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Here's a Scenario to work the imagination, Zombie Style!


Wait, Who stole me Haggis?
(I've already posted this in one of my other threads but have improved it dramatically so have a look!)

You wake up one morning, go down the stairs and switch on the TV and the news is on talking about riots across several separate cities nationwide with the Army being called in as the Police are being severely overwhelmed but your town is dozens of miles away from any of this so you head to work and while your walking along the street you notice a man sitting on a bench in the park across the road wearing a blood soaked jacket, hes facing the floor as if sleeping with a cap covering his the majority of his face.

You go to cross the road but are interrupted by a bus speeding by with what appears to be a broken window at the back but you cant be sure as it was to fast. So you cross and go to speak to the man but just as you are about to say "excuse me" your phone rings, you answer with your close friend Rebecca screaming uncontrollably on the other end, you cant understand whats been said and the call ends abruptly.

You stop to think for a minute and decide to go and see whats going on with Rebecca. You run for the number 21 bus which is stopped at the bus stop next to the park which drops you off outside her flat. You get on the bus and look at the driver and say "An adult single please" and drop £1.80 into the vault. The ticket machine makes the familiar noise when printing the ticket and you take the ticket and head to the back of the bus. While approaching the back you notice there is only one seat available next to an old man who appears to be asleep.

Half an hour later you arrive outside her flat, you get off the bus and walk towards the front door of her block of flats but notice several bins upturned with litter strewn everywhere. You press the entry buzzer but receive no reply so you try the door and it opens. The locks broken and the inside door handle appears to have blood on it. You cautiously enter the block and start to head up the stairs, two flights up you notice some drops of blood heading up the stairs towards the top floor, you follow them up and they stop outside Rebecca's flat door with what appears to be a bloody hand print on the door knob and the door is adj-are.

You enter and walk up the narrow hall towards the living room door which is closed. You get to the door and just as you are about to open the door you hear a small crunching noise coming from the living room, so you press your ear against the door. The noise gets louder so you slowly open the door and notice the living room is a mess with saw dust everywhere, you turn and notice her escaped rabbit munching on some lettuce from a bag of strewn groceries. You look around and find nothing in the living room and shout "Rebecca, Rebecca, where are you Rebecca". There's no answer so you head towards the front door and while your heading out you step in what appears to be a pool of water on the floor, You stop and examine your shoe but cant see anything due to the darkness of the windowless hall.

You put on the light and notice the water isn't actually water but a pool of blood leading towards the bedroom. The door is closed, you walk towards the door slowly and put your hand on the blooded handle....

What do you think, should i continue?Let me know please!



Wait, Who stole me Haggis?
....You turn the handle and push the door slowly open, you see the blood trail head towards the far side of the King Size bed, you move slowly across the room checking your surroundings.


The front door slams open; you jump and quickly look back at the Bedroom doorway and see a tall figure run towards you. You duck, grab their feet and launch the assailant towards the far side of the bed where you were approaching towards in the first place. You move towards the motionless figure lying on the floor and notice a second figure underneath, You can’t quite see the face on the second motionless figure but see a large pool of blood with an arm just hanging out with a small tattoo saying “BECKY”on it. You fall into the wall in a state of shock and start to say quietly “becksy....becks what happened to you”. A tear falls down your face, you sit hunched for a minute slowly rocking back and forth muttering to yourself. “What happened, Whats going on”.
You look up and notice a bat underneath the bed.

Suddenly in the corner of your eye you notice the First Figure begin to move; you quickly stand up picking up the bat as well and slowly move back while the Mysterious Figure stands up facing the opposite direction. The Figures hands start shaking as if stretching them. It turns and faces you....

You’re bewildered at its deranged face which is covered in blood as well as blood running down its beige jacket from its mouth. It starts to groan and you move back more towards the bedroom door. The figure begins to run towards you, so you turn swiftly and quickly shut the bedroom door behind you and hold to opposing door knob trying to stop the Figure from getting to you. The thick oak door gets a pounding from the figure and your heart is pounding like an automatic machine gun firing. You look at the front door where the figure came from and see it off its hinges. The banging continues for a minute or two but stops suddenly.

You seize this opportunity and run through the destroyed front door and run down the eight flights of stairs quicker than you thought possible clutching to the bat, your hearts racing and your breathings heavy. On the third flight from the bottom and behind all the internal body noise you hear loud stomps coming from upstairs a few flights up. You keep going and reach the main door which is wide open and bolt through it heading towards the local shop whose shopkeeper is quickly closing the shutters. He sees you but continues closing the second to last shutter. You shout “Help, Wait for me, please wait!”

He turns to you and shouts “Hurry the **** up!” in his thick Yorkshire accent. You near the doorway and jump into the shop with the sound of the heavy shutter closing behind you as well as the bat hitting the tiled floor. The shopkeeper picks you up and says

“Are you OK son?”

To which you reply

“No, what the **** is going on bud?”

The shopkeeper goes behind the counter and takes out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulls one out and sparks it up.

“To be honest son, I don’t have a clue,” Puff “All I know is that one of my regulars came in complaining of a headache and nausea and asked for aspirin” Stops and puffs on the cigarette “I told him to go to the Doctors but he just blanked out and collapsed onto the floor....I rushed to him and phoned an ambulance on my mobile” Puffs away “I couldn’t feel a pulse and he was stone cold....I..I...I thought he was dead but........

To Be Continued


Wait, Who stole me Haggis?
........The shopkeeper stops mid sentence as Loud Metallic Banging fills the air. You and the shopkeeper both look up at the security monitor and you see a familiar figure banging on the outer shutter.
“Oh my god, Becky” You shout out, “Get her in here!” You run to the door but are snagged on something, you turn and see the shopkeeper holding your jacket.
“Let go, you bastard let go!” you scream while removing your jacket, you attempt to open the shutter but cant
“Its locked pal, she isn’t getting in here” He says
“**** you”, you say as your standing up, you pick he bat up from the counter and say to shopkeeper
“Let here in” You hold the bat to his throat. The shopkeeper puts his hands up exposing a bit of bandage coming from his left wrist
“Listen pal; look at her, she just aint human!” He says emotionally. You look up at the monitor and see her banging on the shutter, she’s covered in blood and her T-Shirt left arm sleeve ripped in an animal like fashion. The banging stops and she looks up and the CCTV camera exposing her T-Shirt saying ‘Smile Big Brothers watching you!” Her face covered in blood and shredded like lettuce.
You begin to sob,
“I’m sorry pal, but...” The shopkeeper says
“No I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have threatened you...it’s just...”
“I understand, don’t worry about it” He replies popping a pill out of a white tub.
“I don’t understand what’s going on here” You say picking yourself up from the cold white tiled floor. You look back up the monitor and notice she’s not there anymore. You let out a small sigh and walk towards the refrigerated bit and pick up a can of coke. You walk back to the counter and put down a pound coin.
“Hahaha” The shopkeeper laughs “I don’t think I’ll miss a can pal, it’s on the house”
To which you reply “Thanks, Appreciate it”
You pick up the coin and wander around the shop. The shopkeeper is behind the counter trying to call on the shop phone, you walk towards him.
“Bloody phone, can’t trust anything made in china!” He says angrily “Can’t get a bloomin dialling tone”
You check your mobile but says NO SERVICE; you look at a small AM/FM Radio set on the floor just behind the counter, you pick it up and place it on the counter next to the shopkeeper. He looks at it and says to you
“****, forgot about that....do me a favour and go and get me four size D batteries!”
You walk quickly to the Battery bit and pick up a pack of four D batteries and take them back.
“Here you go” You say to the shopkeeper as you put them on the counter. He pulls the back bit off of the Radio and places the batteries into the slots. The radio starts to emit static, the shopkeeper fiddles about with the knobs on the top and slowly tries to find a Station still broadcasting.
“That’s weird, I can’t get anything on this bloody thing....hold on” The shopkeeper fiddles about even more with the knobs when all of a sudden the Radio comes into life....
“Well that kind of explains what’s going on but what the hell are those things?” He asks. You shrug your shoulders and look around the shop for your bat...You see it propped up against a wall next to the batteries. You walk towards it and go to pick it up when you hear the shopkeeper go into a coughing fit...
“COUGH, COUGH, COUGH.....Jesus what the hecks goin on....COUGH, COUGH” he puts his handkerchief down and pulls another out of his pocket and continues coughing violently. You notice very dark red blood running from the handkerchief onto the papers spread out onto the counter.....
You walk forward to see if he’s ok but just ask you reach the end of the aisle he collapses behind the counter clutching to his throat. You run towards him and kneel down to pick him up but...
“No, get off me....’cough’....just.....’Cough’....leave me alone” The shopkeeper says spluttering blood over himself.
“What’s....How....?” You sigh and say “Look at me, look at me now”
The shopkeeper looks at you with bloodshot eyes and says “Just get out of here, here take these”
He pulls out a set of keys as well as a car key and places them into your hand
“Get out of here, go through....’cough’....the back and use my car and get to....’cough’....Police Station....it’s your only.....”
He stops breathing and all movement ceases. You take the bat and head through the back to the back exit quickly....
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