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Resident Evil 0,1,2, & 3 Remake as one game?


Well-Known Member
I apologize if this has been suggested previously. I've heard others mention the idea of remaking Resident Evil 2/ Remaking 2 & 3 together, but haven't heard anyone mention the idea of combining the first 4 numbered games as one. First of all, is it possible to fit all of that into one game...multiple discs? etc. I have no idea if it's even feasible. I like the idea of having the option to play alone or co-op, and with over the shoulder camera or fixed camera as OPTIONS. The thought of having all of that storyline tied together in one game with the awesome potential for mercenaries and other games for the action oriented crowd could really please a lot of people. What do you guys think? Is it just a terrible idea to try to cram that much into one game or could it be successful? As a fan who was in Jr. High School when the first game was released I know it would be very nostalgic for me/others my age. The character list alone would just be amazing. Just throwing out ideas here.....


Goddess of the Dead
I think it would be too much. Not gameplay-wise, since every old RE can be finished in three hours or less, but those are different stories happening in different places at different times with different characters. It would be like one big game that doesn't know what story it wants to tell, a concept that has already been criticised in RE6 (although the campaigns were at least connected). Also, I'm pretty sure the individual sections of such a game would be incomplete; I've never played the Chronicles, but someone told me the Nemesis part ends at the police station, and Barry and other characters do not appear in those games even though they should be there according to canon. I wouldn't like that.

If anything, remake 0 & 1 together, and 2 & 3, and expand them by adding more puzzles/objectives, enlarging the locations and exploring the side stories: Give us an Ada and a Sherry campaign in the RE2 section, let us play as Carlos and the mercenaries in 3, and as Barry and Rebecca in 1. Also, add a Rape Mode and/or Mercenaries mini-game. I think that would be more than enough for two games, but way too much for one. (Not that I wouldn't play it anyway, though.)


The King of Kings
First off, I don't think 0 and 1 are really in need of remakes and second, that is an outrageous idea. Like mentioned above, it would be too much of an inconsistent product. You're asking for too much unique content to be cluttered together into one game. When people ask for a REmake of Resident Evil 2 that includes Nemesis, it's because they go together. Both games take place in the same location and time frame. If the work on a RE2 remake is going to be done, why skip 3? You're already halfway there, right? Unfortunately for us, even that's too crazy an idea. Look at us, we're still hopefully waiting on a Resident Evil 2 remake. :frown:

Edit: Instead, I'd like to see them make an online game that expands on the idea of Mercenaries 3D by giving us tons of characters, enemies, and maps pulled straight from the series, and not just 2 games. With the right amount of modes and customizations, they'd be able to fulfill the need of online and co-op within the Resident Evil community while focusing on a single player experience for the main games. Mercs 3D was a such great idea with lots of potential, it just sucks that Capcom didn't think so.
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Well-Known Member
Hel - I can see what you're saying as far as too much to tell. I guess I could see that being the case for newbies to the franchise. We all kind of know the story going into a game like that for the most part, so I guess I don't see how we would be overwhelmed like in the case of RE6 which was new canon material. I didn't mind all of the scenarios of RE6 - it was just devoid of survival horror - too much action. It would be interesting to see how they tie up the loose ends and connect the stories. A ton of possibilities The mansion is not too far from Raccoon City correct? There is an obvious connection in the stories- virus outbreak in the whole area - sort of agree that, with all the characters involved, it would possibly be hard to follow (for newcomers). That would depend on how the game is laid out/introduced. I have NEVER played a non-canon RE game btw and never plan to, so I'd hope they keep it all canon. Beggars can't be choosers so if it were two games....GREAT! lol I'll take anything!

Turo602 - I feel like Remaking 2 and 3 together could overlap so much that you would have more than enough space to add the other games to it was all I meant. Maybe not. It would be kind of awesome to have a separate online game dedicated to the other aspects, I was just kind of thinking about how they did RE6 and how their ideas weren't terrible as far as the function of the game - if it would have been survival horror it might have been the best RE ever imho. Wesker could be back (both in the game and mercenaries, etc) for all the fanboys of him out there, has to be money to be made from that alone.... RE1 and RE0 probably don't need remade, but I have a playstation so I get original RE and no zero (just sayin').

The main reason I even suggested this idea is because of how awesome it was when you unlocked 4th survivor for the first time..... you could do that with scenario after scenario in this hypothetical game and it would be great. That is why I wondered if it is even possible to do content wise. Start with Zero, ends up at mansion cut scene into Bravo team and what happened with them or just straight to Alpha team, so on and so forth. Thanks for both of your thoughts.


The King of Kings
Turo602 - I feel like Remaking 2 and 3 together could overlap so much that you would have more than enough space to add the other games to it was all I meant. Maybe not. It would be kind of awesome to have a separate online game dedicated to the other aspects, I was just kind of thinking about how they did RE6 and how their ideas weren't terrible as far as the function of the game - if it would have been survival horror it might have been the best RE ever imho. Wesker could be back (both in the game and mercenaries, etc) for all the fanboys of him out there, has to be money to be made from that alone.... RE1 and RE0 probably don't need remade, but I have a playstation so I get original RE and no zero (just sayin').

The main reason I even suggested this idea is because of how awesome it was when you unlocked 4th survivor for the first time..... you could do that with scenario after scenario in this hypothetical game and it would be great. That is why I wondered if it is even possible to do content wise. Start with Zero, ends up at mansion cut scene into Bravo team and what happened with them or just straight to Alpha team, so on and so forth. Thanks for both of your thoughts.

Yes, and you also have to consider that the other games and even 3 tell completely different stories from one another. I understand what you're getting at. Resident Evil 6 had four campaigns, but it was all one story and shared many moments from campaign to campaign. Capcom has even admitted to the game being bloated with content. It's always nice to unlock a new piece of gameplay in any game, but that's hardly the same as unlocking 3 extra games of the same quality. The idea you're proposing is unrealistic. Any of the games remade can hold their own as a complete package if done right. No need to mix them and lessen the potential of the individual games.


Well-Known Member
I agree, 0 and 1 don't need a remake, they are fine games on their own(when I say 1 I'm obviously referring to the remake). Like I said in the other thread, a 2 and 3 remake could work, and I think it wouldn't do bad in sales.


Sniper Wolf
In my opinion, much better "Remake" will be only RE2 and RE3, story is in the same time, Capcom can give us some more scenarios (like Rebecca's or side story for Carlos, Mikhail and other UBCS members), even can mix events from both Outbreak's! In result, we could get long, good game, with static cameras... (or, totally crazy, player can choose type of camera ;) ), WITHOUT online campaign (maybe Mercs and other modes), and I'm pretty sure that's what many of RE Fans wanted ;)


Super Saiyan Member
I'm with @Turo602. 0 and 1 are already a ok. Why remake a REmake? Now, 2 and 3 could SORT of be done. Basically, keep them as separate games, but be playable on the same disk. Like House of the Dead 2&3 Return. Update the graphics of course, add some new puzzles. But don't change the story. For the love of GOD no Co-Op. Keep it the same, but with sleeker updates. Sure, add new modes, like Mercs and stuff. Or hell, even a mode where you play as Monsters hunting the humans, because it'd be bitchin' to play as Lisa Trevor or Nemesis. But at the end of the day, only extra non-cannon modes.


"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it?"
People mainly talk about Remaking RE2 and 3 together because they take place in such a short time from one another. Hell, RE2 takes place in between the beginning and end of RE3. They're also quite close to each other, i.e. taking control of a companion briefly in each game while the main character is indisposed, Mr. X and Nemesis serve basically the same role, they both take place in the same sorts of environments in Raccoon City... etc.


Super Saiyan Member
The guy made a FAN game Resident Evil 2 Reborn HD You get to play as Sherry, Leon, Ada and Claire let's hope Capcom won't find about it and take it down :( It'll be released on December 2014 and Open Alpha (DEMO VER) will be soon uploaded for free to play.
Check their site... You can see development progress from there:
As far as I know, as long as he's not making ANY profit from it, Capcom legally CAN'T take it down...That said, saying "Let's hope they don't find out about it" isn't the greatest statement. This is huge news among the RE community, and Capcom has almost DEFINITELY noticed...But again, as long as it's nonprofit then it's no big deal...


The Armorer
There was a thread similar tot his where I mentioned if you could combine the first 4 games together, and make it where things you do in each game can effect the games that come after it like in 0, certain things you do can effect things in 1,2,3. In 1 things you do can effect 2 and 3, and in 2 it can effect 3. I mean it can't be anything to strange or outlandish but I think it would be neat, even make it where choices may make things easier in 1 but harder in 2 and 3, and so on and so fourth. Be a great way to mix things up and add some replay value. I feel remake can be taken to strongly, the small additions to RE1 they did for the Remake were perfect and if they did that for each game it would be super nice, but to completely remake it from scratch, and make it all new and shiney, that will kill it. I can understand redesigning some parts and such, but differ to much and people would never be happy.


As far as I know, as long as he's not making ANY profit from it, Capcom legally CAN'T take it down...That said, saying "Let's hope they don't find out about it" isn't the greatest statement. This is huge news among the RE community, and Capcom has almost DEFINITELY noticed...But again, as long as it's nonprofit then it's no big deal...
I hope we will be playing it in the near future, Sad because i must admit fans makes RE better than Capcom do
-excuse me for my terrible english


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, much better "Remake" will be only RE2 and RE3, story is in the same time, Capcom can give us some more scenarios (like Rebecca's or side story for Carlos, Mikhail and other UBCS members), even can mix events from both Outbreak's! In result, we could get long, good game, with static cameras... (or, totally crazy, player can choose type of camera ;) ), WITHOUT online campaign (maybe Mercs and other modes), and I'm pretty sure that's what many of RE Fans wanted ;)
Cool! I like your scenario idea!
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