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Revelations 2 Is Revelations 2 Raid Mode More Difficult Than Revelations 1?


Well-Known Member
I didn't get to play much of the first but from what I experienced and see it seems the first to be easier than the second Revelations. No map and less ammo in Revelations 2 are a few things that could make it more difficult. Any other reasons I may be missing? Or are they the same to you?


Goddess of the Dead
In Revelations 2 you can equip all kinds of badass skills and weapon parts to make them nigh-invulnerable, you can carry four weapons instead of only three, and the stages are so short and linear that a map really isn't necessary. Also, completion medallions are easier to get than Revelations 1's trinity bonuses because you're allowed to get hit, you just can't use herbs. I find the second Rape Mode a lot easier than the first actually.


Pencil Artist
Trinity bonuses in the original 3ds revelations were almost impossible.
You couldn't get hit
You had to get 100% accuracy
You had to kill all enemies

The accuracy requirement was the killer though.

So because of that I think the original was harder of you're going for completion.

In the Remake of revelations for consoles they switched the accuracy for
level requirement which made things easier but still pretty tough in terms of not even being able to be hit. Especially since the dodge mechanic was difficult to pull off at times.

In the second game your movement has been significantly improved and the dodge mechanic is completely different which allows for move room and time to dodge.
You are also allowed to get hit now as it's changed to not using a herb rather than not taking any damage at all.
They let you put parts on guns to regain health and also save you from death in certain circumstances without penalising you for it. Theres even skills to make dodging more effective, turn invisible and increase your max health.

So i actually find the latest revelations raid mode more simple when it comes to getting completion medals (this games variant to trinity)

However I do find some enemies and levels Difficult.
They have severely lowered the ammo finds and enemies do have alot more buffs than the previous games.
The right combination of buffs on an enemy can really turn things differently.
Although since these combination buffs are randomised most of the time it can be manageable.

Code red is a different story though, I do find it harder than abyss difficulty in the first revelations.

If this game had a ghost ship type level I would compare those as well but since it hasn't My opinions are based on the normal levels only.
The omega level in this game is easy, especially on coop mode.
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