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Resident Evil 6 Game changes needed before release


Well-Known Member
All responses, input, suggestions, etc. should be made based on the newest Resident Evil 6 demo made available as of Sept. 18, 2012.

The new demo offers great game play, stunning graphics, and leaves the player wanting more; yet something seemed a bit off, just slightly enough to make it a tad frustrating. What would you say needs to be changed before the official release on Oct. 2, 2012 to make Resident Evil 6 even better???


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, the following minor (yet absolutely crucial) tweaks need to be addressed and fixed to make Resident Evil 6 a solid, through and through enjoyable game.
1) back the zoom out for the entire game. the game is zoomed in so far that not only does the player take up too much of the screen, but more importantly this zoom problem makes it very difficult and annoying to take in all the scenery and explore all areas.
2) slow the camera down while aiming. the camera sensitivity is too fast or too sensitive, or possibly both. find tune the camera movement while aiming and taking cover and the game will be a million times more satisfying!
3) steady the camera while the characters are walking, running, and moving around in general. the camera movement seems very odd, almost annoyingly shaky, while moving, especially while running. simply steady the camera in all scenarios and the players will thank you tremendously!!!
4) simplify the control for taking cover. try what Uncharted does and you can't fail. while playing the new demo it seemed almost impossible to take cover in the way I wanted to and was far too frustrating even when I could take cover.

If these issues are fixed, Resident Evil 6 will be such a well made game that it will undoubtedly receive 10/10 scores and more than satisfy the gigantic fan-base, in my opinion.


We just need a steady camera.I tried to dash and do an action move like vault but instead Sherry ran from left to right which made me dizzy:confused:Hope RE6 gets a high score like TT2.


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
In my opinion, the following minor (yet absolutely crucial) tweaks need to be addressed and fixed to make Resident Evil 6 a solid, through and through enjoyable game.
1) back the zoom out for the entire game. the game is zoomed in so far that not only does the player take up too much of the screen, but more importantly this zoom problem makes it very difficult and annoying to take in all the scenery and explore all areas.
2) slow the camera down while aiming. the camera sensitivity is too fast or too sensitive, or possibly both. find tune the camera movement while aiming and taking cover and the game will be a million times more satisfying!
3) steady the camera while the characters are walking, running, and moving around in general. the camera movement seems very odd, almost annoyingly shaky, while moving, especially while running. simply steady the camera in all scenarios and the players will thank you tremendously!!!
4) simplify the control for taking cover. try what Uncharted does and you can't fail. while playing the new demo it seemed almost impossible to take cover in the way I wanted to and was far too frustrating even when I could take cover.

If these issues are fixed, Resident Evil 6 will be such a well made game that it will undoubtedly receive 10/10 scores and more than satisfy the gigantic fan-base, in my opinion.
They did adress the first point, it was even more zoomed in b4 and the character almost blocked whole screen at points, as for the second - im sure there will be a sensitivity option, third - thats part of the atmosphere and realism, ur character aint exactly gonna be a rock, ya know hes gonna be moving around and thats why the camera is like that, fourth - thats not something they would change at the last moment anyway, the controls are fine once u get used to them, personally i love the cover system besides the cases where u need to press an on screen prompt to get in cover.

Wake up Ne0

BSAA Mercenary
They did adress the first point, it was even more zoomed in b4 and the character almost blocked whole screen at points, as for the second - im sure there will be a sensitivity option, third - thats part of the atmosphere and realism, ur character aint exactly gonna be a rock, ya know hes gonna be moving around and thats why the camera is like that, fourth - thats not something they would change at the last moment anyway, the controls are fine once u get used to them, personally i love the cover system besides the cases where u need to press an on screen prompt to get in cover.

They didnt address the first point the aim is exactly the same in both demos., I've tested extensively. Its not too zoomed in, the camera is too LOW. Compare to RE4/5 where you character sits in the Bottom left corner when aiming, on RE6 the character is in the entire left side with the gun in the centre (gun should be in bottom left) makes the angle of perspective wrong. Its not zoom, its the angle thats wrong. A simple 2 meg update could raise the camera back to it usual over the shoulder position, instead on on the belt buckle position. Absolutely terrible camera placement, RE5 has much tighter camera placement.

Part 2, the aim settings are completely customisable in the options, i changed mine from 5 to 8 because they needed to be faster. One of the only control improvement is faster sensivety options.

The camera was fine and not shaky when moving., The melee system feels a lot more sluggish and less tight, compared to the crisp moves on RE5, it feels laggy to me, especially the 'attack from behind' melees. Are really hard to hit without the written description of the moves...

Finally the cover system was a joke. Hold L trigger , then press A , then keep holding LT to get in cover, then HOLD left analog up to pop out , keeping hold of LT. Competely over complicates things. When near cover the default A button should take cover, you shouldnt need to hold LT to trigger the cover A pop up...

I am going to have a very hard time convincing people to buy this!


Pencil Artist
I don't understand the refil tablets button? I just keep going to the Y inventory to do it.
I'm pretty fast with the menu now :D
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