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Resident Evil 6 Funny Moment(s)


Well-Known Member
I wanted to start this thread so people can post some of their funny moments while playing this game, it can be from any of the games modes, playing solo or with a friend/random person. Simply, something that made you laugh while it took place. I'll write down a couple to get this started...

- I was playing Ada Chapter 3 on Pro. It was the area where your fighting the chainsaw creature after he takes the key from you with zombies in the area during the battle. I went up a ladder and started fighting it on the white and red umbrella type thingy since the zombies during the fight couldn't climb, just going back and forth shooting it with pipe bomb arrows UNTIL it makes a quick move to the right and quickly to the left kinda like it lost it's balance and ends up blocking my path while I tried to run back to the other end just like I've been doing. WELL... I had already shot it with a pipe bomb arrow when this took place. Would you like to guess what happened next? Yup! It blows up and in term knocks me into dying status. I shot it once with a pipe bomb arrow while in dying status and was left with one shot while it was still coming towards me moving back and forth. I ended up trying to lean backwards and forgot my PS3 controller was still plugged into the PS3 system and dropped the controller ONLY to quickly lean forward catching it before it hits the ground. However! I caught it from the top! Pressing both L1 & R1 WITH MY RIGHT THUMB PRESSING THE RIGHT ANOLOG DOWNWARDS! ;) If you don't know what that means or what happened. It fired my last pipe bomb arrow straight to the ground beside me, or into me from the looks of it, followed by a BOOM and You Are Dead! Haha.

- I'm playing with Helena on Chapter 1 with a random partner in the area where you find the survivors fighting zombies outside at the gas station, just before the gun shop ambush. Leon charges the schricker creatues that appears and kills it with a shotgun point blank. I figured he picked up the skill points afterwards and did the partner command to say "Nice!" with the thumbs up BUT all of a sudden that ambulance charges in and runs him over when he still had his thumb up in the air and killed him. I could not stop laughing at that for a good 2 minutes. Haha.

- I was playing with Helena when a random person joined with Leon. It was during Chapter 2 in the section where Helena is carrying Deborah on her back and Leon needs to protect them. Well the person play with Leon got stuck in a corner and was knocked into dying status by a zombie. I couldn't revive him since the controls with Helena at that point in the game is very limited SO I got between Leon and the three zombies that was closing in on him and started kicking at them, killed one of them while Leon finally started to shoot and kill the other two. However! In the distance I could see a zombie getting ready to spit acid towards Leon who was still recovering so I quickly put myself between Leon and the zombie about to spit acid and took not one but two hits from the acid in order to protect Leon. It worked! LOL I laughed about it. What was even funnier was the random person messaged me after the chapter saying "Thanks! You helped me get the down but not out trophy." :cool:

- Following what I just said with the same person. I had already saved him from dying status about 8 times total since he joined my game (I kinda felt like a babysitter. Haha.) and we got to the part where Helena and Ada are together trying to snipe to help out Leon who needs to run all the way to the bottom after the main boss battle against Deborah. I was thinking to myself "Oh god! He is going to die!" and surely enough he was sprinting and the part where the roof falls down ended up falling on him and knocked him into dying status and a zombie finished him off moments later. I laughed at that because I seen it coming. :eek:

- I was playing Agent Hunt with those Neo-Umbrella soldiers against Chris in Chapter 4. I know for sure another guy was playing as the creatures with me, maybe one more. BUT both me and the other guy playing the creatures were chasing after Chris side by side while he was trying to scramble and wondering what to do. It looked funny with both of us running after him for what must of been a good 3-5 minutes. He ran around obstacles, up a ladder and down a set of stairs and both me and the other user playing with Neo-Umbrella soldiers stayed in hot pursuit. He finally went up a set of stairs, another two Neo-Umbrella soldiers were with us in the chase at this time but he goes up another set of stais and runs straight into a dead end with 4 creatures on his ass. He sticks himself in the corner, turns around and aims his gun trying to shoot BUT it's empty and me and the other guy start slashing him none stop in the corner one after the other until he died. It was hilarious, the whole chase plus the fact that he tried to set up his attack in a corner with an empty gun.

If anyone has any funny stories to share, please do alot of times these are quite funny to read in situations where you are bored, plus I imagine the multiplayer DLCs will offer players loads of funny moments when they become available.
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