Resident Evil Zero James Marcus and the Mansion Incident

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Resident James

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2009
Something about the events that led up to the events of RE0 and RE1 had me thinking.

When Marcus attacked the Umbrella research teams (one on the train, the other in the Training facility), he did so with his leaches.

But with the mansion, there are logs that indicate that it took sometime for people to realize there was an infection, and that there were still survivors for a long while after.

Thats not like Marcus's attack on the train at all, his train attack had music and a zerg rush of Leaches and was over really quickly.

Plus, the zombies in the Mansion had the ability to become crimson heads, and there was documentation of crimson heads in one of the files because there was crimson head research done at the Mansion. While there were no crimson heads in RE0, that suggests the T-Virus strain Marcus had was an older version of the T-virus than the one in the mansion.

I think, the suspicions that it was all an accidental infection that got out of hand that players got when playing RE before RE0 came out is still the correct assumption.

James Marcus may have just lied about him infecting the Mansion in order to take credit for it, but he was beaten to the punch by an accident.
Capcom and logic don't really go together, but yeah, I think you're right for the most part.

I like to believe that Marcus wasn't responsible for the mansion incident, but rather like many Diaries and such explain: The Mansion Incident came about by accident.
The mansion was infected 2 months before RE takes place, and the infection was gradual (they even had guards preventing anyone from leaving). This makes me think Marcus either contamined the water supply, or used an airborn version of the virus. I think the V-ACT strain of the virus was being developed there, cultured from CH Prototype 1, and he used this strain in this facility.
When the USS entered the Management Training Facility, Marcus might have felt scared and used the leeches to finish them off quickly. As the leeches' virus enters directly into the victim's blood stream, the infection is much faster. He probably found out about the second team using the Ecliptic Express and planned an attack on the train. I think this is a non V-ACT version, though Wesker fights some CH's in Chronicles.
In RE-0, just after you save Rebecca from falling into the hole, there is a cut scene involving Birkin and Wesker. Wesker notes that he will be sending the S.T.A.R.S unit into the mansion as a test for the T-Virus. (would that indicate that maybe Wesker was involved in releasing the T-Virus upon the mansion?) Please note that i am currently playing through to complete RE-0 for the 1st time in a cannon senario.
In RE-0, just after you save Rebecca from falling into the hole, there is a cut scene involving Birkin and Wesker. Wesker notes that he will be sending the S.T.A.R.S unit into the mansion as a test for the T-Virus. (would that indicate that maybe Wesker was involved in releasing the T-Virus upon the mansion?) Please note that i am currently playing through to complete RE-0 for the 1st time in a cannon senario.

That's the assumption I'd always gotten. Wesker being either partially or wholly responsible, infecting the mansion as a way to lure the other STARS members to the mansion as test subjects to see how they fare against T-Virus-infected creatures.
Wesker and Umbrella were not involved with the infection, it was either accidental or caused by Marcus. However, once the virus was spread, they decided to use the incident as a field-test for it and all the BOW's stored in the facility.
Here is a piece from 'Weskers Report'

A series of bizarre murders occurred in the forest near the mansion.
The cause of the biohazard was a leak of the T-Virus from Umbrella's laboratory in the mansion.
They initially ordered me secretly to stop S.T.A.R.S. from intervening in the incident, but eventually we were forced to mobilize due to the heightened awareness of the citizens.
Umbrella knew it, having felt the sense of danger. They feared the incident would be exposed to the light of day.
Finally, the following orders came to me: "Lure S.T.A.R.S. to the mansion and kill them. Then report the entire situation to headquarters to serve as combat data of the B.O.W.s during actual combat."

This piece shows light to two things,

The viral leak was from the Mansion

Umbrella at last minute decided to use the accident as a combat test on there BOW's.

But there is some flaws if you use both Weskers Report and Weskers Report 2. In Weskers Report, it states that Wesker and Birkin meet in executive training school, where in Weskers Report two it states they start out at the Arkley Facility as age 16 (Birkin) and age 18 (Wesker).

Weskers Report 2 also doesnt mention anything to support that Birkin and Wesker ever met Marcus.

Also with RE0 showing that Wesker and Birkin kill him, and then in the game we see them watching him from that little security office, where we get the idea that S.T.A.R.S. is going to be used to collect combat data. Well why would you not throw in the data you collect from Rebecca and Billy?

Also in Weskers Report, its mentioned about Wesker jumping from Umbrella to another no named company.

With Wesker wanting to move to another Corp, and stating he was going to use the Tyrant and its Combat Data as a bargaining chip, it seems like he would also include all the other info, like the data of Billy and Becca fighting Marcus's mother virus, he could also include information on the Nemesis Project, and the Nemesis Prototype being put into Lisa Trevor (She is not named but is a subject that has been there since the Arkley Facility was opened... self explanatory).

Also they act that Marcus took in Wesker and Birkin, at the training facility, but Spencer closed the Training Facility. But in Weskers Report 2 they leave the Head of the Laboratory no named, but they describe him in the same way they do Marcus. So how was Marcus at the Lab and doing his own thing at the Training Facility? Also as the head of the laboratory he was to provide specimens for Birkin and Wesker. Why would he do that while he is trying to do his thing to get on the board of directors of Umbrella?

My guess is his 'New' body and conscious knows what Wesker and Birkin are up to, and is hoping to spread his version of the 'Truth' and make it become History, by killing off Wesker and Birkin. But Billy and Becca intervene, and scrap this.

So he is just saying it, hoping that he will go down as the greatest man and researcher in history.
Ok, catch some most important infos about Marcus, Wesker and Birkin, I hope it will help :)

Augst, 1968- Umbrella created Training Facility in Arklay Mountains, with Marcus as a Director.

2nd September, 1977- Wesker (17 y.o.) and Birkin (15 y.o.) arrived to the school managed by Marcus.

7th October, 1977- One scientist, which looks after recruits, get a command from Marcus. He has to make competing Wesker and Birkin among themselves, about which one is better.

11th February , 1978- Wesker and Birkin are the only persons trusted by Marcus. They are ordered to guard his laboratory, after someone tried to steal results of Marcus researches.

JULY 1978- Spencer get info about Marcus'es experiments on humans, and ordered Wesker and Birkin to kill him. Marcus cannot believe that he was betrayed by two of his most trusted men. His body is thrown into sewers, but Leech Queen infected his corpse and bring him back to life.

29th July, 1978- Umbrella Training Facility has been shut down.

May, 1998- James Marcus visited his old, abandoned laboratory. He vows revenge on Spencer and Umbrella.

11 MAY, 1998 - James Marcus infiltrated laboratory in Spencer Mansion and releases T-Virus, this initiated an infection. All incident he set up to looks like 'accident during research'.

12th July, 1998- Birkin ordered searching in abandoned Marcus laboratory. He sent military unit to check what is going on in facility.

20th July, 1998 - first group arrived to Training Facility.

21st July, 1998 - Marcus know about 'guests' in his laboratory. He released leeches infected by T-Virus, and infect soldiers.

23rd July, 1998 - RE Zero action is started. Ecliptic Express crosses Raccoon Forest. Except regular passengers, there are also soldiers from second unit sent by Birkin to Marcus facility. Marcus'es leeches attacked train and killed everyone.

What happened after, it is known if someone played RE 0 :)
Here is a piece from 'Weskers Report'

A series of bizarre murders occurred in the forest near the mansion.
The cause of the biohazard was a leak of the T-Virus from Umbrella's laboratory in the mansion.
They initially ordered me secretly to stop S.T.A.R.S. from intervening in the incident, but eventually we were forced to mobilize due to the heightened awareness of the citizens.
Umbrella knew it, having felt the sense of danger. They feared the incident would be exposed to the light of day.
Finally, the following orders came to me: "Lure S.T.A.R.S. to the mansion and kill them. Then report the entire situation to headquarters to serve as combat data of the B.O.W.s during actual combat."

This piece shows light to two things,

The viral leak was from the Mansion

Umbrella at last minute decided to use the accident as a combat test on there BOW's.

But there is some flaws if you use both Weskers Report and Weskers Report 2. In Weskers Report, it states that Wesker and Birkin meet in executive training school, where in Weskers Report two it states they start out at the Arkley Facility as age 16 (Birkin) and age 18 (Wesker).

Weskers Report 2 also doesnt mention anything to support that Birkin and Wesker ever met Marcus.

Also with RE0 showing that Wesker and Birkin kill him, and then in the game we see them watching him from that little security office, where we get the idea that S.T.A.R.S. is going to be used to collect combat data. Well why would you not throw in the data you collect from Rebecca and Billy?

Also in Weskers Report, its mentioned about Wesker jumping from Umbrella to another no named company.

With Wesker wanting to move to another Corp, and stating he was going to use the Tyrant and its Combat Data as a bargaining chip, it seems like he would also include all the other info, like the data of Billy and Becca fighting Marcus's mother virus, he could also include information on the Nemesis Project, and the Nemesis Prototype being put into Lisa Trevor (She is not named but is a subject that has been there since the Arkley Facility was opened... self explanatory).

Also they act that Marcus took in Wesker and Birkin, at the training facility, but Spencer closed the Training Facility. But in Weskers Report 2 they leave the Head of the Laboratory no named, but they describe him in the same way they do Marcus. So how was Marcus at the Lab and doing his own thing at the Training Facility? Also as the head of the laboratory he was to provide specimens for Birkin and Wesker. Why would he do that while he is trying to do his thing to get on the board of directors of Umbrella?

My guess is his 'New' body and conscious knows what Wesker and Birkin are up to, and is hoping to spread his version of the 'Truth' and make it become History, by killing off Wesker and Birkin. But Billy and Becca intervene, and scrap this.

So he is just saying it, hoping that he will go down as the greatest man and researcher in history.
We can't actually trust this. Wesker's Report is considered Non Canon by Capcom.
I never knew Capcom considers 'Weskers Report' Non Cannon. But learn something new every day.