Resident Evil 6 Resident Evil 6 will be 'Totally different'

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I for one am very pleased to hear this. I found Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 to be extremely disappointing titles.

Playing RE: CVX before made me realise how much I truly miss the classic style of Resi. Hopefully RE6 will be closer to that than what we've had recently.
I for one am very pleased to hear this. I found Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 to be extremely disappointing titles.

Playing RE: CVX before made me realise how much I truly miss the classic style of Resi. Hopefully RE6 will be closer to that than what we've had recently.

I agree, i was among the small the minority that hated resident evil 4. i appreciate both 4 and 5 but i really don't like the style they went for. i doubt it will go back to fixed camera angles but hopefully with operation raccoon city CAPCOM realize what the fans really want!

back to the subject, i read this on kotaku. im enthusiastic about this and also nervous, i hope they know what they are doing
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Well devil may cry had a reboot which is not getting fans happy. Hopefully a "different" RE does not make a "disaster" RE. But i think RE 4 and RE 5 were good titles.RE 4 had horror in it.
Well devil may cry had a reboot which is not getting fans happy. Hopefully a "different" RE does not make a "disaster" RE. But i think RE 4 and RE 5 were good titles.RE 4 had horror in it.

I'm actually liking what they are doing with DMC the series had started to go stale, good move by capcom i believe.
I'm actually liking what they are doing with DMC the series had started to go stale, good move by capcom i believe.

I disagree.

True DMC4 failed to live up to the fans expecations but the series was far from going "stale" in my honest opinion.

Not to mention that the manner they decided to change a iconic character such as Dante was completely uncalled for.

Devil May Cry never needed a Reboot nor does Resident Evil.

What the 2 of them need is a newer and more innovative style of gameplay while still not forgeting what made the 2 of them relevent in the gaming industry in the first place.
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I disagree.

True DMC4 failed to live up to the fans expecations but the series was far from going "stale" in my honest opinion.

Not to mention that the manner they decided to change a iconic character such as Dante was completely uncalled for.

Devil May Cry never needed a Reboot nor does Resident Evil.

What the 2 of them need is a newer and more innovative style of gameplay while still not forgeting what made the 2 of them relevent in the gaming industry in the first place.

but if we are going on what you said then resident evil is in definite need of a reboot the series is in no way relevant to the original games, no iconic location, no zombies and most importantly, no survival horror! As for DMC you can't do the same game 5 times in a row and expect it to work, that's why i think it was a good move to change it up. I wouldn't necessarily call it a reboot though, just a change of game mechanics and a different hair color
but if we are going on what you said then resident evil is in definite need of a reboot the series is in no way relevant to the original games, no iconic location, no zombies and most importantly, no survival horror! As for DMC you can't do the same game 5 times in a row and expect it to work, that's why i think it was a good move to change it up. I wouldn't necessarily call it a reboot though, just a change of game mechanics and a different hair color

We'll if we are to go by what your saying then Resident Evil could easily just go back to its horror roots WITHOUT a need for a reboot in the first place.

Resident Evil Revelations has been confirmed to be doing just that.

"And you can't do the same game 5 times in a row and expect it to work?"

Last time I checked games like Mario has done exactly that and is still considered pretty relevant in the gaming industry.

And each DMC brought something new to the gameplay formula so I would not say that they did the exact same game 4 times in the row like your saying because that would be jumping the gun and hoping on the reboot bandwagen.

Devil May Cry 2 introduced the ability to perform combination attacks in mid-air and an evasion button. It also introduced a weapon-change button, so the player could cycle through ranged weapons without switching to the inventory screen.
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening added a selection of gameplay styles, allowing the player to focus on their favorite techniques or weapons, whether it be swords, guns, evasion or defense. Each of the four basic styles gain experience points, which unlock more techniques and abilities without costing 'red orbs', the common currency of the series. A second weapon-change button was added, allowing the player to cycle through the character's melee weaponry, specifically known as Devil Arms, as well.
Devil May Cry 4 brings one major innovation in the form of main character Nero's "Devil Bringer" arm, which gives players the ability to pull distant enemies in to be attacked, or smash them into the ground. Nero is also armed with a sword that can be "revved" up via a throttle handle, allowing players to precharge the sword for extra damage on the next hit, or with precise timing it can be charged after each attack, for extra damage and style. As Dante, players can also switch fighting styles in mid-combat seamlessly

As you can see each title always brought something new to the series and not to mention that the series has been doing just fine finacially wise and ratings wise.

A reboot in my opinion should only be neccesary if the series is

a.losing ALOT of money


b.losing ALOT of fans and support

neither of which applies to Resident Evil or Devil May Cry.
ok, you have me there although the point about mario isn't exactly valid as back in the 80's there were no other games quite like it and they also had many spin off series' even into today
I actually like the fact that DMC is getting a reboot...its something different...people are too set in their ways of hating change and won't really give it a for me i'm willing to try anything once...An RE reboot and a DMC reboot included...and trust me, i'm a DIE HARD RE fan, so the thought of a reboot is both worrying and intriguing to me...lets face it, Mario dosnt need a reboot because it really had nothing to begin didnt have an amazing story or character development...hell, in the begging he didnt even have a mouth, whcih is why he has a mustache, because a mouth would have been so hard to make...thats actually what the developers said...
I hope they go back to the horror survival roots. I like 4 and 5 but I don't classify them as "real" resident evil games since that was when they started to lose the horror survival of it. I much prefer the older ones.
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