Loose Ends and darkside chronicles

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2009
What i want to know is if they will ever bring Rebbeca Chambers or carlos oliveira back into the series. There are many loose ends that still need to be tied up. Like Barry Burton or even Billy Coen. What happened to sherry birkin,
I think they should bring a game out that explains all theese loose ends like umbrella chronicles but better.

Capcom are making a game for wii about resident evil 2 called the Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. It takes place in Raccoon City, but other areas will also be visited. Part of the game will cover the events of Resident Evil 2 while new and previously unseen aspects of the series' storyline will be explore.You take control of Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield. The game will be an on-rails shooter. The player's partner will be seen on screen during gameplay, unless a co-op game is being played. Capcom has stated that they want the experience of the game to feel new, as a means to make it stand out from The Umbrella Chronicles. The game will focus more on horror, and will adjust its difficulty itself, depending on the players' skill level.
In Darkside Chronicles, I think you will only be able to play with claire or LEon (i think) and probably, Rebecca, Barry, Carlos, etc will not be mentioned anymore. From what i heard, the "Act 1" of Resident Evil ends here. In future games, they will reinvent the series, which means new characters, new storylines. (At least, i think they won't bring those characters back... )
Why do people insist on bringing back these characters?

Rebecca was clearly traumatized after the events of RE0/RE. She probably quit the R.P.D. soonafter and therefore wouldn't be involved in the future installments.

Carlos just wanted to escape Raccoon City and be done with it. He has no reason to be involved again with any outbreaks or anything. He probably went back to his home country to live a life away from Umbrella.

Billy has the biggest reason to not show up ever again out of everybody. He's an escaped convict reported to be dead. He probably retired to a life of hiding. He didn't survive all the BS in RE0 just to go "Yeah! Now I'm gonna take down Umbrella!"

Barry and Sherry are probably the ONLY characters without closure that need it.
I think your theorys sounds pretty realistic why would anyone choose to go through it all again =p Billy waqs a badass though, that is the only reason I'd wonna see him again. Barry has that cool magnum as well.
I think with the reinvention they'll have some backstory links to the old characters but throw in new ones. They only run the risk of either making new characters too different from the originals or too samey. It's going to be a tough ride for them and a tough job to pull it off. That said if they continue to make installments such as Dark Side Chronicles and Umbrella Chronicles we'll always be getting a taste for the original characters.
rebecca does stay involved in umbrellas downfall if you include the RE books. so i guess she would ultimately become a member of the BSAA as i asume Barry would too, unless he wanted to stay with his family or something.
i'm not sure if people do include the books do they? they are official and it has capcom on the back.