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Well-Known Member
Hmm...So it was her....
I just played two episodes of REV 2..
I'm a very very very big fan of RE serie...
2007 I guess...
Chris and Jill found an Ariticle about Weskers's sons...How spencer kidnapped inteligient kids from all over the world....Alex was so close to Spencer till she got his trust into making a cure that gives itirnity to anyone...and she took researchers and money and cobayes humane into a place...Than she found the cure and he lost all contact with her....
So that Woman is indeed Alex Wesker...i just got to the part were Barry and that little girl sees her Photo with Albert and than BOOM episode has gone...
I play its Episodes each Friday at night...
I'll be playing Episode 3 next Friday....
The thing is i still haven't see any surprises until now or any revelations....
But WAHA! The part with other survivors like Pedro and All was cool...
-------Strange Feeling-------
I see FLASHBACKS of Steve when i play RE REV2 i was expecting him to show up after we got out....
I remember code Veronica X like if it was yestrrday....i really honestly see the game differently...the fact when Claire said " This weapon is more reliable than any person, it was Steve who said it first in 1998 but she was confused...."

2 other weird mentions:
- Claire said i was going to turn into sandwish reference to Jill's Sandwish.
- Barry now im the master of unlocking...Reference to RE1...Jill...

Anyway Thanks for Reading.
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