Ranking the RE games on story only

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Apr 10, 2015
There are so many ranking of the RE games but I wanted to do one based on story only.
I'm sorry if such a thread already exists.

My ranking:

1. RE: Code Veronica
Definitely the best story in the RE universe imo. It perfectly ties RE1 and RE2 together with the story of Claire and Chris being reunited while facing both the malevolent Ashford siblings and the returning Wesker.

2. RE2/Remake 2
A great story with multiple character arcs and a very emotional and dramatic story.

3. RE5
Chris’ final confrontation with Wesker is an epic one. Very intriguing story and I think Sheva is a great character.

4. RE6
The six different campaigns make this the most massive story RE to this day. Very interesting how the stories kept overlapping. Imo Chris had the best story but all were very good.

5. RE: Revelations 2
The whole story about Alex Wesker creating a virus that works with adrenalin and trying to take over Natalia’s body is very interesting. I really hope that the game’s cliffhanger is resolved sometime soon.

6. RE0
Zero provides a lot of backstory about Umbrella and the t-virus while also showing up what really happened to the STARS BRAVO team.

7. RE1/Remake
The original game had a simple mystery and survival story and it works, especially with the additions made in Remake.

8. RE: Revelations
A decent story, but has too many different character scenarios. Would have been much better if there had been focused more on Jill and Chris.

9. RE3: Nemesis
Sadly, RE3 doesn't really have that much story, probably because it was originally developed as a spinoff game.

10. RE4
A major departure from the rest of the games. Also, an agent alone on a mission to save the presidents daughter is kind of a cliché.

11. RE7: Biohazard
Good story for a horror game but barely has any connections to the rest of the series. Also not a big fan of an entirely new protagonist.

What's your RE story ranking?
Before I start, I want to note that, even at its best (RE2, on my opinion), Resident Evil always had a mediocre story. It has amazing backstories and files, but the plot of the actual games are normally ranging from okay to very bad. Even inside the horror genre, I feel that it lags behind. In my opinion, one of the things that make Resident Evil strong, as a series, is its characters, not the actual plot of the games. That being said...here's the ranking:

1- RE2 \ RE2Remake: I like it better than the original. Expands the lore, expands Umbrella’s influence and tentacles on Raccoon City life and the whole Raccoon Outbreak, that starts in RE2 is the best plot point in the series. Its story is simple, but relatable and efficient. Also, characters are more fleshed out in RE2 than they are in RE1

2 - RE Revelations 2: If Rev2 had just a little more polish, it could’ve been a classic. Story is genuinely interesting, Alex is a very good villain, Natalia is not an annoying video game child and Barry…is Barry, which means “awesome”. I also don’t have anything against Claire in the game, she’s a little tough than usual, but I don’t dislike it. I just dislike Moira. Files could be a little better though.

3 - RE Zero: Forget Rebecca and Billy’s quest. It’s like Resident Evil 1 and it ties up okay-ish with it. What’s good about Zero’s story is the foundation of Umbrella and James Marcus’s backstory. The files in Zero are amazing, especially the ones in the Training Center.

4 - RE1\Remake: A nice, self contained B-movie esque plot. A group of characters, backstabbing, a mystery scenario. Nothing major and Chris and Jill are pretty bland to be honest. What stand out more in terms of story in the original is the backstory contained in the files. It’s ok.

5 - RE6: Honestly…the story is very, very dumb. Cloning is always dumb. But I like the way the story is told. The stellar voice cast helps to keep the flow going and the interaction between characters is probably the best in the series. Also, the narrative is pretty nice. Again, the story is dumb, but it’s told in a very good way. I like RE6. It’s my guilty pleasure and I don’t care.

6 - RE Umbrella Chronicles: The original scenario story is pretty good, all tied up by Wesker’s narration. It’s nice to see a little more of the insides of Umbrella. Ada’s escape is a nice tie up to her story in RE2 and Hunk’s scenario is the best version of his side of the story and the one I take up as canon. Also, the dialogue helps Chris and Jill to have a little more personality.

7 - RE Darkside Chronicles: Operation Javier is a very interesting story, and we can see BOW’s being sold and used as Umbrella intended them to (even if it wasn’t Umbrella that sold BOW’s to Javier). It’s nice to see Krauser before he turned into a villain too. The high point for me is DC’s rendition of Code Veronica, that portrays a better story than the original game. I like psycho Alfred and Steve is more tolerable this time around. Alexia’s still a ridiculous villain, but she’s less Disney-evil-princess here.

8 - RE5: Considering Lost in Nightmares, it’s the best part of RE5’s story and set the games up nicely. The actual story is okay. Wesker’s plan to world domination is pretty ridiculous and all of his “I’m not killing Chris right now” it’s very comic-book like. It’s nice that they gave Chris the final victory over him, but RE5 story has nothing special on it. The files are, however, pretty amazing and some of the best on the series.

9 - RE4: Its story is a mini-reboot in the series, per se. The main plot is pretty much some simple action movie concept, with a snarky hero and a boisterous villain (I still prefer Saddler to Alexia any day). The plagas’s backstory and set point to the rest of the series is nice though.

10 - RE3: Honestly, RE3 doesn’t have too much of a plot. I love the game, for me, it’s the best old school RE, but the story itself is ok-ish at best. We follow Jill as she escapes the city and that’s all. There are very few characters and interactions and even the files aren’t that interesting as the previous games.

11 - RE Outbreak: It’s like RE3, but with more annoying characters. Some scenarios do have great backstories, like Flashback and Below Freezing Point.

12 - RE Dead Aim: It’s okay-ish. Morpheus is a Disney villain, just like Alexia and the plot is what you would find in some 80’s action flick. Files are pretty meh though.

13 - RE Revelations: What a mess. The story is a real mess, the constant change of characters doesn’t help and the plot is convoluted and hard to follow sometimes. Also, Jill stars in most of the game but her portrayal is so bland, so boring…also, most of the side characters are pretty ridiculous (especially Jessica).

14 - RE Code Veronica X: The most overrated plot in the series. Alfred and Alexia are Disney villains with stupid plans. Wesker starts in this game his long-line of “I’ll let Chris live because plot says so, but I hate him…” Chris still has zero personality, Steve is…..dear Lord. Claire is the only saving grace in this game. Files are nice too, but the story is nonsensical.

15 - RE7: A mishmash of a lot of horror movies and tropes. The result is a Frankenstein of a story that doesn’t feel too much like Resident Evil.

16 - RE Survivor: It’s bad. It doesn’t make much of a sense and has horrible voice acting. Probably the worst plot in the series.
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( Main RE games only. )

1. Re6
2. Recv
3. Rerev2
4. Re2
5. Re3
6. Re5
7. Re0
8. Re1 / remake
9. Re4
10. Rerev
11. Re3 2020
12. Re2 2019
13. Re7
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Reactions: Alexis Evanz Reider
There are so many ranking of the RE games but I wanted to do one based on story only.
I'm sorry if such a thread already exists.

My ranking:

1. RE: Code Veronica
Definitely the best story in the RE universe imo. It perfectly ties RE1 and RE2 together with the story of Claire and Chris being reunited while facing both the malevolent Ashford siblings and the returning Wesker.

2. RE2/Remake 2
A great story with multiple character arcs and a very emotional and dramatic story.

3. RE5
Chris’ final confrontation with Wesker is an epic one. Very intriguing story and I think Sheva is a great character.

4. RE6
The six different campaigns make this the most massive story RE to this day. Very interesting how the stories kept overlapping. Imo Chris had the best story but all were very good.

5. RE: Revelations 2
The whole story about Alex Wesker creating a virus that works with adrenalin and trying to take over Natalia’s body is very interesting. I really hope that the game’s cliffhanger is resolved sometime soon.

6. RE0
Zero provides a lot of backstory about Umbrella and the t-virus while also showing up what really happened to the STARS BRAVO team.

7. RE1/Remake
The original game had a simple mystery and survival story and it works, especially with the additions made in Remake.

8. RE: Revelations
A decent story, but has too many different character scenarios. Would have been much better if there had been focused more on Jill and Chris.

9. RE3: Nemesis
Sadly, RE3 doesn't really have that much story, probably because it was originally developed as a spinoff game.

10. RE4
A major departure from the rest of the games. Also, an agent alone on a mission to save the presidents daughter is kind of a cliché.

11. RE7: Biohazard
Good story for a horror game but barely has any connections to the rest of the series. Also not a big fan of an entirely new protagonist.

What's your RE story ranking?

Wow this list actually is VERY close to my over all opinion (I would only swap RE6 with Revelations) but everything else is spot on, kudos.

Its a unpopular opinion but I loved Code Veronica's story, it was the only story within the series that actually had me on the edge of my sit as a kid while playing it while all the others simply kept my attention and gained my enjoyment.
I can only rank the ones I've played.

1. Resident Evil 1 / Resident Evil HD Remake
Note: These thoughts are based on the remake only.
I rank the first game the highest because I think people take it too much for granted. You may call it a "simple mystery" and "B-movie type game" or something like that, but you're forgetting that this is the game that set up the entire Resident Evil universe. Story and world-building are two things that are deeply connected, and everything that came after was made possible thanks to the world-building in this game.
The story of the first game is extremely well told through clues and build-up, as it took such a realistic spin on the zombie genre by having the infection be based on human bio research. The developers could've just have the mansion be a scary mansion with zombies just being scary zombies, but instead they chose to give us something much more sophisticated and reflecting. Sometimes the most simple things are the most genius ones.

2. Revelations 2
I just really love this game's story. It's fast-paced, funny, unique and dared to take risks. At first you feel the island is nothing more than a big haunted mansion ride, but once you dig deeper into the story and learn more about the "Fear" aspect of it all it all makes sense. I also feel that the character interactions during gameplay made the story feel more fluent and connected. Both Natalia and Alex are interesting new characters in the RE universe that deserves more attention.

3. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Needless to say, no matter how you feel about this game fitting into the Resident Evil universe or not - the story itself is exceptionally good and fascinating. A lab experiment in the shape of a supernaturally gifted girl possessing an innocent family to do her evil biddings, combined with a new spin on the virus, and a lone man trying to free his kidnapped wife from this crazy madhouse. The ****'s insane and it came with some unexpected twists. There's no denying this game's well crafted story.

4. Code Veronica
Experiencing this game for the first time in 2019 felt like travelling back in time with a time machine, but it was a genuine surprise. Even though the dialogue is cheesy as hell I always tried to overlook that and focus on the underlying story - which is amazing, and really heartbreaking to say the least. I think if you took this game and remade it to fit modern standards but kept the underlying story, you'd have a true masterpiece. There are truly emotional and creepy moments in this game that are ruined by the cheesiness, which is why I can't rank it higher. I would probably rank a remake much higher.

5. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
The story of Nemesis is better than you think, and the biggest flaw of the story is actually its length - it's good stuff, but it's just too short. Jill making her escape out of Raccoon City while being pursued by the monster of Nemesis feels very personal, and the story is fascinating because of this very special "bond" between Nemesis and Jill. Because this Tyrant is not just a killing machine that kills everything in his way... he wants Jill specifically. I'm sure a remake of this game would be able to flesh out the story a bit more, extend its length and add some deeper meaning. As it is now, it's a bit too simple and not in a good way like with RE1.

6. Resident Evil 2 / Resident Evil 2 Remake
Note: These thoughts are based on the remake only.
As amazing this game is in terms of gameplay, graphics, dialogue, atmosphere and overall enjoyment, the story itself is not that interesting. The reason? There is no mystery, and whatever "twists" they were aiming for are too foreseeable early on. Birkin being the father of Sherry is obvious from the very start, and there is no extraordinary new information revealed about Umbrella that we didn't already know. Ada turning on Leon is also super obvious. Even though the story of William Birkin is tragic and fascinating, it's probably the only saving grace of this game's story. While the execution of this bland story is done beautifully, it doesn't stand out that much.

7. Resident Evil Zero
It's rubbish. Nuff said.
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01. Revelations 2
I love (almost) everything about this game's story: The fear experiments, Alex Wesker's plan and how she goes about it, Alex Wesker herself and the fact that the villain actually wins for once (albeit not in the way she had imagined), the setting and the characters... Not everything about it may be believable, but it just works. I was afraid I was going to dislike Natalia, but ended up really liking her, Claire... not so much in this game, but it could have been way worse. All in all, a fantastic game with an intriguing story, and I'm glad to see that others are also ranking it fairly high.

02. Code Veronica
I don't like playing this game, but I do like its story. The idea of putting two pairs of siblings against each other, the back-stories and personalities of the evil siblings, how it all unfolds, accompanied by arguably one of the entire franchise's most awesome soundtracks... I already knew everything about this game by the first time I played it, including the story with all its twists and turns, but the story still managed to captivate me, and that's saying something.

03. RE1 / REmake
What astonished me the most about this one was that it had a story at all. RE1 was the first RE game I finished (I had played Nemesis before, but only a little bit at the beginning), back in a time when I knew next to nothing about the franchise, and thought it was just about killing monsters. Imagine my pleasant surprise at discovering the conspiracy behind it all, which till this day remains one of the most thrilling video game mysteries I have ever solved, despite the terrible dialogue script and voice acting (which the remake slightly improved on).

04. RE2 / REmake 2
There's not so much of a mystery going on here compared to the first game if you have played that, you already know about Umbrella and can easily piece together what happened to the town, but it's still a logical continuation of the first game's story with new protagonists that are in some way related to the original characters or plotlines. I have to argue, though, that the original RE2 told the story better than the remake, there was just more stuff going on in the game back then, and the different scenarios worked better together.

05. RE6
This game has a lot of story to tell - four stories to be precise, which don't always mix and mingle as well as I had hoped, but when I look past that as well as some of the plot holes, I find that it has quite a few really good moments. The strength here lies in the characters and their interactions more than the story itself, someone before me mentioned stellar voice acting, and I couldn't agree more. What came out of it all is not a masterpiece, but it's not terrible either.

06. Revelations 1
The plot of two rivalling anti-bioterror organisations was a breath of fresh air and decent enough, but unnecessarily convoluted. I really don't like how the mystery is solved by two side characters who were never seen before and will never be seen again, instead of Jill and Chris, who only seem to be in this game for the sake of being there, with their only significant lines being "Where is Chris?" and "Where is Jill?", respectively. Then again, it was just a spin-off for a new console at first, so I guess testing the capacities of said console was a higher priority here than storytelling.

07. Nemesis
While the entire story of this game can be summed up in one sentence, it does something right when it comes to creating tension. Jill is the shining S.T.A.R. of the game, you really feel sympathy for her when she traverses the ruins of the city she used to live in, especially whenever a certain monstrosity shows up to kill her, and the Live Selection feature just adds more spice to it. As to why I'm still placing RE3's story so low on my list, well, there barely is any story to talk about, but as someone else said, I have high hopes that a remake will flesh out the otherwise great experience of this game.

08. RE5
Here we have the opposite of Code Veronica: A game that I enjoy playing, but not for its story. The small cast kind of works against the plot twist that Bird Lady's identity could have been, because with how the story is set up, who else could it be? I also dislike what they did with Wesker, Chris even calls him a comic book villain at one point, and frankly, that's what I feel like I'm playing from the moment Wesker shows up in the game: a comic. And then Chris himself starts punching boulders... Yeah.

09. Zero
I just couldn't get into this one at all. If you play it before RE1, it spoils everything about that game's story for you. If you play it after, you already know everything important and only get a little more background info that never comes up again. I remember reading in an interview that Rebecca was chosen as the protagonist because Capcom felt her role in RE1 was too small and didn't give her much of a back-story, but neither does this prequel, and Billy is yet another character with potential that is never seen again. Too bad.
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RE1 - Love the mystery and emphasis on STARS

RE2 - Honestly, the best narrative in the whole series but RE1 will always be my favorite

RE3 - I love the 3rd act of the Raccoon City trilogy, love what they did with Jill. Carlos is so-so but it's a great narrative all the same.

REV1 - The story is delivered in an awful way but it's actually pretty interesting and a fun spy thriller if you can wrap your head around it.

RE5 - Tied up a lot of loose ends, I enjoy the files, not so much the Chris/Jill/Wesker storyline

REV2 - I really enjoyed what they did with Barry

RE4 - Not a bad story, functions better as a stand alone plot rather than adding to the series as a whole

RE:CVX - I thought that this is where the series took a huge step back from the story telling in 1-3. I love the game but the story falls a bit flat for me. Mostly because of the delivery/script.

RE7 - Love the game but the Baker family is so-so for me.

RE6 - LOL, where to begin??

RE0 - Good game, story was a waste. Would have been cool to actually see what happened to Bravo Team.
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Honestly I feel like the RE series as a whole makes a weak attempt at stringing plot together. The plot itself is great, and the world they've built with each game is fantastic, but the way they present story information always feel like subpar, like the pieces of information are just lying around, and while they give you incite into certain topics, there's no logical reason everything would just be laying about. They're not presented in a logical way. (The exceptions to this I think would be Spencer's Journals in Lost In Nightmares and the emails found in RE2 NEST.)

The other thing I find lacking is the character interactions. They're always, always super awkward and the dialogue is borderline cringey most of the time.


That being said I feel like RE1 probably has the best plot, from losing Delta team to being stuck in a mansion with these horrifying things(as they are just discovering what zombies are) only to find out they've been betrayed and not only was Wesker a facet of Umbrella, but also that he was turning against Umbrella while also betraying S.T.A.R.S.( I honestly wish we had a game that gave more incite to Wesker's motives and actions between RE1/CV and RE5, rather than just being a two-dimensional villain.) This is the game that opened up a world of possibilities that capcom has spent the last 20 years exploring.

Best: RE1 OR RE6
Worst: RE4. This game had absolutely no revelance to anything whatsoever. If the main character weren't Leon it would basically have no connection to the RE universe at all.
^You've got a point, @VirtualxChaos. Personally I feel like that series began to jump the shark as soon as the games started to move past the Arklay Mountains and Raccoon City destruction incident. Up until that point the series was pretty grounded in science-fiction horror, in a way that made you think "Well, this might actually happen if we tamper with biotechnology". But then Code Veronica and Zero introduced these supernatural, almost fantasy aspects that made you go "Are they for real?". Not only that, but many protagonists went from being normal relatable people to something between the lines of world-class super agents.

I'm not saying that the stories can't be good just because they aren't that "grounded" anymore, but I definitely prefer when they are.
1. Code Veronica
putting the awefull game play and on nerve charachters(almost every thing) aside, Code Veronica has a really intresting Story. before the Code veronica we are simply against all Umberella co. only a corpration. which is too big to fight with. the story of Code veronica starts long before any other dangers exist and be known. Ashfords story has a very high potential . shame no one took it.

2. Revelations (1 and 2)
honestly i like REV2 more than 1, but if you pay attention to story, both are ver intresting and both are very import. the 1 is about how BSAA stablished and second is about Terra save. it is a shame they coudnt use alex wesker more. but in REV1 , story was very fine as a BSAA mission and as an Resident Evil first military -section. and in REv2 Prision was awesome. if anyone enjoyed it, i believe has a potential to Play Old REs , too.

poor wesker. but it needed to be done

4. RE2 & RE3

i know RE2 has very import Story line, but Re3 was tellnig about somthing very important too: what happen to cevilians? what happend to City?what happend to Stras?
RE3 closes the Racoon city case for good in a very action way. i dont think any of other REs has Shown Such a Survival horror in their story .


if we dont consider the freaking gameplay, there is good chance to think, RE1 Orginal has good story too. i know Story is simple comparing to next Resident Evils, but you need to think about the year they made and the Story the had avalable.

6.Re6,RE7,RE4 ,RE 0
if you delete them from main campagin. you didnt lose such big deal
1. RE2

Great sequel to RE1 and a great improvement storywise. Liked how Leon and Claire scenarios connect to each other very well. Plus the scenario system is very unique in this. Characters are pretty good too. Really wished the sequels followed Leon's " Hey! It's up to us to take out Umbrella! " line though.

2. Remake

A big reason why it's so high up here is cause the story and characters are a GIANT improvement over the original. Also liked Lisa Trevor and her new backstory in this. Really wished Chris' and Jill's campaigns connected to each other though instead of being completely standalone just like in RE1.


A good sequel to RE2 though one thing is extremely headstraching.

To quote 4thSnake:

" While on Rockfort Island, she gets in contact with Leon to ask him to tell Chris where she is, making one wonder why, if she knew Leon could reach Chris, she didn't just ask him where Chris was, instead of raiding Umbrella's Paris HQ by HERSELF. "

Wesker's return is kinda cool and an interesting twist but I wish the game explored how Wesker survived RE1 / Remake's events more. It never really got explained how Wesker survived. He kinda pops up out of nowhere in this.

Overall still a good story. Claire is more badass / likeable in this, Chris saving his sister is awesome and Ashfords as villains are interesting. I also don't get the hate about Steve, he wasn't that annoying and his fate was tragic, same thing with his infected father too. Plus RIP Rodrigo; I like how cutscenes about him can change depending to your actions.

4. RE3

This game's story is kinda underrated. I like how 1st half takes place before RE2 and how 2nd half takes place after RE2. There's also a randomization factor to it and depending to your choices, the story might play out differently which is nice. Jill is awesome and her personality / voice acting is an improvement from RE1 / Remake. Nemesis is one badass mother****** and working with UBCS members is very cool. This game shows Raccoon's destruction which is one of the most important moments in the series and has one of the best cutscenes of the franchise which is this:

I wished it was a bit longer though.

5. RE6

Another game which has an underrated story. A big reason why I think this game's story is pretty good ( And is better than RE5's story. ) is due to the fact that 4 campaigns in this connect to each other very well. Voice acting is pretty good in this game, the best one in the series and characters are very likeable, especially returning ones. From new characters, I think Jake is the best one who has a great chemistry with Sherry and gets great character development but Helena and Piers are cool too and I like how the game explores them.

( Kinda felt bad for Deborah's death and how Helena was forced to do Simmons' bidding; I was really satisfied when Leon and Helena killed him once and for all. As for Piers; I liked how he confronts his captain multiple times in the campaign when needed and his death was tragic. )

I also liked Carla and Simmons as well as their rivalry between them. They were interesting and the files even go into more detail about them and how they connect very well to the RE storyline.

I could go on and on what I like about this huge game since there are even more good things about it but I've made an essay about RE6 campaigns here already which goes even more into detail so I'm gonna talk about this game's missed opportunities instead:

a. Chris' campaign feels forced compared to other campaigns. Even though his campaign has the best story; personally I think it could have been better. Like the game could have explored his amnesiac status further, Jill, Claire and even Barry ( After all; Chris and he came back a long way. ) could have been in the game or there could have been Jill mentions and even more Claire mentions. Not to mention he's missing in Edonia for 6 months; pretty sure it wouldn't take that long to find him.

b. The files. You can't obtain files in the game similar to RE5. Instead you need to shoot serpent emblems to unlock files which can't be read while playing the game and instead; need to go to cabinets to read them. It's also weird how RE. net site has files that have extended texts which isn't available in the game. ( Thankfully the game connects to the site and it's not a DMC4 situation where I have to go search the internet just to randomly come across a novel that explains story stuff in the game. ) Personally I think it could have been cool to come across files here and there similar to in RE4 and RE5. If that's not possible which is acceptable I guess; then another possible idea is some files being cutscenes or flashback cutscenes which would be an even better idea than randomly encountering files since the game's cutscenes are a joy to watch.

c. Revelations 2. For some reason; Capcom needed to make this game when what they should have done was make it a part of RE6. ( See below. )

Overall pretty good story with great fanservice moments and despite some missed opportunities; it's a great love letter to the franchise.

6. RE5

Not as good as RE6 but still pretty good story which is kinda an improvement from RE4's story with 2nd best voice acting in the series. Chris and Wesker are back from RECV and better than ever; Sheva is cool and a WAY better character than Ashley who constantly gets kidnapped ( Though RE4 AI is still better than RE5 AI. ) along with Josh who is a LEGEND. It also explains the birth of viruses and more origins about Umbrella as well as BSAA being established in this game.

You also punch a freaking boulder in this game:

This Youtube comment describes it best:

" Chris went from running from a boulder to beating the **** out of one. If that is not character development, I don't know what is. "

One also can't forget this gem from Wesker:

Time for the disappointing aspects of this game's story:

a. Jill. This game handles her very badly by making her blonde and Wesker's slave. The flashback scene is kinda stupid due to Wesker not noticing / hearing Jill running towards him while she's shouting.

Yes, I know that Chris is a bigger enemy to Wesker than Jill due to Chris encountering him and watching him hurt Claire in RECV but that's still not a good excuse for Wesker to be this stupid; both of them are his enemies after all and ruined his plans. Also from what I saw somewhere that I don't remember; apparently in game's previous versions; Chris catches Jill's hand to prevent her falling instead of him being too late to catch Jill. ( I have to give extra points to Chris for thinking that Jill's alive WHILE Wesker is not. Strengthwise; Jill is a weaker character than him as RE1 / Remake establishes that she has lower HP, defense and can't handle weapons as good as Chris. Meanwhile Wesker is a superhuman who already faked his death. ) I wished at least that happened. Personally I think Chris and Jill should have been partners right from the start of the game. ( Sheva instead could have been a part of Josh's team. See more about Sheva's section.)

Last thing I want to mention is one of the cutscenes at the end of the game. The one where Chris and Sheva fire rockets at Wesker while Jill simply waits. I'm sorry but why isn't there a 3rd rocket launcher at the helicopter? Or better yet; why isn't Jill, who fought with Wesker longer than Sheva over the years, got horribly tortured by Wesker, got forced to kill / torture civilians and hurt her partner firing that rocket launcher instead?

b. Sheva. I think Sheva should have been a part of Josh's team. I've been thinking about this and it's not perfect so here's my idea. Basically remove the 2 short story DLCs from the game and instead add a longer Josh's campaign to the game similar to Separate Ways.

( Make sure to allow them to improve their weapons' stats and buy weapons / items just like in the main game instead of the terrible lazy stars system in the DLCs. )

In the early parts of this story, the soldiers except Josh and Sheva got killed by Ndesu. You fight the BOW similar to how you fight El Gigante in RE4 instead of a boring vehicle section where you can't move. ( Remove it from the main story and add it here instead. ) After killing that BOW, Josh and Sheva most of the time clear some obstacles in the area that make that area easier for Chris and Jill to move through or explore. In some sections; they even help Chris and Jill offscreen with a long range weapon similar to how Ada helps Jake and Sherry in RE6. Throught this story; Sheva starts to experience badly nightmares ( She encounters them due to losing their comrades. ) which is related to her backstory told in a file from time to time while Josh comforts her; after all, Sheva's the little sister of the team. This story kinda ends similar to Desperate Escape; they survive in an area until the chopper arrives, pilot dies, Sheva kills that Majini and they fly with the helicopter to help Chris and Jill and save them from Wesker. Of course Chris and Jill fire rockets together at Wesker.

c. Excella. I think she should have been more useful in the story and to Wesker instead of simply walking and running away from Chris and Sheva. Honestly I would give her Blonde Jill's role instead and make her a superhuman who's good at fighting similar to Wesker. ( Yes; in chapter 5-3, you fight Wesker and Excella instead of Wesker and Blonde Jill. ) Wesker later on leaves her alone to kill Chris and Jill cause he got work to do. Excella fails after a horrible beating from Valenfield team and instead runs away from them to get help from Wesker. This of course ****es Wesker and he punishes her by injecting her with a Uroboros strain due to her outliving her usefulness.

( These ones are kinda ignorable and not that big. )

d. Irving. This is more of a small nitpick but I don't think this character feels fitting to the game, he's clearly inspired by Salazar from RE4 but doesn't feel fitting to RE5's more serious story unlike how Salazar feels fitting to RE4's more campier story. Some scenes containing him are questionable. ( Like in one of them where he tells Chris and Sheva to drop their guns while both of them are pointed against him. He also isn't that affected from that gas Blonde Jill throws unlike Chris and Sheva that fall to the ground. ) At least get a better voice actor; ugh...

e. More Uroboros monsters. Another small nitpick but I think there should have been more Uroboros monsters just like Reaper and less Plaga monsters in the game to give the game more difference from RE4. Not to mention the Plaga monsters aren't as fun to fight as the ones in RE4 IMO.

So here it is about RE5; I know I ranted a lot, especially about the way Jill is handled but I still like this game's story. It's still good IMO.

From this point on; the stories start to become generic / forgettable.

7. RE4

The main reason why it's higher than the ones later on is cause Leon and Ada are my favourite characters in the franchise and their adventures are very enjoyable here; and of course they are more badass here than they are in RE2 not to mention Leon's one liners which also got carried to RE6. The story is still kinda a sequel to RE2 and even to RE3 ( Epilogue files. ) in a way so it doesn't actually feel like a reboot unlike the horrible RE7. It also has a special tone to it with their characters which I can't help but love it and it doesn't take its generic story that much seriously.

Time for my issues:

a. Umbrella getting destroyed in a cutscene. Personally there should have been a special campaign within this game that featured all 4 main characters which is about them destroying Umbrella once and for all. This would make the game an even better sequel to RE2, RE3 and RECV.

b. Krauser pops up out of nowhere. Apparently him and Leon have some history with them but the game doesn't really explore this with another special campaign.

I probably missed more things but I really don't regret it. They kinda gave a special charm to the game in a good way.

8. Revelations 2

On its own; the story is decent but a big gripe I have with this game's story is not being a part of RE6's story. From what I saw somewhere; both games were apparently being developed at the same time but I don't understand why it was a separate game instead of being part of RE6. Basically 2 more campaigns for RE6 and one of them is Jill's campaign whose partner is Barry and one of them is Claire's campaign whose partner is Moira. Of course more campaign intersections in RE6; kinda forgot to say that but I think campaigns should have more of those type of sections.

Anyways good things about this game's story:

a. Barry's campaign most of the time. He has a good voice actor and he's very likeable in this while referencing previous RE games with his jokes.

b. Claire and even Moira in Barry's final chapter. They save the day with a badass cutscene and I would be lying if I said Claire killing Alex with rocket launcher was boring.

My issues about the story:

a. Claire's personality is ruined. She isn't good with Natalia in this unlike in RE2 and Degeneration where she was good with kids. Not to mention her personality gives me Degeneration Leon vibes. Her VA also isn't that good IMO; really wished they sticked with Alyson Court.

b. The game making Claire look bad by making Moira look good. In chapter 2, they catch on to Natalia and Claire talks to her with a weird tone which causes Natalia to get scared followed by Moira jumping in and stealing Claire's role with a softer tone.

" You're pretty good with kids. " Seriously, Claire?

It also happens again; after they exit from a building, the game makes Claire to ask Natalia a question with such a weird tone.

Lastly Claire gives more priority to finding Neil ( And what is it with the game making them a couple? Did they forget what happened in RECV or something? ) than finding Natalia which is the ultimate betrayal of her character. And no, it doesn't end there; the game doesn't know when to stop making Moira even more obnoxious by making her ask Claire questions over and over and over and over just to make her look good. Ugh...

c. Alex's plan. She's apparently planning to take over Natalia's body but her plan and the results are very confusing. Like how did she fail? Why is she trying to kill Natalia in Barry's campaign? How did she still managed to take over Natalia's body despite her plan failing and her infected body being blown to bits with a rocket? I think they should have given her a different villain plan IMO; this one is unnecessarily confusing.

Long story short, the story is a giant mess but still decent.

9. RE2 Remake

Unlike RE1 Remake which greatly improved its story compared to original; this game's story is a major downgrade. Like scenarios don't even connect to each other, characters are less likeable and more boring, scenarios aren't that unique from each other, less character interactions and an extremely weird ending. Still; it's kinda decent on its own and in extremely rare sections, its story feels improved compared to RE2.

10. RE1

11. RE0

This game and its story are terrible and a major disrespect to RE1 and Remake.

How to fix the game and its story:

Remove Marcus and add a better villain, remove Billy, remove that terrible hookshot, increase Rebecca's HP and defense, improve bosses, remove those infected monkeys with wierd AI, add item boxes, change the game's story somewhat so that it explores Bravo Team a lot more and remove that RE2 location which doesn't even make sense. As for Rebecca being alone or being partnered with someone; I personally prefer her to be alone but still encounter Bravo Team members along the way though if she needs to be partnered with someone; I think her partner should be Richard which would make the game connect better to Remake. Make sure to improve the partner AI in that case; I thought it was terrible. Also Richard should be able to combine herbs, it's really stupid how Billy can't combine herbs for some reason.

It's higher than Revelations and RE7 mainly cause I still like Rebecca in this.

12. Revelations

This game's story feels unnecessary and a waste of time. Apparently it's about giving BSAA some backstory but there was already a very long file in RE5 that already had enough backstory about the organization. I would have liked it a lot more its execution wasn't so boring and terrible. Generic characters, weird character designs and forgettable villains. Overall it sucks and it's higher than RE7 due to game trying more than RE7 did with its story.

13. RE7

This game's story feels like a reboot instead of an actual story to RE6 and other RE games. They should have created a separate franchise for the game instead of shoehorning it to Resident Evil. Everything about the game's story feels extremely forgettable; characters, villains, designs and voice acting. I also can't forgive the devs for turning Chris into a different character with a different look. Ugh, terrible.
Remove Marcus and add a better villain, remove Billy, remove that terrible hookshot, increase Rebecca's HP and defense, improve bosses, remove those infected monkeys with wierd AI, add item boxes, change the game's story somewhat so that it explores Bravo Team a lot more and remove that RE2 location which doesn't even make sense. As for Rebecca being alone or being partnered with someone; I personally prefer her to be alone but still encounter Bravo Team members along the way though if she needs to be partnered with someone; I think her partner should be Richard which would make the game connect better to Remake. Make sure to improve the partner AI in that case; I thought it was terrible. Also Richard should be able to combine herbs, it's really stupid how Billy can't combine herbs for some reason.
I like and agree with your points about improving RE0. As it is now, RE0's story feels more like a spin-off with only vague connections to the Spencer Mansion incident.

Personally, I think it was a big mistake to make Rebecca a playable character of a RE1 prequel in the first place. No matter how you executed the story, it would always be strange to see Rebecca act like a helpless damsel in distress in RE1 after recently having killed countless of zombies. The developers missed a great opportunity when remaking RE1, they should've made Rebecca much more capable and fierce in the REmake so that her actions in RE0 makes sense.

I would've preferred to have Enrico as the main character, and utilize the other team members as switchable until they are killed or injured one by one - effectively making the game harder and harder as you run out of switchable characters. The game should've also taken place in actual small villages up in the Arklay Mountains to tie-in directly with the original reports of cannibalistic murders. Imagine traversing across small forest trails searching for cabins, only to be attacked by zombies around the tree. You could still have the training facility be there, just in a different spot. A church location would also make sense in a small mountain village. The villain should've been Oswall E. Spencer from the start, to tie-in with both RE1 and later installments such as RE5.
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I like and agree with your points about improving RE0. As it is now, RE0's story feels more like a spin-off with only vague connections to the Spencer Mansion incident.

Personally, I think it was a big mistake to make Rebecca a playable character of a RE1 prequel in the first place. No matter how you executed the story, it would always be strange to see Rebecca act like a helpless damsel in distress in RE1 after recently having killed countless of zombies. The developers missed a great opportunity when remaking RE1, they should've made Rebecca much more capable and fierce in the REmake so that her actions in RE0 makes sense.

I would've preferred to have Enrico as the main character, and utilize the other team members as switchable until they are killed or injured one by one - effectively making the game harder and harder as you run out of switchable characters. The game should've also taken place in actual small villages up in the Arklay Mountains to tie-in directly with the original reports of cannibalistic murders. Imagine traversing across small forest trails searching for cabins, only to be attacked by zombies around the tree. You could still have the training facility be there, just in a different spot. A church location would also make sense in a small mountain village. The villain should've been Oswall E. Spencer from the start, to tie-in with both RE1 and later installments such as RE5.
I always thought that the reason Rebecca acted like a damsel in distress was due to getting extremely tired from RE0's events. I still can agree with you about making her more useful and capable in Remake though.

I'm honestly fine with Rebecca being alone or being partnered with Richard. Having all Bravo team members as controllable characters would have been really unnecessary IMO; I kinda prefer Rebecca ( and Richard if Rebecca's going to have a partner. ) to encounter and communicate with other members along the way, a lot more than the game shows us.

I like your idea about encountering small villages and traversing across small forest trails as well as your other location ideas.

And yes; making Spencer as the main villain definitely sounds like a genius idea. I don't like how you see him in RE5 for the 1st time only for him to get killed instantly by Wesker. Come on, there could have been more scenes related to him; why kill him that quickly?

Forgot to say this but I would prefer the cancelled monsters to be in the game instead of leeches and monkeys.
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Tired or not, she just took on a damn Tyrant and dozens of hunters not to mention the Queen Leech, yet she is scared sh*tless by one hunter in REmake.

Perhaps have her acting solo through the first part of the game when just facing zombies, before things get really serious. Then "do a RE3" where the player character switches to another team member for the second part of the game.

But yes, get rid of the leeches and the monkeys and the game would already be much, much better.
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I agree that most RE plots are okay at best so this should be interesting.

In a league of their own imo:
1. CVX
2. RE2/remake

The rest:

3. RE/REmake
4. RE6 (Chris's campaign, didn't care for the others)
5. RE7 (bad canonically but I don't think the story was so terrible for what it was)

Getting into the bad for me:

6. RE0 (nothing especially impactful happens imo)
7. RE4 (at least this had a story but I really don't care about the President's daughter being kidnapped by Las Plagas, I feel like it had nothing to do with anything)
8. RE5 (I don't really have anything to say about this other than I feel like they were really reaching for a plot on this one and it just didn't work imo. A whole lot didn't work in this one.)

Made no impact for me as far as story, to be considered either boring or irrelevant (to me):

9. RE3 (still willing to give the remake a shot)
10/11. Revelations/Revelations 2 (literally the only thing this series has going for it is RAID mode tbh)
12. Outbreak (I just couldn't get into this at all)
13. Gaiden (don't think this needs explaining)
The first three games have very simple and grounded plots:

RE1: A couple of highly trained cops are sent out to investigate local reports of strange murders, only to find themselves in a spooky mansion infested with zombies …

RE2: A rookie cop and teenage girl are caught in the midst of an ongoing zombie apocalypse, and must get out before its too late...

RE3: A former highly trained cop must escape a city infected by zombies, while being pursued by a large monster that won’t stop – ever – until she’s dead...

After those, they start to become somewhat "weird".

CV: A failed experiment has infected the people on a small prison island, and a delusional rich brat is crossdressing (!?) while trying to kill a teenage girl and her cheesy sidekick.

RE0: A young cop teams up with a convicted murderer in order to escape a train infected with mutated leeches that are controlled by a hive mind that sings opera (!?)

And then:

1: resident evil code veronica x
2: resident evil the darkside chronicles
3: resident evil 1/ remake
4: resident evil the umbrella chronicles
5: resident evil 2
6: resident evil 7
6: resident evil 4
7: resident evil 5
8: resident evil 3
8: resident evil 0
9: resident evil revelations 2
10: resident evil revelations
11: resident evil outbreak
12: resident evil 6
13: resident evil 2 remake