Resident Evil 5 most difficult b.s.a.a. symbol to hit

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
I haven't found them all yet but so far for me the hardest one was on a pole in the middle of the lake in 3-1 I believe. You can barely see it at the start of stage. Took me about 20 shots to nail it.
Yeah both those are the hardest Geee-zus! Both well hard to get, took me a good few shots to get em' both, the one on 6-1... I thought I'd never get it, though after a good few shots hahah I was thinking to myself, I'm so close to getting them all I cant run out of sniper bullets now >.<

but even with the PSG1's scope it's still hard to get!
bssa emblem

i think the hardest one to get is the one in the dumpster, it is not hard to hit but it took the mike to find it. I have 28 emblems and have not used any walkthroughs i need help!!!
Hahaha that dumpster one.. I was usng Sheva to get it once an I thought she wasnt tall enough to shoot it muhaha, I ended up using a nade to get it lool.
Well done for not using any guides!
I found like 9 without the guides and a few extra I accidently found but it's pretty hard to find em' when you dont know where they are lol. Ive got em all now though hah!

I say go youtube.
Thanks for giving us some links guys. I will carry out getting them all tomorrow. Some might think its cheating but some of them are extremely hard and I just dont have the time going through chapter after chapter searching for them. Quick question, do you need to finishj the level in order for them to activate?
RE5.;29366 said:
no you dont need to finnish the levels
once you shot the emblem just quit an save the game.

It's wonderful!

Thanks dude. I know you can do that with all the tresures and items you collect, just didnt know about the emblems.
Tell me about it, Gee-zus! you can see it but when your aiming at it, your scope marker pretty much hides it once your aiming at it haha! pretty hard. I dont really think Shevas alt costumes as good there both skimpy haha She should of got a BSAA uniform or something, Or a stars outfit...

I hope capcom make some extra costumes as downloadable content.
Well for me it would be the other 27 I haven't yet found! LOL! Yes I'm amazing and I;ve managed to find a grand total of 3 so far and I;ve gone through the whole game once! Admitedly they were the last thing on my mind but I managed to find two today on 1-3 and that's it for a couple of hours play! What a star, at least it means the game will last me longer. He he he!
There kinda hard to find if you ask me, well sorta.. I dunno theres so many things the game wants you to find, It would be impossible to get everything done on the first run, no way youd find all the tresuurres all the emblems an do it in under a certain time, no way haha, Which is cool because the games meant to played over an over.

Wish I new where all the tressures where haha Ive got at least 3 rows missing in the tressure part where you sell everything. Whats cool about playing online is that some people will help you get the emblems =]