i have said (that it continues the Spec Ops ending). Amuzing HA
As long as Capcom works on the game instead... it has a chance.


Well-Known Member
Operation Raccoon City was a game with so much potential and the concept was terrific, but it was just poorly executed. A 4-person co-op RE squad game in a zombie outbreak with an infection mechanic and different skill sets for each character should have been great. Hopefully Capcom will do a sequel properly in-house.

Off the top of my head, what I think it needs is:

- better AI, especially teammate AI. They were such liabilities they made Sheva in RE5 look like a genius.
- a more random and constant nature of zombies attacking you. The best parts of the game were where the zombies kept on coming. Spawn locations should have been random too. A horde system and randomization of enemy spawns like L4D's system would have been perfect. After a few plays, you knew what kinds of zombies were going to appear where, and when.
- more variety in enemies, zombies are fine as a staple, but intersperse a few more types of bigger enemies in there
- a better character-reviving system. More like L4D’s system than respawning dead characters with you at every checkpoint and being able to pick allies up without limit when killed. It was pretty silly that sometimes you would just shoot your infected teammate in the head to kill them, then pick them up with full health and ammo.
- if sniper rifles are going to be useless, just remove them from the game. They were beyond useless in ORC.
- you should have been able to carry 2 antiviral sprays, 1 was really too limiting. The infection mechanic was a great function though.
- enemies with firearms didn't really work in practice. Fighting the undead hordes could be fun, gun battles were not - at least not in ORC with its gameplay mechanics.
- removal of collecting data and shooting cameras. Stuff like that was tedious.
- it needs to be longer. And putting in the Spec Ops campaign as paid DLC just splits up the playerbase to play with for the people who do buy it.
- Something akin to No Hope difficulty beyond Professional would add to longevity too.


La Vita Nuova
I hope all of this is true, but I def hope that Claire's scenario hits the PS3 as DLC. I think it'd be stupid of them not to, they would easily make money off of it considering all of the people on this forum alone who want Claire lol. I don't foresee myself ever buying a WII U (I've always been a one-console guy to the PS), but I would shell up an extra 10 bucks or whatever to play as Claire for sure. Super excited to play Revelations, I've been dying to but won't buy a 3DS lol.

I wasn't a fan of ORC. I returned it actually (to put a pre-order down on RE6 lol). I just found it hard to play, I didn't like sticking to everything, it barely felt like a game I wanted to play from the get go. But if they implemented better controls, AI, other things along the lines of what Kall mentioned, who knows? I might really like the sequel. Maybe even enough to download the first when they slash the price of it on PStore following the release of the sequel =p.

I totally agree with Kall about AI. It's such a huge part of the experience when you're forced to play co operating with a computer, and in comparison to every other game, Sheva really was a genius. ORC had some of THE worst AI I've ever seen. Watching them going....."really? you just....totally decided to do THAT right now". Is it just me or did they get dumber in 6 from 5? It's kind of like Capcom saying, "Well, they can't die anymore, so we don't really have to pay as much attention to what they actually do." Which is not much other than stand there and look pretty. At least Sheva would run around foraging items, give you stuff when you needed it, generally acting like a......partner. I got caught in a loop the other night in 6 on Professional as Jake. Sherry's in the other room fighting the creature that splits into three pieces, and it won't die with her handgun. But she just keeps lying on the floor, getting 4 shots off on her back before it steps on her. 4 shots, steps on her. 4 shots, steps on her. Over and over again while I watch from the other room. Sherry, get the f*** up and open the door. It's been 10 minutes and neither one of you are dying. Teammate AI makes a MASSIVE difference in games like these and the ORC sequel's gonna have to have pretty good AI to impress me at this point I think. "No...No nonononoNOyoureallydon'twannarunstraightintoapileofflames..just...stop...nope.. uh yup.... you really decided to do THAT right now."


Sherry, get the f*** up and open the door. It's been 10 minutes and neither one of you are dying.
Brilliant! :p

I really hated when the AI would always run away from whatever 2-person object I was about to activate. I was playing as Chris in a room full of J'avo and mutations, and there was a door that had a time limit to unlock it, so right when the limit was up, I ran over to the door, but it was a two person door so I had to have Piers there with me, and he was nowhere to be found, he was frolicking on the other side of the room, instead it was the enemies who were right next to me. So I was like "damn you!" and I broke off from the door, and did a loop around the building, coming back to the door, hoping that Piers was behind me this time. Again, Piers didn't follow me... but the enemies did. I was like "Wow, why can't I trade Piers for one of these J'avo? They actually follow me to the door when it's time to open it."


La Vita Nuova
so I had to have Piers there with me, and he was nowhere to be found, he was frolicking on the other side of the room

Lol no doubt. I've spent sooo much time waiting at doors. It makes speed runs almost impossible sometimes without a human partner. Like I know you don't die, and you have the stamina of a horse, and you can kick ass all day and stuff, but....I'm kinda dying and have no ammo and you need to help me open this door now. Then you break off the door and use the button press to call them and they're like "I can't right now". Really?....I'm pretty sure you're capable lol.


wordy agronaut
I figured Revalations would one day be ported if it was any good, and I was right! Same is to be said about Claire's rumored scenario... Today is the day of digital downloads. If Capcom thinks there is money to be made in Claire's scenario, you can be sure to see it on PSN and XBL. As for ORC 2, I'll buy it but not on Day 1 (maybe a week later when it's in the $20 bin :p).


Dunder Mifflin Paper Company
I would like this one to be more serious and sadistic. I remember when the first ORC images where released and the medic woman was holding a bigass creepy knife but then the same photo the knife was replaced with a machine gun.
I couldn't take the game seriously with all the glitches, bugs, plotholes and how weak it felt when playing. Like if they made the game for the sake of doing it. I really hope the bad reviews and critics will make them think twice about fixing everything and taking their time before releasing a 60 dlls unpolished game with half the game in DLCs.
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