So...Demons, don't like that stuff. Any horror movie that has to do with possession or the devil freaks me the fun out. But I do like creepy things its a bit of a double edged sword the way I live.
I'm afraid of success in a way, more afraid of failure and that is the road to success, but i'm getting better with that.
Teenagers lol. For whatever reason teenagers are a social anomaly they can be really mature or really really ****ty people.
I'm also afraid of spiders so if I see one i'll probably go in another room, crawl into the fetal position and recite some metallica or something. AND HOPE TO GOD its gone when I get back.
I also have some level 29 fears that I feel other level 29 people have like, government, going bankrupt, world war 3, cancer, that sort of thing
Overall I'm a borderline unhealthy paranoid-o, and i'm afraid of that
Although I will say that I've never been legit scared in haunted houses; I've never been to one I have to sign waiver for though...but **** that noise, that's just stupid.