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Uncategorised Is it true?


Well-Known Member
I heard mixed reviews saying that it was good or it was a bad port. are they right? if not someone tell me otherwise

Awesome oats

Well-Known Member
Man I cant tell you how much fun I had with this port. Its a little more polished than the one on ps1 and has a rebirth mode witch adds cool features to the actual game so you wont feel bored if you finished resident evil 1 a couple times alredy. I absolutely loved it.


Well-Known Member
Wesker has blonde hair in the ds version. :D

The top screen shows your map, alongside the amount of ammo you have remaining. You also run a lot faster, can 180 turn, can auto-aim, reload with the B button whilst aiming and can choose to skip the cut scenes.

Awesome oats

Well-Known Member
Wesker has blonde hair in the ds version. :D

The top screen shows your map, alongside the amount of ammo you have remaining. You also run a lot faster, can 180 turn, can auto-aim, reload with the B button whilst aiming and can choose to skip the cut scenes.
don't forget the knifing mode on the touch screen!


Almost a Jibble Sammich
If you love RE1, this is definitely worth getting. It includes the classic game in full, I find it to be quite playable, and a 'Rebirth mode' which is the same game but utilises more of the DS' unique features, such as the touch-screen. It also has a little multiplayer mode to play with other people who have the game. I love it, personally, I think it got mixed reviews because it has aged a little horribly for anyone who doesn't like RE - cheesy acting, graphics outdated etc. But for RE connoisseurs... it's a great little gem :)


Well-Known Member
i cant stand the ds version of this game,
sure it does have some cool things added,
but a lot of the soundtrack was removed, cant believe no one mentioned that,
its only about 40 percent of the original soundtrack left
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