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Uncategorised My WII broke :(


Well-Known Member
ouch. This gets me worried, I might need to get myself a cheap back up wii. The thought of not being able to play remake scares me.
What exactly happened?


King of Bel
I'm not really sure. First it stopped reading disks right, and me and my cousin would have to change the placement of the wii to get it to work, then it just stopped reading them all together.


Well-Known Member
Sounds bad. There are some consoles I repair myself, but when it has a problem reading discs, I'm hopeless.

Gar Bageman

The Spirit of Rock 'n' Roll
I'm sorry to hear that, man!
This just gave me flashbacks to the time I accidentally kicked mine off it's perch... Thankfully, it was fine, but the little bit of time in-between kicking it and booting it up was excruciating!
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