excuse my god awful time and rank..i blame my poor decision making in regards to the item drop system. in the beginning i really enjoyed the system, but in the end i found myself backtracking so much. i must've spent 30 minutes just going back to the training facility to grab the grenade launcher before facing the final boss, and i straight up lost the magnum. looked for that thing for like an hour and a half.
regardless of all that, i don't think there is any fault in the system, and i had a blast finishing this game for my first time. the item drop system as well as the partner mechanism and AI are not only very innovative but really well executed as well. i never once felt like my partner was holding me back (like i felt for the entirety of RE5); rebecca only died once on my watch and it was during the final battle because i neglected to leave her with any herbs or sprays.
overall i'd give this game a 9.5/10, only losing points to some wonkiness in the storyline (but hey, it's an RE game; and a prequel, at that!) and the training facility seeming like a hasty reworking of the spencer mansion. if you enjoyed REmake and you haven't played this game, you're really doing yourself a disservice imo.