Rank RE Games Based on Number of Solo Playthroughs

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2019
I had an idea to rank the RE games with actions more so than words. Sometimes people can have a hard time debating on which game they prefer. If you haven't played the game, don't rank it. Obviously zero playthroughs would be at the bottom haha. Also please update your playthrough amounts as they change. I'm interested to see how these turn out.


1. Resident Evil 2 Remake: 20 Playthroughs.
It has the Survival Horror fun but with more convenient mechanics, like combine on pick up & inventory expansion. I seem to never tire.

2. Resident Evil Remake: 16 Playthroughs.
The first to get me addicted solo.

3. Resident Evil 4: 4 Playthroughs.
I might have some things I disliked in my 1st playthrough, but the new game plus runs are just a lot of fun. Also had 2 partial playthroughs where I started over to try new weapons.

4. Resident Evil 5: 2 Playthroughs.
I played through many times co-op. But only recently started playing solo, to see how it holds up. Just finished 2nd playthrough recently.

5. Resident Evil Revelations: 1.5 Playthroughs.
Really enjoyed my 1st playthrough. Currently about half way in my 2nd playthrough.

6. Resident Evil Zero: 1.2 Playthroughs.
I enjoyed my 1st playthrough. Started a 2nd playthrough, but still on the train currently.

7. Resident Evil Revelations 2: 1 Playthrough.
Finished my 1st run a little while ago. Haven't started a 2nd playthrough yet.

8. Resident Evil Code Veronica: 0.6 Playthroughs.
Made it just past the Tyrant so far. Not far into Antarctica.

9. Resident Evil 7: 0.5 Playthroughs.
Played it twice. Only got half way before losing interest, wanting to play a different game. Might try finishing it in the future.

10. Resident Evil 6: 0.4 Playthroughs.
Only have done 2 chapters in a campaign solo so far. Already played 3 campaigns in co-op. Haven't gone back to it.
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I'll only rank 2 of them here, because all the other numbers would be much lower...And no, my RE4 number isn't exaggerated, as I've beaten it multiple times on multiple platforms...
RE4 - 43
REmake - 8 (At least? I know I've started it far more than 8 times)
I'll only rank 2 of them here, because all the other numbers would be much lower...And no, my RE4 number isn't exaggerated, as I've beaten it multiple times on multiple platforms...
RE4 - 43
REmake - 8 (At least? I know I've started it far more than 8 times)
Feel free to all the RE games that you played. The more the merrier.
Feel free to all the RE games that you played. The more the merrier.

This will be hard for me as I've been playing the games for 20 years and never actually kept track but I can give ballpark estimates.

Resident Evil 2 (original) - very easily at least 40. It was always my go to.

Resident Evil 4 - ironically my second highest despite being one of my least favorite games. I'd ballpark this between 25 and 30

Resident Evil Code Veronica X - one of my top faves. Played through approximately 20 times if I had to guess.

Resident Evil 2 remake - around CVX, perhaps a little less. I only one shot it so restarted hardcores don't count which drops my number. Maybe 15.

Resident Evil 0 - 10ish. For a while this was the only RE I owned so it got a lot of attention.

Resident Evil 5 - What can I say? Didn't dig the setting. If I had to guess I'd say around 8. Long enough to get the Platinum and that's pretty much it

Resident Evil 6 - I played through Piers campaign about 4 times, everyone else's once. Not sure how you'd want to count that.

Resident Evil 7 - 4 times. Twice on regular difficulty and twice on Madhouse for platinum.

Resident Evil - 3 times

Revelations 2 - 3 times

Resident Evil Remake - 2 times I think

Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Darkside Chronicles, Outbreak File 1, Revelations, Gaiden, Mercs 3D - 1 time each, which was enough for me. I didn't really like any of these so much. Except for Mercs 3D. I loved that game, but for the only 1 save file thing which made it impossible to beat more than once.

I think that's all of them.
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This will be hard for me as I've been playing the games for 20 years and never actually kept track but I can give ballpark estimates.

Resident Evil 2 (original) - very easily at least 40. It was always my go to.

Resident Evil 4 - ironically my second highest despite being one of my least favorite games. I'd ballpark this between 25 and 30

Resident Evil Code Veronica X - one of my top faves. Played through approximately 20 times if I had to guess.

Resident Evil 2 remake - around CVX, perhaps a little less. I only one shot it so restarted hardcores don't count which drops my number. Maybe 15.

Resident Evil 0 - 10ish. For a while this was the only RE I owned so it got a lot of attention.

Resident Evil 5 - What can I say? Didn't dig the setting. If I had to guess I'd say around 8. Long enough to get the Platinum and that's pretty much it

Resident Evil 6 - I played through Piers campaign about 4 times, everyone else's once. Not sure how you'd want to count that.

Resident Evil 7 - 4 times. Twice on regular difficulty and twice on Madhouse for platinum.

Resident Evil - 3 times

Revelations 2 - 3 times

Resident Evil Remake - 2 times I think

Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Darkside Chronicles, Outbreak File 1, Revelations, Gaiden, Mercs 3D - 1 time each, which was enough for me. I didn't really like any of these so much. Except for Mercs 3D. I loved that game, but for the only 1 save file thing which made it impossible to beat more than once.

I think that's all of them.
I'd count each campaign completion as a playthrough. Like counting a scenario as a playthrough in RE 2.
Great idea. It's definitely gonna be interesting to see how our opinions differ or even match up to how much time we've spent with each game. It's gonna be hard to remember the exact number for some. But luckily, I've been recording a list of all the games I've beaten since 2010, which is when I've started most of these.

Resident Evil REmake - 11 Playthroughs
Beat it twice with both characters on the Wii, finally started the remaster at the beginning of this year in preparation for REmake 2 and got all the achievements with a total of 9 playthroughs.

Resident Evil 5 - 10-12 Playthroughs

This is the foggiest game for me to remember. My list starts a year after the game released, and I have it listed 6 times. 4 of those playthroughs were recent on Xbox One, the other 2 I suspect were done on PS3, however, I had platinumed the game on PS3 one year, which should take at least 2-3 playthroughs for me. I know I must have played it with a friend or by myself some other year as well. However, I also had the game back in 2009 when it first released on 360 and I had to have beaten it several times. At least 3-4 times. So I'm just estimating around 10-12 playthroughs here.

Resident Evil 2 REmake - 7 Playthroughs

Completed it as many times as I needed for all the achievements and I'm still itching to go back.

Resident Evil 4 - 6 Playthroughs
Once on Gamecube, once on Wii, twice on 360, once on PS3, and once on Xbox One. Currently have a professional playthrough on hiatus on Xbox One that I'll get back to eventually.

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - 5 Playthroughs
Would probably be more playthroughs had I not gotten burned out due to starting on 360 and then later starting up again on Xbox One. Not to mention, being discouraged from completing everything on the 360 version after a stupid glitch with the load times ruining my time attack playthrough. Will definitely get back to this game sometime.

Resident Evil 7 - 4 Playthroughs

Played it as much as I needed to for all the achievements. Combined a couple of playthrough specific achievements in one and never felt compelled to ever play it again.

Resident Evil 2 - 4 Playthroughs
Beat it twice with each character in 2010 and 2012.

Resident Evil 6 - 3.5-4 Playthroughs
I'm very unsure about this game. I've changed the conventions of my games completed list over the years, and back in 2012, I listed this game once. There had to have been at least 2-3 playthroughs in order to get all the achievements. I then played Leon's and Chris' campaigns on PS3, and on Xbox One I completed 3 campaigns but stopped some point during Ada's campaign. So I'm just gonna say 3.5-4 playthroughs.

Resident Evil: Revelations - 3 Playthroughs
Once on 3DS and twice on 360. Will definitely play again on Xbox One at some point.

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis - 1 Playthrough
Beat it once on Gamecube in 2010 around the time I started to play the classics for myself.

Resident Evil 0 - 1 Playthrough
I had collected all the previous games on Gamecube and Wii before the release of RE5, and after the hype wore off from RE5, I started my journey into the classics with RE0 on Wii in 2009.
RE3: Nemesis - 1 playthrough back in the 90's, with the help of my cousin

Almost two decades later

Revelations 2 - 2 playthroughs, the game that made me a RE fan

RE1 remake - 4 playthroughs, 3 for Jill and 1 for Chris, my favorite in the series

Zero - 1 playthrough, will probably never play it again

RE2 remake - 5 playthroughs, 2 for Claire A, 1 for Claire B, 1 for Leon A and 1 for Leon B, the game is so addicting

Code Veronica - 50% playthrough, no time to play recently
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If I had to rank my playthroughs (and this is just guesswork):

RE4: ~8 playthroughs
RE2 original: ~7 playthroughs (more if you don't include A and B scenarios as one playthrough)
RE3: ~4 playthroughs
RE2 REMAKE: 4 playthroughs

The following I have played through twice:
CVX, REmake, RE0, Survivor, Dead Aim, RE5 (1 and a half times)

The following I have played through once:
Outbreak File #1, Outbreak File #2, Darkside Chronicles, RE6, RE7, Revelations, Revelations 2

That is all I can remember at the moment? lol.
I think this method of rankings has helped with mine, since my actions of which I choose to play are irrefutable. Especially when I got the games pretty much around the same time, between 2018 & 2019.
Well I probably played every resident evil at least 50 times, I have 3000 hours of play in re 5 so probably played it more than 100 time, I also watched the movie degeneration and damnation more than 15 times and vendetta only one because I didn't really like it
This are the re I played
Resident evil 0
Resident evil 1
Resident evil remake
Resident evil 2
Resident evil 2 remake (probably the only one I played 10 times because I didn't have time)
Resident evil 3 nemesis
Resident evil code veronica x
Resident evil 4
Resident evil the umbrella chronicles
Resident evil the darkside chronicles
Resident evil 5
Resident evil 6
Resident evil operation raccon city
Resident evil revelation
Resident evil revelation 2
Resident evil the mercenaries 3d ( spend many hour in it)
Resident evil 7
Umbrella corps ( played some hours)

Than I played outbreak 1 and 2 only few times unfortunately because they are on ps2 and I played them letely and my ps2 is now broken... Also I miss dead aim to play