Thanks for getting this thread rolling, KK
, now...
I only have a basic understanding of biblical numerology, but thats it. The following site is a good site for looking up meanings to specific numbers:
KennedyKiller, I wish I could comment further on your post, but I truly do not know what is true and what is false when it comes to Friday the 13th. I, personally don't believe it brings any bad luck, as I don't recall recieving any on said date, but who knows save for God?
Well, anyway, regarding the previous thread, as I mentioned earlier... 888 is a number representative of the Christ. A number considered perfect in composition and a symbol of the Lord, the resurrection and holy baptism.
999 symbolizes Justice, and the truth.
Now, if you were to read Bible scripture, you would find that Jehovah God is Love, Justice, and Truth incarnate, to some extent. - Isaiah 61:8
Jesus spoke that He was "the way, the truth, and the life" - John 14:6
God is love incarnate, and also a lover of truth and justice. It's interesting that "999" symbolizes the concepts that make up God, and that the number is higher than that which represents the Christ, Jesus - God being superior too.
This confirms what is written in the Bible, in that God is great than Jesus - Higher than in power, and the numerology goes hand in hand with this. It's interesting...