Here are a few tips to get 150,000 points with her on PA.
#1 - Combo Times are your friends: You want to use Combo Times when ever you can. The best times to use them is when there is no executioner around.
#2 - Keep the combo going: If you're about to lose your combo and you're NOT fighitng an executioner then take out Jill's sniper rifle and kill one of the majini, you'll get a quick kill and keep the combo, but you'll forgeit the few extra points and 5 seconds from a melee kill. If you're about to lose your combo and you're fighting an executioner, stop fighting the executioner and kill 1-5 majini to keep the combo going just don't go into overkill because that will give the executioner time to kill you.
#3 - Remeber the thrill that drives you...: If you need to take a break from kill the executioner then run over to the destroyed bus and stay in it. The executioner will not go into, instead the executioner will walk around in circles, but you'll need to keep an eye out for the majini since they will go into it and if you're not careful they will corner you. Only use the bus if you need to get the Combo Time and get a combo going. NOTE: This may have been patched with some of the recent updates. If the executioner can enter the bus then that means that it won't work.
#4 - Use the enviornment to SLAUGHTER: Should you need to, you may want to use the environment to help you out. Use the 4 explosive barrels in the map to either keep your combo going, kill a group of majini, or you need to dispose the executioner quickly. Use the two groups of barrels to slow down incoming majini or slow down the executioner, or if you need to kill some. Use the power box to slow down enemies or the majini.
#5 - Always reload without reloading: Never ever do the aim and reload method. Always and keep on doing the manual reload since it's faster and saves you precious seconds.
#6 - Flash: If you just need to the executioner to stop so you can kill something then throw a flash grenade.
#7 - ...MAD!: Watch out for the molotov weilding majini. If you're not quick enough, too close, or just a good shot, then you will lose time. They are quite the accurate at throwing the molotovs. If you're a good shot then you will accidently shot the molotovs and this happened to me plently of times and because of that I lost precious seconds because I was to close to him or it sent the majini flying right pass me.
#8 - can't live with them and you can't live without them, but you can definatly live without them if they have a parasite for a head: The women majini have a higher chance on spawning a cephalo.
#9 - Explosives and incendaries: If you constantly throw grenades and incendaries you will constantly do the damage to the executioner and kill anyone nearby.
Hopefully this will help you.