I do have a Nintendo 3DS =) It's an awesome platform, I gotta tell ya. The 'face-hunting game' is so funny x'D The cameras on the front and the back make it possible for you to move around in your game =) That's a badass idea from Nintendo x]
But one negative point: Most of us will buy the Nintendo 3DS because of the 3D-effect. Well, if you'll buy the 3DS because of that, go ahead and buy, but immediately turn off the 3D-effect (at least don't play a lot with it). I may sound as your mother now, but when I first saw that effect, I was like: ''Whoah! That's ubercool!'', but then I was like: ''Meeehh, my eyes get tired and my brains ache a little D:'' And now, my eyes still feel weird.
Believe me, the 3D-effect isn't neccesarry to have a 'WOW-feeling' on the Nintendo 3DS (I mean, the part where you can move around is more of a 'WOW' than the 3D-effect itself.
But one more point: soon, there'll come out a Playstation NGP, which looks BADASS! It has touchscreen on the front AND the back! And it has the 'big boys-games', such as Resistance and Killzone. Well, 3DS has for now on Resident Evil: Revelations, but that's just it. The NGP will have more violent games. So, if you have difficulties with sparing money, wait a little more for the NGP to come out. If not, just buy them both
I don't have a single experience with the NGP, but as I saw machinima's '3DS vs. NGP' video, the NGP sounds more badass =)
You can see that video here: