Ideas for a new chronicles game?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2009
Ever since hearing and watching videos and information on darkside chronicles that is coming out soon, I have been thinking ideas for a new chronicles game?

Please note some people will hate this idea others may not...

Title: resident evil: the forgotten chronicles
It has 5 chapters with 3 segments in each.
In addition some of the chapters will have to go through stages of "retcon" to deem them canon.

Chapter 1: the untold arklay story (July 17th 1998)
Follows a guard or scientist (Jon???) during the first few hours of the outbreak at the arklay lab and trying to escape the chaos.
Playable characters: unknown Jon maybe or two original characters.
Bosses: yawn, 20 hunters, Lisa.

Chapter 2: victims of a nightmare (July 19th1998)
This segment follows the victims of the "cult murder" outside raccoon city. For example a camping trip and the victims being attacked my zombies, dogs and other B.O.W.s
Playable characters: father and son maybe.
Bosses: not sure but maybe a early form of tyrant/zombie mix.

Chapter 3: survivor or next raccoon city (November 1998)
This chapter follows around an agent called ark Thompson who was requested by Leon to infiltrate this Umbrella facility. He managed to breach security in the Umbrella-controlled Sheena Island by impersonating the leader of the Umbrella facility Vincent Goldman. Goldman, after being told of Ark by a small boy lott Klein, causes an outbreak intentionally. Goldman and Ark are fighting off of a helicopter, the helicopter goes down, and Vincent is believed to have been killed by falling from it, while Ark survives, but suffers Amnesia and believes he is Vincent. The rest of the segment follows…
Playable characters: Ark Thompson and lott Klein
Bosses: New type of licker maybe, 3 T-103’s together, Hypnos T-type tyrant.

Chapter 4: dead aim (sometime 2001)
In this chapter The Umbrella Corporation refused to abort the experiments after raccoon city. When a large amount of the T-virus is stolen on an umbrella cruiser, Bruce McGivern is sent by an anti-Umbrella agency to take back the cruiser and stop the spread of the virus. Morpheus D. Duvall a ex-umbrella scientist has created a new strain of the T-virus (not the tG-virus something new) and sinking into madness with the idea of revenge in mind.
Playable characters: Bruce McGivern and Fong Ling
Bosses: Pluto (a failed tyrant), tyrant 091, Morpheus D. Duvall.

The final chapter: the forgotten (February 3rd 2010)

This final chapter follows various characters over the resident evil series, one year after resident evil 5 a high ranking ex-umbrella employee from the board of directors and bio-terrorist Cain gray who is fueled by his detest of humankind, plans on killing the whole human race leaving him as a god, after having his location found Gray initiates an attack on BSAA branch while his Genesis project develops.
Playable characters: sheva Alomar and Barry Burton (segment 1) Leon and Claire (segment 2) Chris and Jill (segment 3 – final)
Bosses: 2 T-103’s, kraken, tyrant type-0, 2 new types of one shot B.O.W. and finally Cain gray (infected with a new strain of virus called T-genesis)

anyone got any of their own ideas???
does anybody like dead aim or ark thompson? No. And I don't think anybody is going to want to play as some random camper or guard. And why create a whole new part of the story. The story ended with RE5, so why continue it. And why would barry burton, claire and leon appear when they aren't part of the BSAA. Capcom isn't going to put their greatest failures into a game instead of the main characters.
Dont be so rude David. Umbrella-reborn was just trying to think of some ideas. Everyones allowed to think of their own ideas. I personally think they are some good ideas.
The last 3 chapters I would like to see, but the other ones I don't think I would like them to much. Plus I wouldn't like to play as Lott (reason being is that he is a kid who's only weapon is a base ball bat which he misses every swing with it.)
oh yer lott would have a rewritten bio say 18 or 19 maybe and yer its only an idea to see what people think. The first two ideas are ok but not great the final chapter would be a joint mission between organizations etc, which i think would be awesome almost to end the series as a whole with everyone, giving all the characters closure so to speak.
I'd love to play again as Thompson/Partner (? maybr Lott or a new character) and Bruce/Fong Ling. But the idea for the last chapter is a little bit too irreal. It wouldn't be possible for everyone to be in the same place at the same time. I'd like to see a new mission starring Rebecca or/and Barry instead, so we'd know what happened to them after the Arclay incident.
yer i know where you are coming from have you got an idea for a final chapter?? i am kind of planning a fan fiction story based off my idea but its in early stages.
Rebecca and Barry are tracking a terrorist, who got some virus/parasite/whatever samples from Tricell. They track him down to a city like Racoon City (much smaller), but find monsters (zombies/ganados/whatever) when they get there. They find the terrorist was working for a new corporation, and they created the incident (replica of the Raccoon accident) to blame Tricell for it (and bring down Tricell) we find out the terrorist that stole the samples was Billy and he gave Ada the samples (she was working for the Agency, which wanted to destroy Tricell, like it wanted to destroy Umbrella). Later, Rebecca finds out Billy was an infiltrated agent (FBI, CIA, or something else) and intentionally left Rebecca some clues to go after him (because he wanted HER to be sent after him, to be able to see her once again).
Ada finds out that Billy was a traitor and injected a new form of the Progenitor virus in Billy's body. Barry and Rebecca fight Billy (now turned into some deadly creature).
Meanwhile, the goverment had heard Rebecca's and Barry's report and immediately bombed the city, preventing the accident to become public.
Just before Rebecca and Barry left the city, they found Wesker and Ada negotiating. Wesker convinced Ada to betray the Agency, eliminating the evidences implicating Tricell's involvement in the accident. He takes her on his chopper. We later know they planned to fake her death, but the virus wesker used on himself killed her (he later tried the same virus on Jill).

EDIT: Hunk could also be involved somewhere in the story, maybe he moved from Umbrella to the Agency, or maybe, Tricell (thus, trying to kill ada, but she is saved by Wesker)
Go ahead, that's just an idea i had when i was replying.
Good luck with your fan fiction, you'll have to show me when you're finished ;)