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Well-Known Member
Ok, so I would have bet on my life that Stryker from Mortal Kombat was voiced by Craig Rodger Smith because his voice is identical to Chris Redfield in RE5, REvalations, and 6. And I recently found out like days ago that it was a completely different guy. So I finally got over it after cutting myself with a blunt razor blade for a few hours.

Then...I just found out that Leon Kennedy is no longer voiced by Paul Mercier, now, I think I saw Mathew's name before next to Leon's picture but I only payed attention to the last name because I thought Mathew was Paul's middle name anyway.


Paul Haddad= Leon's RE2 voice actor
Paul Mercier= RE4 and Degeneration
Mathew Mercer<------- Almost the exact same last name.

I swear Leon's next voice actor is gonna be named -Paul Mercier Haddad with the nickname Mathew.

So I took it easy because the voices are practically the same (Even though I don't understand why they changed VAs) and I would not have known if I didn't decide to look something up on Leon, but this is where it gets insane.

A few minutes after I found this out, I was idly watching videos on Youtube, and in the reccomended video on the side there was a video for all of the Mortal Kombat voice actors, so I decided to watch it. So it's showing me the characters and voice actors side by side and guess what I see about halfway through the video...there is a picture of Stryker and Mathew Mercer side by side.

I haz seent some ****z that cannot be unseent. You're telling me the dude I THOUGHT was Chris is LEON?!!! For a completely different video game that's not even with the same company?! What are the freakin' odds! I can't remember the last time I got mind phucked this hard. To make the impact even heavier it was the same exact picture of Mathew I had just seen for his Leon summary.

So yeah I just had to share this, I hope you guys get like half as 'WTF' as I am. :confused: Some of you might think it's not a big deal, but I just thought it was really freaky.

Mantis TabogganMD

Lolz, I had the same revelation too. I thought it was weird that his first two voice actors were named Paul, then the last names of the two recent ones are too similar. At first I thought they were related because I didn't notice the last names were different(DERP.) Another interesting thing, is that I was watching an interview with Matt, and he said that him and Paul knew eachother and were bros to an extent. Also, was Paul the one who voiced The Darkside Chronicles? Man, I loved his sheet in RE4, portrayed Leon's smartass-ness so well lolz.

I will give the new guy some credit though, in the first trailer I didn't even notice the VA was different. He does sound like a more "matured" Leon. Until he yells at Helena while waiting for doors, then he kinda sounds like Chris to me, lulz.


Well-Known Member
Lolz, I had the same revelation too. I thought it was weird that his first two voice actors were named Paul, then the last names of the two recent ones are too similar. At first I thought they were related because I didn't notice the last names were different(DERP.) Another interesting thing, is that I was watching an interview with Matt, and he said that him and Paul knew eachother and were bros to an extent. Also, was Paul the one who voiced The Darkside Chronicles? Man, I loved his sheet in RE4, portrayed Leon's smartass-ness so well lolz.

I will give the new guy some credit though, in the first trailer I didn't even notice the VA was different. He does sound like a more "matured" Leon. Until he yells at Helena while waiting for doors, then he kinda sounds like Chris to me, lulz.
As far as I know, yes. Paul did DSC. I think he could have pulled off an older Leon just fine, I don't get why they changed him.

I heard someone say that Matthew can pull of a great Chris Redfeild imitation so maybe Matthew is one of those "man of a million voices" guys.

Mantis TabogganMD

Yeah, I don't get the change up either. If or when Claire is shown again, I'm gonna be ****ed if Alyson doesn't voice her. To me, that is Claire, and I'm not sure if anyone else could ever hold a candle to her interpretation.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't get the change up either. If or when Claire is shown again, I'm gonna be ****ed if Alyson doesn't voice her. To me, that is Claire, and I'm not sure if anyone else could ever hold a candle to her interpretation.
She is the only returning character from the classic games that still has her original voice actor. Ada held the trophy with Claire for a while but they changed hers. >_<

Mantis TabogganMD

She is the only returning character from the classic games that still has her original voice actor. Ada held the trophy with Claire for a while but they changed hers. >_<
Exactly. When I first saw Damnation I wasn't sold on the new VA in the beginning, but for some reason she started to sound more, "Adaish" as the film progressed. Still miss Sally(?), cause in RE6 it seemed like she gave her a little bit of a lisp lolz.
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