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Resident Evil 6 Demo


Umbrella Security Service operative

it is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Leon Sandwich ^_^
Loved it!

Leon - Horror oriented
Chris - Action oriented
Jake - A mix of both

Nothing to complain about now, there's something for everyone :)


Well-Known Member
An enjoyable demo, but still far from what I wanted for the Resident Evil series. If I may be lazy and quote from my other thread (Suggested changes to the Resident Evil series):

I've just played the RE6 demo again, and there are some things I didn't pick up on the first time around. I'll start with the good. The camera angle is done pretty well I think, and I'm going to be bold and say I wouldn't protest if this camera angle was to be used in the remake. Not to say I'd prefer it, but I don't think I'd mind either way as long as the gameplay was up to standard.. The animated melee kills using weapons are quite cool, I suppose a little variation wouldn't go amiss (I think I only counted two different animations) but they'll do. The mood of the game is definitely getting there - I'm mainly talking about Leon's part of the demo here. Dark rooms, eerie silence (although a shocking wasted opportunity for jumpy moments), hollow sounding footsteps, an old style building... all nods to the first few games, and I think perhaps a more blatant (in a good way) reference was the burning police car towards the end, blocking the path.
Now, the bad... Again, controls let it down, it just isn't how I'd move if I was trying to escape from zombies, the characters have a turning circle similar to a bus. The inactive zombies got repetitive and predictable REALLY fast, and it's annoying the way you can't shoot them while they're in this state; instead you have to walk near them or perform a task/go to another area so that they get up and you can shoot them. There's no surprise element here either, because every single "sleeping" zombie I encountered later reanimated. And why is there a objective marker? I didn't have these in any of the previous games, why all of a sudden do I need guidance on where to go? Part of the excitement was exploring, but now that's pretty much taken away. I don't want to begin to sound like a broken record, but I can't help saying again that the martial arts kicks need to go. It's so cheesy to watch two characters simultaneously roundhouse kick a set of double doors open, feels like a bad 90s action flick. I'm half expecting a guitar solo and a close up of the characters slipping on some sunglasses or something. Support should seriously be scaled down too - I'm talking co op time taken down to a minimum and definitely get rid of the radio system where you have that lady giving you support. Reminded me too much of Syphon Filter.
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