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Next-Gen Outbreak Game?


The Armorer
I am sure a bunch of you like me have thought about how Outbreak would have been a better game if it came out later, since the game could have been installed on the HD of a PS3/Xbox360, and the load times could have been cut in half, but have you ever thought about how it could be now?

I play a few different games online, one at the moment is COD: Ghost. I also use to play the hell out of MGO. What makes these games enjoyable to me is honestly character customization. (Yes I know MGO is long gone) but think if they made a Outbreak like game where you got to make a character, then in RPG style have multiple things you could level up. Now think if they made maps (And DLC map packs) and liek any other MP game, you join and game, granted starting in the middle couldn't work, but imagine being thrown into a game with 3-7 different people you don't know, they all look different and you don't know who specializes in what (Get rid of character specific skills makes it where people have to communicate) I magine the feeling you would get if you ended up in a game where that particular level has a bunch of extras behind locked doors that you need to pick, and no one has enough lock picking skill to get them? Or the bad luck draw where you end up with a group and oddly enough everyone is all gun ho with no other skills. I imagine it would be a fun experience. I am sure people would love it since they would probably make a replica of themselves to play.

I also thought about an extreme where what if you had a online game that was city wide GTA style? Like there were a handful of locations where you are free from zombies, and are safe to stay. Imagine the missions they could have.

It's all up in the air but its something neat to ponder


Pencil Artist
Should have been like how ORC should have been like.
If one came out I would like to play it since I have never played an outbreak game before


The Armorer
I have the first one and need the second one to complete my collection, it was good but it lacked where the game was so big you go threw a door and sometime you have a minute or two wait cause of loading.


Super Saiyan Member
Character customization is ok. But not character creation. RE is very good about establishing it's own characters, and I think they should stick with that.


The Armorer
Well my thought is a game that they wouldnt have to make Cannon to the series, so there could be every thing under the sun. But I would just like a game even if it was just customization.
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