Are you a fan of Albert Wesker? Do you think his powers are so good you need to use them?
In Resident Evil 5's multiplayer, whilst playing as Wesker (Midnight) or Wesker (S.T.A.R.S), you can click the right thumbstick in to use a 'speed run' power where you run extremely fast and bash infected humans out of the way.
If Wesker Mode was taken into account and created, this is what would happen:
The following ideas may have been discussed in the past, but I am unaware of this therefore the ideas below come directly from my imagination and experience from the game Resident Evil 5.
Wesker Mode
Just like Versus (but slots cannot be made unavailable - only private unless ranked), there will be 4 slots for people to join. Upon the arrival of a fourth player and all are ready a 'Random Selection' will begin.
One of four players will become Wesker and have all of his abilities.
Any questions yet? I would ask the following;
:blink: Q; Doesn't that mean the person playing as Wesker could repeatedly jump around the map whilst dodging bullets?
A; My near perfect answer is this; imagine it's on Mercenaries or Versus and the 'Time Bonuses' are scattered around. Now take away half of them, and replace them with 'Jump Spots', whereby the Wesker player can press X whilst stood directly over the spot and jump to another specific part of the map.
Another question would be;
:wacko: Q; Also, doesn't that mean Wesker could 'speed run' everywhere?
A; In the Resident Evil 5 Multiplayer, when playing as Wesker and 'speed running', your health goes down. I used speed run around 10 times before I had no more health to do so.
BUT, what if the person playing as Wesker had to collect something?
Something such as... the injection needed to stop his infection taking over? Remember Excella Gionne gave him that injection? What if that was a possible need for the person playing as Wesker?
If the take the 'Jump Spot' idea into account, and change half of those spots into 'Health Points' for Wesker only. A place where the 3 other players need to cover to defeat Wesker?
Now the final question;
Q; Dodging bullets, we've all seen Wesker dodge bullets in Resident Evil 5. You can hardly shoot him until he has a weak point. If Wesker isn't being controlled by a computer anymore, can't he just turn back and forth to prevent being attacked from behind? Let alone jump and run fast!
A; Simple, imagine the level where you need to overdose Wesker with his 'medicine'. If a unique item in the game were to be added for the 3 players who are against Wesker such as another PG67A/W needle (that's what it's called).
But here is where it gets annoying, what if the Wesker player can dodge bullets anyway, let alone have a weakness?
The person playing as Wesker could have a certain amount of 'Dodge Time' where he can dodge bullets being fired at him. Say, for 10-20 seconds?
There's another weakness for the person playing as Wesker. Getting health back by taking PG67A/W, defending the enemy players' vantage point where another PG67A/W point is, and the fact that he loses a small yet important amount of health when he speed runs (and possibly jumping too).
Here are the basics;
-1 on 4
-1 randomly selected as Wesker
-Wesker can use jump spots to travel far for an easy getaway, Wesker can speed run but at a loss of some health, Wesker can dodge bullets within 10-20 seconds
-3 other players must defeat Wesker
-3 other players can defeat the person playing as Wesker by taking all of his health down, or injecting him with PG67A/W which is found in only one place on the map.
-This game mode could take place on any of the maps, or better yet the area from the campaign on board the ship.
Have any more questions? Think this could be possible?
Please, return the feedback. Thanks.
In Resident Evil 5's multiplayer, whilst playing as Wesker (Midnight) or Wesker (S.T.A.R.S), you can click the right thumbstick in to use a 'speed run' power where you run extremely fast and bash infected humans out of the way.
If Wesker Mode was taken into account and created, this is what would happen:
The following ideas may have been discussed in the past, but I am unaware of this therefore the ideas below come directly from my imagination and experience from the game Resident Evil 5.
Wesker Mode
Just like Versus (but slots cannot be made unavailable - only private unless ranked), there will be 4 slots for people to join. Upon the arrival of a fourth player and all are ready a 'Random Selection' will begin.
One of four players will become Wesker and have all of his abilities.
Any questions yet? I would ask the following;
:blink: Q; Doesn't that mean the person playing as Wesker could repeatedly jump around the map whilst dodging bullets?
A; My near perfect answer is this; imagine it's on Mercenaries or Versus and the 'Time Bonuses' are scattered around. Now take away half of them, and replace them with 'Jump Spots', whereby the Wesker player can press X whilst stood directly over the spot and jump to another specific part of the map.
Another question would be;
:wacko: Q; Also, doesn't that mean Wesker could 'speed run' everywhere?
A; In the Resident Evil 5 Multiplayer, when playing as Wesker and 'speed running', your health goes down. I used speed run around 10 times before I had no more health to do so.
BUT, what if the person playing as Wesker had to collect something?
Something such as... the injection needed to stop his infection taking over? Remember Excella Gionne gave him that injection? What if that was a possible need for the person playing as Wesker?
If the take the 'Jump Spot' idea into account, and change half of those spots into 'Health Points' for Wesker only. A place where the 3 other players need to cover to defeat Wesker?
Now the final question;

A; Simple, imagine the level where you need to overdose Wesker with his 'medicine'. If a unique item in the game were to be added for the 3 players who are against Wesker such as another PG67A/W needle (that's what it's called).
But here is where it gets annoying, what if the Wesker player can dodge bullets anyway, let alone have a weakness?
The person playing as Wesker could have a certain amount of 'Dodge Time' where he can dodge bullets being fired at him. Say, for 10-20 seconds?
There's another weakness for the person playing as Wesker. Getting health back by taking PG67A/W, defending the enemy players' vantage point where another PG67A/W point is, and the fact that he loses a small yet important amount of health when he speed runs (and possibly jumping too).

-1 on 4
-1 randomly selected as Wesker
-Wesker can use jump spots to travel far for an easy getaway, Wesker can speed run but at a loss of some health, Wesker can dodge bullets within 10-20 seconds
-3 other players must defeat Wesker
-3 other players can defeat the person playing as Wesker by taking all of his health down, or injecting him with PG67A/W which is found in only one place on the map.
-This game mode could take place on any of the maps, or better yet the area from the campaign on board the ship.
Have any more questions? Think this could be possible?
Please, return the feedback. Thanks.