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Resident Evil 6 Onslaught FAQ?


Well-Known Member

I've been a lurker on this forum for some time now and I finally decided to make an account because I would like some input from fellow RE6 players.

For those of you who have an XBOX 360 and have purchased the extra mode Onslaught, I would love to have your input on any general strategies that you have come up with in the game. I will be updating this thread regularly as I work on this FAQ and want to make it as polished as I can before I submit it to gamefaqs.

I really love this mode and I want everyone to get the most out of it! The things I'm looking for are character strategies, useful skills, items that appear on certain levels, etc.

Here's the general skeleton for this FAQ:



--Item Locations
--Red Barrels/Electric Generators
--Time Bonus
--Spawn Locations

Thank you for taking to time to read and I hope that I can get you all to contribute. And of course I will credit anyone who helps me with this!


B.S.A.A. Agent
i guess i'll start :p

with that being said, i will not guarantee that i will follow the faq layout that CON started; with that.....it depends on the person really, as for me.....i prefer to be characters of my gender (the active general forum knows this, i hope so; cause i've stressed this heavily) but anyways, i go by my favourites on this mode: Helena ex2, Ada and Ada ex1 and Carla (i've somehow unlocked the latter character on said mode), that she has a picador (favourite pistol in RE6) and a good support/power weapon.

skill set wise, i have Target Master.... and like i said earlier in this message (it depends on the player), for i am a "shoot to kill" type, when it goes to this type of mode (that being Onslaught), cause i see no Legit reason to take your time and wait for a mele' (in Mercenaries i have time to do the mele' and fire arm attacks) but in this mode nope, and i like say that last night when i was playing Mercenaries, curiousity got the best of me and wondered if the quick 180 turn is also in RE6, and to my amuzement it is also available to do the quick 180 turn, as in RE5 this (the quick 180 turn) is available to do. it (the quick 180 turn) is quiet useful and helpful :)

(Helena ex2 is my mostly choosen, Ada ex1 and Carla are once in a while or a few times, but Helena ex2 is my default when it comes to Onslaught)

Wake up Ne0

BSAA Mercenary
good idea for the thread. I would like to contribute some general tips-

Combo time works differently to in mercs. In onslaught combo timers (green emblems) are hit to allow the combo to keep going (you will have roughly 20 seconds where the combo cannot drop 'combo time') these are useful to hit at the start of the round so you can collect the green herbs/spray without loosing the combo. If your combo is flashing, about to drop, remember where these are and hit them to keep combo going

Herbs n Spray Each map contains 3 or 4 herbs (to make 6 or 7) at the start, plus a First aid spray and various grenades. Its essential to collect all the herbs and spray ASAP in order to survive later

30 combo its prety much essential to consistently hit 30 combos if playing a decent opponent as when you hit 30 they will send BOW's or secret bosses to their map. These make it hard for the other player. If your getting to 25 and loosing it, you need to prepare better and always keep learning where they spawn.

Damage Strength In the bottom left there is an indicator of your 'output damage' that starts at 100%. Note this resets every time u hit 30 or finish your combo. This is how strong your characters damage is, with 100 been default. Doing a coup de grace or melee finish increases this by 30 / 20 % and makes ur damage stronger later in the combo. This is handy to boost up at the start of each combo, making you 200% or upto a total 300% (3 X as strong). So generally a good aim is boost up to 200% from the first 5 or 10 kills, then shoot your way upto 30 with more damage output. Each time you take a hit this drops so this isnt my main priority but can make dealing with bosses much easier if your out put is maxed up.

BOWS and dropped weapons As i play as chris, i play to use barrells dotted around the map or grenades that i find to kill the first boss that spawns. These generally drop a c4 explosive, then i will use that to kill the next boss. The second boss, or screamer or mining depths will drop a magnum. its essential to keep running the same circle or checking 360 degrees in case their is a weapon on the floor that you've not seen. After every 30 combo i will quickly collect any dropped ammo, check my health and find any weapons before starting next combo.

Lucky enemies When i play onslaught i am always on lookout for zombies with dynamite, firemen zombies, exploding bomb javo and so on. These can clear 30 combos in chain effect if your lucky. The enemies covered in the yellow slime from opponent-can be harder to spot. Learning when abouts in the stage these drop- for example Mining depths you get random dynamite drops after a few minutes and learning to spot them a mile off can help a great deal. I have died a few times from dynamite zombies chaining together and blowing me up so you need to stay alert and not rush melee everything.

Skills I wouldnt recommend Martial/ Target master as they loose more than they gain. For example Martial master gives u 25 % melee damage boost but takes 50% of your gun firepower away. I would recommend either item drop increase or pharmacist. The power boosting ones are less important because of damage strength allowing anyone to boost up if played correctly.

I used to find ammo conservation a big struggle on Onslaught but now i am careful and balance things, mix it up with my knife and always try not to hold down my trigger ( i use chris mostly ) so i just tap his assault rifle carefuly. If i ever run low i switch to knife or throw a few melees into the mix. I sometimes feel the weaker character compared to Sherry Costume, as she gets a shotty and a grenade launcher, but her grenade launcher is very weak in onslaught and wont even kill the bosses easily. I think an assault rifle is the way to go on onslaught so i would think Chris > Sherry costume > Pirate Leon (are my personal choices).

I would like to hear from people who play as other characters and their strategies.

Thats all i could think of for now but I will add more possibly as this develops. Also welcome to the forum Concoct :)
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