Resident Evil 2 (2019) REmake 2 gameplay trailer rumored for VGA 2017 (tonight!)

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Rocket Trash Panda
Mar 19, 2015
I have some (potential) breaking news, everyone. After 2 full years of being left in the dark, it looks like we may finally get our first glimpse at REmake 2 at the VGAs tonight (8:30 PM EST) courtesy of Reddit leaker, DasVergeben.

It should be worth noting that he has accurately leaked the addition of TMNT and Enchantress to Injustice 2, so he has some credibility on his side. With DMC5 rumored for PSX, it's very possible Capcom will show off REmake 2 tonight, giving each game their own spotlight.

Awesome! Hope this turns out to be true. It's going to be such an exciting night that's going to surprise the heck out of people. Lots of mind blowing reveals for sure. The internet might break! xD jk Tonight's a party!

I wonder if it's going to get a surprise release date and be released within the next few months after the announcement? That would be pretty awesome if they pulled that with the reveal.
Awesome! Hope this turns out to be true. It's going to be such an exciting night that's going to surprise the heck out of people. Lots of mind blowing reveals for sure. The internet might break! xD jk Tonight's a party!

I wonder if it's going to get a surprise release date and be released within the next few months after the announcement? That would be pretty awesome if they pulled that with the reveal.

No kidding, Mega Man 11, Monster Hunter World, REmake 2 and (potentially) Devil May Cry 5 all coming out next year (DMC5 might be out in 2019/2020 according to the Reddit leak, though)? MM11, REmake 2 and DMC5 all unveiled within the same week? Damn, EA should really take notes if it happens. This is how you appease disgruntled fans.
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It'd be awesome if they showed a gameplay trailer. Feels like we've been waiting forever just to see something. Hopefully we will get an idea if it's gonna be fixed camera or not.
No kidding, Mega Man 11, Monster Hunter World, REmake 2 and (potentially) Devil May Cry 5 all coming out next year (DMC5 might be out in 2019/2020 according to the Reddit leak, though)? MM11, REmake 2 and DMC5 all unveiled within the same week? Damn, EA should really take notes if it happens. This is how you appease disgruntled fans.

And you didn't even mention the biggest game of the night :P Geoff Keighley confirmed we're getting a long as trailer and a huge reveal. Yes, you know this one! ONE MORE HOUR!!!!!


Update: Well no Resident Evil 2 remake trailers. Damn! But what a freaking show. Some great reveals and surprises. I did not expect Bayonetta 3. AND FINALLY MORE DEATH STRANDING! I mean we knew we were going to get it *wink wink* but I'm so ****ing happy to see it! :D
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And you didn't even mention the biggest game of the night :P Geoff Keighley confirmed we're getting a long as trailer and a huge reveal. Yes, you know this one! ONE MORE HOUR!!!!!


Update: Well no Resident Evil 2 remake trailers. Damn! But what a freaking show. Some great reveals and surprises. I did not expect Bayonetta 3. AND FINALLY MORE DEATH STRANDING! I mean we knew we were going to get it *wink wink* but I'm so ****ing happy to see it! :D

Well, to be fair, the article in question DID say either VGAs or PSX, so the leaker isn't necessarily wrong yet. It would've made more sense to reveal both DMC5 and REmake 2 separately at each show so that each game reveal has their own chance to shine, but a revealing of both at PSX isn't out of the question, Capcom did the same thing last year with having the third RE7 trailer and MvCI's reveal at the same show.

And yeah, I was amped for the Death Stranding reveal, though I was hoping to see Stefanie Joosten's character reveal. She has heavily teased her involvement on the project, and what better way for Kojima to stick it to his former employer than to take the actress who he made famous while working for them for his first solo outing?
No kidding, Mega Man 11, Monster Hunter World, REmake 2 and (potentially) Devil May Cry 5 all coming out next year (DMC5 might be out in 2019/2020 according to the Reddit leak, though)? MM11, REmake 2 and DMC5 all unveiled within the same week? Damn, EA should really take notes if it happens. This is how you appease disgruntled fans.

Too early to expect the best over announcements. For all we know each one of those games will be just as bare bones and disappointing as Street Fighter V, Dead Rising 4, Resident Evil 7, and Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite.
Too early to expect the best over announcements. For all we know each one of those games will be just as bare bones and disappointing as Street Fighter V, Dead Rising 4, Resident Evil 7, and Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite.

They properly budget their Monster Hunter games, though because that division of Capcom actually has money.

They make buttloads off this series.

As for REmake 2, it's quite possible we won't get anything until next year. They might've planned a reveal trailer sometime late this year, but them pushing back RE7's Not A Hero may have changed that. They wouldn't want to kill the buzz on their remaining RE7 DLC, so they'll probably get that out of the way first. Definitely stay tuned for the PSX event, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too much.
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They properly budget their Monster Hunter games, though because that division of Capcom actually has money.

They make buttloads off this series.

As for REmake 2, it's quite possible we won't get anything until next year. They might've planned a reveal trailer sometime late this year, but them pushing back RE7's Not A Hero may have changed that. They wouldn't want to kill the buzz on their remaining RE7 DLC, so they'll probably get that out of the way first. Definitely stay tuned for the PSX event, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too much.

That's definitely one way to put it. It would make sense to hold off since the DLC is a week away. They might even reveal it on their own before E3 if they have to. Otherwise we'll likely see it at E3. Not to mention they just released the Switch port for the Revelation games. Monster Hunter is coming up. It would make sense for next E3 to give us RE2 Remake and DMC5 together. That would be an awesome reveal for any Capcom fan actually!
I hate to rustle any more feathers (I've lost count of the number of times we've been led on to think we may get something related to REmake 2 only to be burned in the end), but this time, Capcom is legitimately dropping hints that REmake 2 news is coming soon!

Just in time for the 20th anniversary of RE2, too. Perfect timing.
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I hate to rustle any more feathers (I've lost count of the number of times we've been led on to think we may get something related to REmake 2 only to be burned in the end), but this time, Capcom is legitimately dropping hints that REmake 2 news is coming soon!

Just in time for the 20th anniversary of RE2, too. Perfect timing.

Sunday Sunday!
So we didn't actually get anything on Sunday (which I wasn't really expecting to be honest, game developers have weekends too), but maybe next Monday, for the anniversary of the Japanese release?

Anyway, as much as I dislike quoting Rely On Horror these days, they have an interesting article about a possible leak concerning the remake:

A quick summary for those who can't or don't want to click the link:
- Over-the-shoulder gameplay
- The city and the RPD have been "vastly redesigned"
- No A/B scenarios this time, just one campaign per character, but more interactions
- No 4th survivor (at least not in the base game), no crocodile in the sewers
- Ada's section expanded, Sherry can now defend herself
- Normal difficulty has auto-save, Hard does not, like in RE7
- Bonus costumes are mostly DLC and include an Elza Walker skin
- The Rebecca photo is still there (most important!)
- Target release date: Late 2018

As usual, take all of this with a grain of salt, it may not be true after all. But some of these points are so oddly specific that it seems unlikely that someone just made them up.
So we didn't actually get anything on Sunday (which I wasn't really expecting to be honest, game developers have weekends too), but maybe next Monday, for the anniversary of the Japanese release?

Anyway, as much as I dislike quoting Rely On Horror these days, they have an interesting article about a possible leak concerning the remake:

A quick summary for those who can't or don't want to click the link:
- Over-the-shoulder gameplay
- The city and the RPD have been "vastly redesigned"
- No A/B scenarios this time, just one campaign per character, but more interactions
- No 4th survivor (at least not in the base game), no crocodile in the sewers
- Ada's section expanded, Sherry can now defend herself
- Normal difficulty has auto-save, Hard does not, like in RE7
- Bonus costumes are mostly DLC and include an Elza Walker skin
- The Rebecca photo is still there (most important!)
- Target release date: Late 2018

As usual, take all of this with a grain of salt, it may not be true after all. But some of these points are so oddly specific that it seems unlikely that someone just made them up.

Rely on Horror is so terrible these days. It was very difficult for me to read that article due to how much ass kissing and justification that writer felt the need to add, rather than just delivering the news. So I bailed on it and just got the info elsewhere.

But if that stuff is true... then man, Capcom can go f*ck themselves fiercely.
That's exactly my problem with the site, they've lost their objectivity... or perhaps they never even had it, but there wasn't so much obnoxious ass-kissing before RE7.

If this leak is to be believed, however, I'm neither shocked nor unpleasantly surprised. They shouldn't cut Hunk's playable scenario, it may never have been crucial to the main plot of the game, but still a part of it, and the decision to remove the crocodile is weird, but I can live with that. I don't mind the perspective change (as long as it's not first person, I'm happy), and having only two main campaigns instead of four might mean we finally get the true canon story we've been wondering about for so long. In fact, the thing that still bothers me the most about this remake is how they dumped Alyson Court. If not for that, I would actually be excited again.
That's exactly my problem with the site, they've lost their objectivity... or perhaps they never even had it, but there wasn't so much obnoxious ass-kissing before RE7.

If this leak is to be believed, however, I'm neither shocked nor unpleasantly surprised. They shouldn't cut Hunk's playable scenario, it may never have been crucial to the main plot of the game, but still a part of it, and the decision to remove the crocodile is weird, but I can live with that. I don't mind the perspective change (as long as it's not first person, I'm happy), and having only two main campaigns instead of four might mean we finally get the true canon story we've been wondering about for so long. In fact, the thing that still bothers me the most about this remake is how they dumped Alyson Court. If not for that, I would actually be excited again.

Exactly. It's one thing to state that you enjoy the direction they're taking, but to constantly justify how it's the right way or why it makes sense is where it gets so sickening and not worth reading. The Facebook comments on that article were heavily in support of fixed cameras, and the douche kept posting dumb gifs to try to dismiss people who have legitimate concerns.

I knew there would be some sort of catch to this remake, but what p*sses me off, is the idea that they tried fixed cameras and it "didn't work out" and that they even considered first-person for this game. Absolute bullsh*t. Honestly, I could get over Alyson Court not being Claire if the game was anywhere as amazing as REmake, but if this leak is true, then it just further confirms Capcom's intentions and how little they care about the fans. Changing the perspective completely destroys the purpose of why we asked for this all those years ago. If Capcom wants to do something new and appeal to more than just fans of Resident Evil 2 and the survival horror genre, then they should have left this game alone.

I mean come on, what other developer has remade one of their beloved games and made changes that completely alters the experience? Metroid: Zero Mission didn't just suddenly change the perspective to top down despite the original being a side-scroller. Ocarina of Time 3D didn't become first-person. Hell, 343 Industries was proud to announce that they weren't going to change the physics of Halo: Combat Evolved because they knew what it meant to fans.
That's exactly my problem with the site, they've lost their objectivity... or perhaps they never even had it, but there wasn't so much obnoxious ass-kissing before RE7.

If this leak is to be believed, however, I'm neither shocked nor unpleasantly surprised. They shouldn't cut Hunk's playable scenario, it may never have been crucial to the main plot of the game, but still a part of it, and the decision to remove the crocodile is weird, but I can live with that. I don't mind the perspective change (as long as it's not first person, I'm happy), and having only two main campaigns instead of four might mean we finally get the true canon story we've been wondering about for so long. In fact, the thing that still bothers me the most about this remake is how they dumped Alyson Court. If not for that, I would actually be excited again.

4th survivor is gonna be DLC, which sucks but it´s most likely going to be expanded.