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Resident Evil 6 PC Release Date


Goddess of the Dead
I just found this on Resident Evil's official Facebook page:

We are pleased to announce that Resident Evil 6 will be available for PC on March 22nd 2013 and will include all the content found on the console versions, including 'No Hope Left' mode and Ada Wong's campaign unlocked from the start.


It's still longer than I would have wished, but oh well, at least it looks like we'll get a really polished PC version with all the extras the console versions get, and I still have the new Tomb Raider to bridge the time. :)


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
Finally, they could have released it a lot sooner but meh, after seeing the early console release, I say let them take the time. At least we get a bug-free, everything included version from the start.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
I honestly wouldn't recommend any PC port from Capcom, they are absolutely horrible at PC ports and even worse, games that are ported from console to PC always turn out badly. You should only choose PC versions when they are made from the start.


Goddess of the Dead
Well, don't forget that some of us (including me) have to be satisfied with the PC version because they don't own any other platforms to fall back on, so the only alternative would be to not play the game at all. If I had a PS3 or XBox360, I certainly wouldn't be waiting for the PC version of a game I've been looking forward to for so long.

Also, it's not true that games ported from console to PC always turn out badly as it was the case with RE4. Look at RE5! You can say about the gameplay and story and characters whatever you want, but on the technical side it's a masterpiece on the PC. I never experienced any problems with it. Then there's the PC version of ORC that does have its bugs and other technical issues, but they're neither worse nor more numerous than those of the console versions. I even heard some players say that ORC actually plays better on the PC than on consoles, but I can't confirm or deny that because I've never played it on a console.

Anyway, when the PC release date was revealed, it was also said that the PC version will already include the improvements that console players get nowadays through patches, so I'm confident that the programmers have acknowledged the fans' complaints and are now working on a PC version that comes without those problems. And even if they don't - seriously, it can't be worse than the PC port of RE4 in any case.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
RE5 was the only one they did right and what I should have added in my post is PC ports always suck at first, every single time. They have to be fixed with patches further down the road which makes them end up being playable, I grabbed the Batman Arkham City GOTY edition for PC this week and all runs fine because its a year later, but when I went online for checks about the PC versions, I got exactly what I anticipated, loads of PC gamers complaining about bugs, crashes are other massive issues with game before it was patched, I've even read up the same things with other games like Dead Rising 2 and Splinter Cell to name a few and I even experienced it myself with Saints Row 3, the game had terrible loading times, crashed constantly and loads of bugs, but now after a bunch of post-release patches the game finally runs fine.

If you're gonna go for the PC version I recommend waiting for a while after release until people report the inevitable bugs, crashes and errors to Capcom and they patch them to fix the game, then at the same time you'll end up getting a cheaper, bug free RE6 and knowing the community there may be a bunch of mods ready too.


Goddess of the Dead
RE6 is not that exciting for me anymore since I already know everything about it, and now I want to play the new Tomb Raider game first (which comes on March 5th), so I'll probably follow your advise and get it later anyway. But you must admit that the countless modding possibilities are a reason to prefer the PC version over the others. :D (Unless you don't care about mods, that is.)


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
As I said before you should only buy the PC versions when they are released from the start (which it looks like Tomb Raider will be doing), because that proves that during development, the PC version was perfected at first and then was ported to consoles so when the game is released the PC version remains superior while the console versions are just ports, the other way round always ends up badly.

Yes the modding community for the PC versions are amazing, you can't do epic stuff like this on consoles.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Awesome! Jolly nice find, Hel! It's a bit of a wait, but it's nice to know that PC gamers gave finally been given a solid release date.


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
Well from the looks of it the PC version of RE6 is going to be pretty much the same as the PC version of RE5 and that was a very good port - stunning visuals and pretty low PC requirements.
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Goddess of the Dead
The first PC gameplay video is out.

I don't see a difference, but I never do, so I'll let you tell me what looks better or worse than in the console versions. :)


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
It is better - everything generally looks a bit higher quality and shinier but can't get much better than it already was so isn't too surprising that there isn't that big of a difference.

Here's some of the new PC exclusive Mercenaries mode.



Goddess of the Dead
Is it just my internet connection or does this Mercenaries video stutter? I guess so many enemies at once might be too much after all. (Although it works fine for me in RE5.)
Anyway, I'm quite unhappy that they didn't change the music for this mode. RE5's Mercenaries music was cool and catchy, this one sounds like the kind of stuff you hear on the amusement park's faster merry-go-rounds.


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
Is it just my internet connection or does this Mercenaries video stutter? I guess so many enemies at once might be too much after all. (Although it works fine for me in RE5.)
Anyway, I'm quite unhappy that they didn't change the music for this mode. RE5's Mercenaries music was cool and catchy, this one sounds like the kind of stuff you hear on the amusement park's faster merry-go-rounds.
Well you can always turn the music off and put on your own ;)
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Goddess of the Dead
That's fortunate! Because I have a rather strange taste when it comes to certain things, as you can see here. :D
Speaking of Mercenaries, do you know if we will have the extra maps (like the one in your video) from the beginning?


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
That's fortunate! Because I have a rather strange taste when it comes to certain things, as you can see here. :D
Speaking of Mercenaries, do you know if we will have the extra maps (like the one in your video) from the beginning?
That.. sounds like something you could hear in a merry-go-around but ok. :p Random: for some reason those always remind me of Silent Hill.

I don't think so and I don't think the DLCs are going to be free. Right now from what I know only the 4 DLC modes are confirmed for PC but no mention of the maps.

P.S. Looks like we are the only 2 PC players on the forum xD


Goddess of the Dead
It's supposed to sound more like a haunted house, it's the theme song of The Sims: Makin' Magic. ;)

From what I heard, we (and yes, it really seems like it's just the two of us) will get everything the console players get, which should include the Mercenaries maps, but I haven't heard anything more specific about that either. I hope so anyway, because having only three maps to choose from would suck. But you know what? We're stupid for having this discussion in the first place. Look at the video, it's the PC-exclusive mode in one of the extra maps, so that should have been a confirmation... :confused:


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
It's supposed to sound more like a haunted house, it's the theme song of The Sims: Makin' Magic. ;)

From what I heard, we (and yes, it really seems like it's just the two of us) will get everything the console players get, which should include the Mercenaries maps, but I haven't heard anything more specific about that either. I hope so anyway, because having only three maps to choose from would suck. But you know what? We're stupid for having this discussion in the first place. Look at the video, it's the PC-exclusive mode in one of the extra maps, so that should have been a confirmation... :confused:
Now that you mention it... I suppose it could be considered as a confirmation but only time will show for sure.
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