RE6 ideas

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Dec 8, 2008
Butler PA
if you where in charge of RE6, what features would you add and who would you put as main charactors and what kinds on Enemies would you have

Main Charactors
-Jill Valentine (Seperate Ways/ All new story, Possible DLC)
-Chris Redfield(Has Own part in story)
-Claire Redfield(has Own Part In Story)
-Leon Kennedy (one Chapter)

- New Type of Tyrant
-Uroboros Virus #2- modified uroboros Virus
-Licker Alpha (faster and more deadly
-Attack Dogs (living and Undead)
-Undead Bengal Tigers
-infected Crows
-Mutated People
-T-Veronica Infected Apes
-FaceHugger type enemy
-Mutants with Concentraited Acid For Blood

9 Chapters
Mercinaries. With a No Mercy mode
Mercs Charactors (all charactors have 3 outfits and can exchange points to change equptment)

-Wesker (only returns in this mode)[default Weapons- Samurai Edge, Compact Shotgun,F. aid Spray)

-Jill Valentine [Px4, TMP,Flash Grenades, F.Aid Spray]

-Barry Burton [.357 Magnum, Beretta, Flame Grenades, 2x G.Herbs]

-Claire Redfield [Beretta Special (Arrange Mode Handgun in RE1), Dragnuv SVD,F.aid Spray]

-Ada Wong-[Punisher Handgun, TMP, her RE4 Shotgun]

-Leon Kennedy [Killer 7 Magnum, AK-47,F.aid Spray, Flash Grenades]

-Chris Redfield [Samurai Edge,M3 shotgun, F.aid Spray,tear gas]

-Sheva [S75 Rifle,Uzi,Crossbow,F.aid Spray]

-Hunk[Modified TMP,Flash Grenades,Silenced Beretta,.50 Cal Rifle,G+R Herbs]

other modes
-Vs Mode
-Like RE5 but better, Public Assembaly Returnes as a beginners level,and Prisan returns as well. but also includes new levels 15 in all)
-new things include Capture flag and suddon death
My ideas:
New virus/infection thing.
New characters (one of the old characters MUST actually DIE.)
It takes place in Europe.
Characters must be innocent civillians. no special forces or anything. or maybe one of them could be a policeman or something.

Zombies (been too long without them).
Mutated creatures (obviously). maybe some hunters or giant worms. the usual.
giant, disgusting bosses :D

I'd like it to be like RE4/5 style, but with some free-running in there. (assassin's creed style!). of course these, people ain't experts at it, but as you go along the game, you'd get better and better. Also, since you have no training, you get better and better (holding it steady, better accuracy and increased rate of fire, you hit harder and quicker) with a gun/melee weapon as you continue the game. and your stamina increases the more you run, letting you run longer, and faster even. (starting to sound like an rpg...)

i'll put in some more ideas in a bit. it'd pretty much be like another Dead Rising, but with a more Resident Evil style story (serious, not much comic relief).
I don't actually like the idea of new characters. Whats wrong with the old ones? I'd like to see the return of Rebecca and zombies. Im tired of new a new type of virus every game and definitely a greater horror aspect to the game.
I would actually like to see Billy Coen make a return to be honest. I liked his charecter and it would be nice to know whats happened to him after the events of RE 0

Oh and i like the whole gameplay style of RE 4 and 5 but bring back the zombies thats what RE is all about haha

And you know they could always take some ideas from the RE novels like some of the charecters from the Resident Evil Underworld novel, which if you havent read go to your local bookstore and get it, its one of my favorites
Jason what you said about the T-Veronica virus isnt possible. The facility producing it is gone and steve... well possibly but i think he would have made an appearance by now.
Sorry for the noob question but has CAPCOM made a re game in paris yet?
If not that would be the setting for mine, along with US (Probably Maryland or AZ)

Characters: HUNK, Leon, Rebecca, Manuella, Krauser (US)-----Claire, Billy (Paris)

Manuella has been experimented on by the govt. and escapes from a lab.
Krauser comes back, fights Leon, and is killed by HUNK, with help from Manuella.
Claire goes to Umbrella lab in Paris and is caught and sent to Rockfort prison.
Rebecca heals Leon after the knife fight.
HUNK tries to eliminate Manuella and is wounded.