Hi RE Lovers,
I found a Ranker Poll based on all of the RE bosses ever. These include MAJOR and MINOR bosses in the series.
I think the voting was okay at the end, but I think we could spice it up a little.
Here is the link: https://www.ranker.com/list/all-resident-evil-bosses-ranked-best-to-worst/reference
Some of these CLASSIC villains are ranked criminally low. The Top 5 make sense in general!
Look, rank, and let me know what makes sense and what doesn't!
I found a Ranker Poll based on all of the RE bosses ever. These include MAJOR and MINOR bosses in the series.
I think the voting was okay at the end, but I think we could spice it up a little.
Here is the link: https://www.ranker.com/list/all-resident-evil-bosses-ranked-best-to-worst/reference
Some of these CLASSIC villains are ranked criminally low. The Top 5 make sense in general!
Look, rank, and let me know what makes sense and what doesn't!