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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
Core of universe
OK,i have some questions and i would very appreciate if anyone would answer?
1.After re 5 almost all "bad guy" have been killed,so who is next?
2.Do creatures such as hunters attack normal zombies?
3.I would like to read more about umbrella to learn more about their structure,and so on,which book would you recommend?
4.And final,for all you science boys and girls,we watch many viruses in re universe,so i wonder could it be possible to create such viruses in our world?
1. In RE6 the series is suposed to be rebooted, we dont know seting, or anything else than that it will be a reboot if im correct.
2. I am not really sure about this, but i know that Nemesis have attacked normale zombies in resident evil: Nemesis
3. You could try to use this site or read the novels. Ohh and documents in game also gives alot infromasion.
4.I dubout it will be abel, but if someone actually manage to modiy DNA it can be possibly.

I guess more peopel will give additional informasion, and better.
I have read many pages on re wiki,or database,but still i dont know where to get and which good novel about umbrella .
I am especially interested in last question so you all resident evil fans please say your opinion.
Sun;61650 said:
OK, i have some questions and i would very appreciate if anyone would answer?

1. After re 5 almost all "bad guy" have been killed, so who is next?
2. Do creatures such as hunters attack normal zombies?
3. I would like to read more about umbrella to learn more about their structure, and so on, which book would you recommend?
4. And final, for all you science boys and girls, we watch many viruses in re universe, so i wonder could it be possible to create such viruses in our world?
1. I think Capcom will introduce new bad guys if needed. Wait and see!

2 and 3: I don't know.

4. Perhaps it could be possible to create a virus that somewhat resembles the RE viruses some day, but I'm sure no one of us will live to see it happen. I think it's very very far into the future.
It think it can happen today,if you have money,look all thing science do in our time,also many viruses today are very deadly,so there are all those conspiracy theories that big corporation create viruses in their labs,so i assume they could create "Stairway to the Sun".
Sun;61650 said:
OK,i have some questions and i would very appreciate if anyone would answer?
1.After re 5 almost all "bad guy" have been killed,so who is next?
2.Do creatures such as hunters attack normal zombies?
3.I would like to read more about umbrella to learn more about their structure,and so on,which book would you recommend?
4.And final,for all you science boys and girls,we watch many viruses in re universe,so i wonder could it be possible to create such viruses in our world?

1.There's no way to know that by now. Probably someone connected to Tricell, the Agency or a terroris group. The actual people involved will probably be new to the series.
2.Yes. In RE3, you can see Nemesis beat up zombies in several ocasions and when you're in the Hospital as Carlos, a hunter takes a zombie's head off, for example.
3.I recommend you not to read the novels, comics or anything not connected to the games: they are not cannon and may get you confused.
Project Umbrella has a good and correct (which is rare) article
Read the "Resident Evil Archives" book, although it has some confusing or innacurate texts. I recommend you to read files from games. Read the files and try to see the videos in youtube. The ones with more info are probably RE0, RE3, RE Umbrella Chronicles and RE5, but all of the games have important information.
Read "Wesker's Report 2" for Wesker's toughts about Umbrella. You can hear Wesker's Report 1, but it has lots of errors and innacurate information.
4.The viruses exactly as they are in the games are impossible to recreate, but it'd be possible (although very hard) to recreate viruses close to them. Some members of Project Umbrella wrote this article, trying to explain the effects of some viruses in a biological point of view:
Thx,man.One more,do you know that in south Africa is plant that when taken in large dose makes man becomes very,very crazy.But it is so rare species that it could not make some big crap.
And also i call everyone to say what they think!
That plant, Sonetreppe or something like that, contains the progenitor virus (it's where it was fisrt discovered).
The virus kills most of the subjects but, in rare cases, it can make them stonger, more resistant to physical traits, although causing loss of thinking capacity and memories.
1.RE5 was the end of a fun chapter.

2.In RE3, when you get to the hospital a hunter beheads a zombie. Nemesis destroys a few zombies with a rocket launcher.

3.I wouldn't recommend(aside from strategy guides) any of the books. They have nothing to do with the story line of the actual games. The movies don't replay it that well, either.

4.I would hope not. This world is crazy enough as it is.
im just gonna say if theres ever a zombie outbreak im blaming astra zeneca since thats the closest pharmaceutical company in my area lol
I say for last question that in next 30 years it will be possible.World is changing,extremly fast look our advance in 70 years and you will see that nothing can stop our advance or evolution if you wish to say so,this plant in Africa has nothing to do with Resident evil world, it is true,now science investigates the plant,dont you think it will be a perfect bio-weapon if they manage to create large farms of plant.But of course it can be nothing.
Also humanity biggest dream is power and immortal life.
1. I think that they are going to make a new antagonist to keep the story going or they will bring Wesker back from the dead.

2. There are some creatures that attacked zombies. So far I have seen Nemesis, Mr.X, and some Jabberwock S3.

3. I am not much of a reader, but I have been hearing that the books and comics were terrible.

4. It could be possible. If it can be possible then I hope that it won't make creatures and people so aggressive or even dangerous.