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Ideas for a new game...

black 93

Well-Known Member
Id love a game that went back in time to the 60's when George trevor and his family were inprisoned by spencer, like playing as george trying to escape the mansion. Also see how lisa trevor was turned into a monster. Anyone agree?


Super Saiyan Member
...I won't lie. That's the most unique Idea I've heard on here in a while. Now, Lisa becoming what she was took years upon years of experimentation, so we wouldn't see her as she is now. In fact, as far as George knew, and we can surmise, she hadn't been experimented on at the time of his murder. There would also be no zombies, seeing as there wasn't an outbreak when George was being disposed of. Further more, we already know the layout of the mansion inside and out considering how old RE is, and how many Remakes they've done lol. So for a game as a whole, I don't think it would be that amazing. But I award you major points for creativity when it comes to going back that far and using characters so easily forgotten, though they were semi major, as a plot device for a game.

black 93

Well-Known Member
...I won't lie. That's the most unique Idea I've heard on here in a while. Now, Lisa becoming what she was took years upon years of experimentation, so we wouldn't see her as she is now. In fact, as far as George knew, and we can surmise, she hadn't been experimented on at the time of his murder. There would also be no zombies, seeing as there wasn't an outbreak when George was being disposed of. Further more, we already know the layout of the mansion inside and out considering how old RE is, and how many Remakes they've done lol. So for a game as a whole, I don't think it would be that amazing. But I award you major points for creativity when it comes to going back that far and using characters so easily forgotten, though they were semi major, as a plot device for a game.
good points, i didnt think of any of that lol. Suppose it would be quite hard for them to pull off for a whole game. Maybe it'd do for a bit of dlc lol

umbra aeterna

Well-Known Member
Resident evil 7 plot


New BSAA agent kaitlin Nivans goes on her first mission to investigate an old Tricell lab where biological horrors took place, only to find it infested.

-story opens with Dr.Rebecca Chambers talking about the proginator virus at a piblic assembly.Sheva Alomar now pronited to Captain Alomar, gives details of what she found in Kijuju.Chris and Claire Redfield are there as well as a crippled Jill Valentine...with all of the crap wesker pumped i her system gone, her fall took it's toll on her.Barry is also there with his family.

Notes :Chris is now Commander Redfield.

-next scene, a sniper scope is trained on Dr.chambers, the Chris, then on Dr.Strauss, head of the 'rebirth earth 'project, designed to undo the progenitor virus.The shooter takes a shot at Chris, but misses, hitting his arm instead of his chest.Everyone evacuates and security searches for the shooter.The shooter makes a run for it and is chased, but it's a diversion.

-Dr.Strauss gets into a vehicle only for it go be a set up because the driver is Albert Wesker,but he is sick and apparently dying, his eyes look normal.He drives off, pretending to be security but Strauss gets suspicious. Wesker aims a gun at him and demands that Strauss helps him.He coughs up blood and Strauss shows concern. Suddenly, a motorcycle pulls up beside them, shoots the car and Wesker and Strass over the road.

-the camera goes into first person pov and you can see the remains of the burning vehicle and Wesker and Strauss dragged away.


Next part shows several scenes of Strauss and others being taken to a facility, being experimented on.Wesker at some point tried to fight his way out and was put down and stuck in a straight jacket.Strauss dies from the experiments .

During and experiment on 'patient X ' a new bow with new abilities. During the experiment, the re is a leak and the whole facility is **** down by the lead scientist with everyone inside.


-Tamara arrives at the facility with the BSAA .Leon was already there when it happened and was taken prisoner.While there, he meets Ashley graham who is now a journalist and one of the patients.

You have 3 choices at the beggining-start as tamara Nivans with Chris as your commander on your com.Tamara's will become Leon, who was locked in the facility when he responded to a call for help fro. Ashely Graham, who is now an investigative journalist, covering bow related cases.She sent him the info on the facility before she was captured.

If you play Ashley, you start in survival horror scenario.You, alone, have to fight your way through zombies and otyer grotesque monsters.Then, there's patient X, a humanoid BOW that will protect you as long as you give him blood from other monsters( or youreelf at the expense of your health) .Patient x is pretty much human in appearance, just stuc in a straight jacket and as a result, uses two retractable cable like limbs to substitute and has retractable black wings.Said bow is also extremely durable withe enhanced strength and speed,but is not impervious to injury.

-but you have to be careful with X...if you don't meetip with Leon or Tamara, you will be kidnapped by X, greatly alteribg the course of the game.She instead, will be taken later.

-scenario 3,you start off as Jake Muller who is now an anti-bow mercenary, who assists whever enlists his help if the price is right and helps the BSAA. He gets a call from Sherry about Leon disapearing while investigating an abandoned facility in europe.Jake heads over,but doesn't find him.In Jake's scenario, Ashley has been kidnapped by X already and the BSAA are strugkibg to fight the superhuman patient X.Jake goes toe yo toe with X, who upon smelling his blood, backs off.

-NOTE -if ashely is not take Jake will betake instead.


When Jake comes to, he will be co fronted with a man who tells him he is his father.Patient X is albert wesker after being sibjected to torturous experiments. He looks human, but he is covered in surfical scars.After a fight, Wesker tells him about project wesker and spencer and tries to manipulate him into takinv out 'the family 'by taking down tricell facilites and all gheir labs.

Note -IF you helo wesker, he will return the favor by jumping in boss fights and etc.He will only help Jake, as Jake's blood can help stabilize his condition.--

Note-jake aand wesker are neutral, wesker is an anti-villain

1)you find letters between wesker and jakes mom.turns out she was a bow and jake has HER abilities,not Wesker's. He had fallen for his own experiment and set her free

2)re5 wesker was one of the wesker children.in the facility there are weskers and Alice's everywhere, being experimented on.these people are cloned using the c-virus. RE5 wesker was labled a failed experiment.

3)the main villai is a lost ashford, Johnathan ashford, a bastard child

4)videos of experiments are around crwating an almost bioshoxk like effect

-also, all of those Wesker scenarios can be replaced with some other villain, alex wesker maybe.

The beggining, what do you think?

umbra aeterna

Well-Known Member
Extra notes

In Tamara's campaign, piers can be found and saved, he is optional only.he will assist her as a sniper and override doors.as despite being cured, like sherry, he retained his abilities

-injured chris and wheel chair bound jill have a mission where they fight their way through a hospital outbreak

-sheva and chris work together a lot

-chris and leon work together

-sheva is tamara's usual partner

-ada wong will assist at many points

-there are 'negative' virus samples, temporary viruses that grant power in exchange for health (ex:veronica negative)

-if tamara helps Wesker,he will try to strike a deal with the bsaa(proof of the wesker project phase 2 with the alices and prove he was not in kijuju) , and if it suceeds he will become an optional partner...however, he will bail on you from time to time because wesker is a dick, guys

-alice is unlockable if you beat her...but likely only jake, piers, sherry, and wesker could beat her


Well-Known Member
I would like another game set back in the Raccoon City incident from another point of view....maybe do more with the other Bravo team members idk. Tie things together even more/add little things to the story. Regardless of where the next game takes place, most importantly I want a REAL FU***** FEEL to it!! You should be able to carry as many keys/crushed up herbs as possible...only a couple of first aid sprays, unless of course they make them appear smaller, One large gun and two small guns, unless they make the transportation of two larger guns and transfer between them take longer. REALISTIC gun loading/firing. Limited ammo....how much are you really going to be able to physically keep on you?!?!? SURVIVAL horror....something that as a grown ass 31 year old man, I am genuinely freaked out about playing. A real sense of desperation/doubt throughout the game. How about options to lock doors to get your S*** together when fleeing from an enemy that you weren't prepared for. I like the option to have Co-op too though. Better interaction during co-op if it is a part of the game, not just the same old re-hashed quotes, surroundings influence player induced commands. Fewer firearm upgrades/etc. I'm a Gun guy btw, but how about focusing on a few weapons and really getting us acquainted with them specifically. I could go on and on rambling like this but one word sums it up for me.........REAL.

umbra aeterna

Well-Known Member
I would like another game set back in the Raccoon City incident from another point of view....maybe do more with the other Bravo team members idk. Tie things together even more/add little things to the story. Regardless of where the next game takes place, most importantly I want a REAL FU***** FEEL to it!! You should be able to carry as many keys/crushed up herbs as possible...only a couple of first aid sprays, unless of course they make them appear smaller, One large gun and two small guns, unless they make the transportation of two larger guns and transfer between them take longer. REALISTIC gun loading/firing. Limited ammo....how much are you really going to be able to physically keep on you?!?!? SURVIVAL horror....something that as a grown ass 31 year old man, I am genuinely freaked out about playing. A real sense of desperation/doubt throughout the game. How about options to lock doors to get your S*** together when fleeing from an enemy that you weren't prepared for. I like the option to have Co-op too though. Better interaction during co-op if it is a part of the game, not just the same old re-hashed quotes, surroundings influence player induced commands. Fewer firearm upgrades/etc. I'm a Gun guy btw, but how about focusing on a few weapons and really getting us acquainted with them specifically. I could go on and on rambling like this but one word sums it up for me.........REAL.

-Playing as the Bravo team would be awesome! :) Forest,Edward,Kev and maybe a version when you play as Enrico in the mansion.Yes,that will work

umbra aeterna

Well-Known Member
I would like another game set back in the Raccoon City incident from another point of view....maybe do more with the other Bravo team members idk. Tie things together even more/add little things to the story. Regardless of where the next game takes place, most importantly I want a REAL FU***** FEEL to it!! You should be able to carry as many keys/crushed up herbs as possible...only a couple of first aid sprays, unless of course they make them appear smaller, One large gun and two small guns, unless they make the transportation of two larger guns and transfer between them take longer. REALISTIC gun loading/firing. Limited ammo....how much are you really going to be able to physically keep on you?!?!? SURVIVAL horror....something that as a grown ass 31 year old man, I am genuinely freaked out about playing. A real sense of desperation/doubt throughout the game. How about options to lock doors to get your S*** together when fleeing from an enemy that you weren't prepared for. I like the option to have Co-op too though. Better interaction during co-op if it is a part of the game, not just the same old re-hashed quotes, surroundings influence player induced commands. Fewer firearm upgrades/etc. I'm a Gun guy btw, but how about focusing on a few weapons and really getting us acquainted with them specifically. I could go on and on rambling like this but one word sums it up for me.........REAL.

-Playing as the Bravo team would be awesome! :) Forest,Edward,Kev and maybe a version when you play as Enrico in the mansion.Yes,that will work
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