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Resident Evil: Inside Umbrella Chapter 2


Ex-Umbrella Scientist
"Oh, fu-!"
The first one lunged.
Deseir grabbed his gun, swung it around and fired 3 shots. The first dog fell to the ground with a whimper. Just as soon as that one hit the ground, another was jumping at him. Deseir rolled to the side, but before he could get up, the dog was on top of him and at his throat.
The smell of decomposing flesh, blood and death were reeking from the creature, and it took Deseir a lot for him to not throw up. The dog (Cerberus, Deseir recalled) snapped at him and growled loudly. All of the other dogs slowly made his way for him, as they realized he was trapped.
Right when it was about to rip out his throat, Deseir grabbed the Cerberus by the neck.
If only I could get this thing off of me, he thought.
Just then, Deseir heard gunfire and the dog was thrown off of him. Deseir quickly jumped to his feet, the looked to where the shots came from. He saw a man and woman slowly advancing his way, taking out the other Cerberus. The man was dressed in a typical S.T.A.R.S. uniform; khaki pants, an undershirt and the custom S.T.A.R.S. Kevlar vest. Along with equipment on his belt. He was Caucasian, by the looks of it. Early twenties, maybe, with short, jet black hair and blue eyes. Slim built, but from the looks of it, he worked out a bit.
The woman wore typical everyday clothes; jean shorts, and a red t-shirt, and gym shoes. It wouldn't surprise Deseir if she was a civilian. She was beautiful by all means, Asian, also had black hair and had brown eyes that could hypnotize you. From the way she stood, it was obvious she was confident in what she was doing.
When the gunfire stopped, Deseir looked from the corpses of the Cerberus to the two people. Cerberus, people. Cerberus, people. Until finally, his gaze stuck on the man and woman.
The man ran over to Deseir and grabbed and looked him over.
"Are you okay? Did they bite you, scratch you, anything? How about your head? Did you hit it?" Hearing the man fret over Deseir made him giggle. It started off nervous sounding, then he started laughing normally. The man looked back at the woman and smiled.
"He's okay," he reassured her. Then Deseir's laughs became high-pitched and shaky. Before long, he was laughing hysterically.
Deseir fell two his knees, still laughing, but his vision slowly starting to diminish. The last thing he saw was the man over him, looking over his shoulder yelling something to the woman. He shifted his vision and say someone in a window in an apartment close by where they stood (laid in Deseir's case). Deseir tried to say something, but his tongue wouldn't let him. Only gibberish came out of his mouth. The person in the window wore a gas mask with blue eyes.
Then everything was black.
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