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RE6 College Media Project - Audience Research (Help?)


Well-Known Member
Hey, guys!

I am currently producing promotional material (a live action theatrical trailer and poster campaign) for Resident Evil 6 in my UK Interactive media course. The first part of the pre-production stage involves gathering information (demographic, geodemographic, and psychographic) on my audience so I can determine who to aim my promotional material at, what they would/wouldn't like to see and what the best way to reach them is. This information will allow me to know how to construct my material to attract my audience and get the best possible results.

With this in mind, can I please ask anyone viewing this thread to fill out a small survey for my pre-production process? Any information i can get would be a great help, and could result in a promotional campaign that is made to your liking. The final result will be posted online towards the end of the academic year for public feedback and criticism.

Below is the audience research survey. Copy and paste it into a reply with your answers, if you choose to fill it out. I would like to offer all of you that help my thanks in advance!

Relationship Status:


1. What do you prefer more, horror or action game genres? Or do you like both?

2. Is there a specific reason why you enjoy the horror and/or action genre(s)? (Atmosphere, pacing, story, blood or violence, does it give you an adrenaline rush? Etc.)
3. Do you own any of the consoles listed below:
PS3 [ ]
Xbox 360 [ ]
PC [ ]

4. Is there a specific reason as to why you chose to buy or use those consoles?
(E.g. is it because you enjoy action and the Xbox 360 mostly has action games? Etc.)

5. Where do you get the latest information about games?
Magazines [ ]
Online [ ]
Other [ ] (please specify)

Could you list one or two examples of the primary magazines, websites or other sources you look at to get your information. Why did you choose these sources? For example, is it because you can easily access it?

6. What elements of a game appeal to you the most - what is it about a game that convinces you to go out and buy it? (Are you convinced to buy it because it offers more action? Is it because it provides you with a fright? Is it because the story and characters appear to have depth?)
7. Would being in a relationship affect if you buy a game or not? Would you mostly allocate your money to doing activities with your partner, or would money not be much of a problem/ are you both gamers?
8. Do you usually watch promotional trailers for a video game?

9. Do these trailers play any part in convincing you to buy the game? If it does, can you identify the elements of a trailer that appeal to you? (Does a trailer that depicts explosions, romance or horror more appeal to you? What about the pacing for the trailer or how the audio is used? If it’s a sequel/prequel to a game, does the familiarity with the characters help? )
10. Do promotional posters also convince you to go and look at or buy a game? In general, what kind of elements on a poster would appeal to you? (Character poses, backgrounds, should it display enemies? Do you primarily use posters to find out prices and release dates?)

11. What would personally convince you to go and buy an action horror game? (Specifically a Resident Evil game)
12. Is there anything that would put you off buying a game? For example, what kind of material would you consider to be offensive to you personally? Would it put you off if the storyline was neglected? Etc.


Through that door, is a seperate reality.
If your wondering if the RE fans want a horror or Action traler........Horror nuff said.
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