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Uncategorised Re Remake: One Dangerous Zombie mode


Well-Known Member
Did any of you finished the game in this difficulty? I just finished it and it's hard as sh*t, it's like the most difficult resident evil mode i've ever played (still haven't played invisible zombie mode though)


REN's #1 Barry fan
Did any of you finished the game in this difficulty? I just finished it and it's hard as sh*t, it's like the most difficult resident evil mode i've ever played (still haven't played invisible zombie mode though)
Yeah I beat it, it wasn't all too hard for me really. I have shot Forest by mistake before though, lol. I never did try the invisible enemy mode.


Dead Man Walking
Yes, and like what Mr.Burton above had stated, it isn't too bad. Basically there are certain places (i believe around six different places) that he will be at. I remember him being in the hallway above the dining room, the hallway that leads to the medical room and the hallway that leads you out to the courtyard area.

Forrest's grab can be easily avoided and once he misses, run pass him. As long as you do that and don't get stuck running somewhere or get grabbed, then you are fine.

Had to deal with him on all three difficulties, so yeah.


Super Saiyan Member
I only ever got a chance to beat REmake with Jill before I had to leave it behind when I moved out...What is this mode exactly?


Dead Man Walking
When you beat the game twice with both Chirs and Jill, it is unlocked. Basically everything is the same except for Forrest will be in certain places within the Mansion and will chase you until you move on to another room. Thing is, he will be strapped with explosives on his body and if you shoot him, he blows up and you are kill. And self defense weapons do not work on him either.

It doesn't last forever though, only during your first visit there. Once you leave and come back after completing the residence, he is gone.


Dead Man Walking
That only reminds me that I still have to do that and Real Survivor. Out of the two, I think Invisible Enemy is harder given if you know how to manage your box inventory throughout the game well with RS.


To Let The World Be
The more I hear about REmake, the more I think I'm missing out for not playing it...

Gar Bageman

The Spirit of Rock 'n' Roll
I say you're definitely missing out! Hell, REmake is probably my all-time favorite entry in the entire series.


To Let The World Be
I got it in the mail this morning.
It's weird. Ebay's ETD said I would only get it sometime next week, while I would have RE0 in the mail sooner. I was planning on playing RE0, and then continue as Chris in REmake.

Hopefully the box for RE0 won't be in such sh*t condition, like REmake.

I heard the game is REALLY FREAKIN' HARD. I was tempted to play the game on "Hiking", but I figured "eh, if I can beat RE3 on Hard, and Code: Veronica, I can beat this game."
We'll see...


I got it in the mail this morning.
It's weird. Ebay's ETD said I would only get it sometime next week, while I would have RE0 in the mail sooner. I was planning on playing RE0, and then continue as Chris in REmake.

Hopefully the box for RE0 won't be in such sh*t condition, like REmake.

I heard the game is REALLY FREAKIN' HARD. I was tempted to play the game on "Hiking", but I figured "eh, if I can beat RE3 on Hard, and Code: Veronica, I can beat this game."
We'll see...
It involves using your brain. And a lot of kerosene. It is a lot more of a puzzle game than the others. If you're playing as Jill, It'll be pretty tough on hard. If you're playing Chris, harder. Invisible Enemy is insane though. I made it a few rooms in before I gave up.


To Let The World Be
I beat it last night.
This is the best remake ever. It's soooo much better than the original.
Like, I never looked at maps to find ways to go around zombie hotspots until I played this game.
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