I think he is. Leon S Kennedy seems to be every RE fangirls fantasy. And for boys, he is this big action hero. RE4 is over rated as well. Personally I couldn't stand it.
I have to completely disagree with most fans though about his campaign in RE6, that is where I do think he becomes this glorified poster boy. He accomplishes absolutely nothing in that game as his story arc flatlines but somehow his is the best?
@Turo602 Yeah sure Chris may have been in more games than Leon. But you can't deny that Leon is the only character who appeared from RE0 to RE6 that under go an extensive characteristic development throughout the series.
He kinda is to be honest. he gets most screen time than any of the other characters. He has the most personality development while everyone else they barely get any. From the way they are developing Leon is becoming the main character of the series while everyone else is becoming secondary characters. Sure he's the most popular character to "fans" but that not really a good reason to focus on him and ignore everyone else.
I would say that he is for the CG movies alone, Action Leon taken to two extremes.
Monotone/non-chalant and hyper-competent, to the point where it takes Leon and his Handgun to down a Tyrant that's been absorbing gunfire from the military the whole movie.
Like, hate RE4 Leon if you want to, at least he something of a personality and is allowed by the game to f*ck up.
THANK YOU! Finally someone else who realises this. Opinions may differ on how good each individual campaign is gameplay-wise, but when it comes to the story, Leon is clearly the underdog here. Chris and Piers save the world not once, not twice, but three times in a row, Ada finishes off Carla, the real big bad, and Jake is the living C-virus cure - those people make up the story of RE6! Meanwhile, Leon is just a supporting character in his own campaign, assisting an angry woman on her quest for revenge that barely contributes anything to the overall plot, yet still, he is hyped like the one true hero of the game. That's part of him being overrated - he's considered the star of everything he appears in, even when he barely does anything. And now the first few trailers of REmake 2 focus completely on him, even though there's yet another playable protagonist whose story in the original was (in my opinion) even more important than his. So yeah...