if you where in charge of RE6, what features would you add and who would you put as main charactors and what kinds on Enemies would you have
Main Charactors
-Jill Valentine (Seperate Ways/ All new story, Possible DLC)
-Chris Redfield(Has Own part in story)
-Claire Redfield(has Own Part In Story)
-Leon Kennedy (one Chapter)
- New Type of Tyrant
-Uroboros Virus #2- modified uroboros Virus
-Licker Alpha (faster and more deadly
-Attack Dogs (living and Undead)
-Undead Bengal Tigers
-infected Crows
-Mutated People
-T-Veronica Infected Apes
-FaceHugger type enemy
-Mutants with Concentraited Acid For Blood
9 Chapters
Mercinaries. With a No Mercy mode
Mercs Charactors (all charactors have 3 outfits and can exchange points to change equptment)
-Wesker (only returns in this mode)[default Weapons- Samurai Edge, Compact Shotgun,F. aid Spray)
-Jill Valentine [Px4, TMP,Flash Grenades, F.Aid Spray]
-Barry Burton [.357 Magnum, Beretta, Flame Grenades, 2x G.Herbs]
-Claire Redfield [Beretta Special (Arrange Mode Handgun in RE1), Dragnuv SVD,F.aid Spray]
-Ada Wong-[Punisher Handgun, TMP, her RE4 Shotgun]
-Leon Kennedy [Killer 7 Magnum, AK-47,F.aid Spray, Flash Grenades]
-Chris Redfield [Samurai Edge,M3 shotgun, F.aid Spray,tear gas]
-Sheva [S75 Rifle,Uzi,Crossbow,F.aid Spray]
-Hunk[Modified TMP,Flash Grenades,Silenced Beretta,.50 Cal Rifle,G+R Herbs]
other modes
-Vs Mode
-Like RE5 but better, Public Assembaly Returnes as a beginners level,and Prisan returns as well. but also includes new levels 15 in all)
-new things include Capture flag and suddon death
Main Charactors
-Jill Valentine (Seperate Ways/ All new story, Possible DLC)
-Chris Redfield(Has Own part in story)
-Claire Redfield(has Own Part In Story)
-Leon Kennedy (one Chapter)
- New Type of Tyrant
-Uroboros Virus #2- modified uroboros Virus
-Licker Alpha (faster and more deadly
-Attack Dogs (living and Undead)
-Undead Bengal Tigers
-infected Crows
-Mutated People
-T-Veronica Infected Apes
-FaceHugger type enemy
-Mutants with Concentraited Acid For Blood
9 Chapters
Mercinaries. With a No Mercy mode
Mercs Charactors (all charactors have 3 outfits and can exchange points to change equptment)
-Wesker (only returns in this mode)[default Weapons- Samurai Edge, Compact Shotgun,F. aid Spray)
-Jill Valentine [Px4, TMP,Flash Grenades, F.Aid Spray]
-Barry Burton [.357 Magnum, Beretta, Flame Grenades, 2x G.Herbs]
-Claire Redfield [Beretta Special (Arrange Mode Handgun in RE1), Dragnuv SVD,F.aid Spray]
-Ada Wong-[Punisher Handgun, TMP, her RE4 Shotgun]
-Leon Kennedy [Killer 7 Magnum, AK-47,F.aid Spray, Flash Grenades]
-Chris Redfield [Samurai Edge,M3 shotgun, F.aid Spray,tear gas]
-Sheva [S75 Rifle,Uzi,Crossbow,F.aid Spray]
-Hunk[Modified TMP,Flash Grenades,Silenced Beretta,.50 Cal Rifle,G+R Herbs]
other modes
-Vs Mode
-Like RE5 but better, Public Assembaly Returnes as a beginners level,and Prisan returns as well. but also includes new levels 15 in all)
-new things include Capture flag and suddon death