Resident Evil Zero Possible PS3/Xbox Remake/Import?

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i googled it and i cant find ANY news of a port or a re-release. seems this is just news about RE6's release date being moved up and they just happened to mention RE0, nothing more (unfortunately).
I think he/she just mentioned it, since I'm pretty sure Nintendo has a tight grip on the resident evil games they got.
Me too :(.
If I ever got a gamecube, I would only be getting those three games, so it would be kind of of pointless.
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it wouldnt be easy making an hd remake, since they only have 4:3 pre rendered backgrounds,
if they did a remaster then it would still be 4:3,
as for code veronica, that game was in full 3d so making it widescreen wouldnt have been too hard,
i just recomend you who missed out on these games to get a gamecube, i think they are not expensive at all these days,
at least not if you buy them from gameworld in germany
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Yeah, look at your local classifieds, or ebay, gamestop used to have them, etc. I found mine on kijiji for 20 bucks (plus 8 for a new memory card online). There's 2 at my local thrift store for 30 each. I bought it JUST for Remake and Zero and it was totally worth it.
yeah, i remember in 2005 i bought my hamecube for about 100 dollars JUST for re0 remake cvx and re4
i never bought another gamecube game than the resident evil ones,
besides, re0 and remake are a milion times better then the newer resident evil games
so if you bought a 3ds just for revelations, then a gamecube should be logical
And if you don't want to waste money on a gamecube just download the dolphin emulator. As long as you don't have an PC from the Stone Age it should work even though it might judder at some points and it makes the game even look like a real HD game.
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Remake & Zero are Nintendo Exclusives. No way they will be ported onto a non Nintendo system.

Best bet is they will re-re-release it again on Wii U, either like Wii a direct port or HD version of it like RE4 & CVX.
But think about Revelations, RE4, Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles. They were all Nintendo exclusive at one point but then got ported to different consoles and there were many people who also said that we will never see a port of Revelations, so never say never. I think Capcom wants to get the profiet in they lost for RE6. And since Revelations was quite successful (I heard in a different forum that after 1 Week it was the best sold game in the UK) I think it's a possibility that we might get ports of Remake and Zero. (I thought it would have been cool to make a "Survival HD Collection" with Revelations, Remake and Zero)
Really depends on what kind on agreement Nintendo had with Capcom on the earlier Remake & Zero since they had been Nintendo exclusives so far and PSN released RE1 instead of Remake.

Chronicles i can understand it was intended for Wii because Xbox360 & PS3 didn't have kinetic & move back then.
Other than the Chronicles (which are much easier games to port), cross console ports are always done (so far) within about a year of the original release, and based on sales. The PS2 was "too hard to work with", so Nintendo got the exclusivity originally. Nintendo still didn't have the fanbase to get the required sales though, so when RE4 was released, it was pressured to be ported. The projected sales for other systems would have counted as a major loss. Being that Zero and REmake are now 10 years old, I don't see them finding any value in porting them. If a successful remake of 2 were to come around they might be able to gain enough interest, but right now it wouldn't be worth it for them. Same reason we'll probably never see RE5 on a Nintendo system.
Other than the Chronicles (which are much easier games to port), cross console ports are always done (so far) within about a year of the original release, and based on sales. The PS2 was "too hard to work with", so Nintendo got the exclusivity originally. Nintendo still didn't have the fanbase to get the required sales though, so when RE4 was released, it was pressured to be ported. The projected sales for other systems would have counted as a major loss. Being that Zero and REmake are now 10 years old, I don't see them finding any value in porting them. If a successful remake of 2 were to come around they might be able to gain enough interest, but right now it wouldn't be worth it for them. Same reason we'll probably never see RE5 on a Nintendo system.

I totally agree and simply for the fact: that it did not garner a massive fan-base as well as following. I, believe it could however be successful if they revamped it a bit and added additional footage as well as a Mercenaries mode.

Billy Coen, was not a strong character. He was never part of either teams: Alpha or Bravo. I think they never should of killed off Brad Vickers in RE3, he would of been much better. Just imagine Rebecca and Brad, this would of been a winning combination.