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Do you think a Resident evil 2 Remake can revitalize the series ?

should they make a remake or RE2/3 or just make a sequel/reboot ?

  • Reboot/sequel

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • RE2 Remake

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • meh.. i don't care i'm done with Re series

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


Keyser Söze

I just can't ignore the fact that Resident evil remake kicks so much ass the lighting is brilliant,the slow gameplay pacing and the graphics are still awesome in 2013 and the fact that RE3 takes mostly at the same place as RE2 they can actually add jill's campaign as well just like RE6's multiple campaigns.

So i think capcom should stop pondering about RE7 and make a Resident evil 2 remake already ! or at least port the RE1 remake to PSN/XBLA&steam.

I think its the best way for capcom to get away with what they did with RE6.

On a sidenote i just finished leon's campaign in "Veteran mode" which was easy as hell and Chris's campaign is just some generic 3rd person shooter.. wtf ? really ?


Super Saiyan Member
A REmake2 could not revitalize the series. For one, the series isn't really in NEED of revitalization, and second, that style of gameplay just wouldn't sit well with most gamers today, and the fact that there are the purists like us, who would buy it no matter what the price without blinking an eye, isn't really a factor. Catering to the 1% never really works out, unless you're catering to everbody else as well. Now, if they come out with RE7 and REmake 2 around the same time, then I bet it would sell better, but just REmake 2 alone. No. It would do more harm than good, seeing as it would sell rather poorly. Don't get me wrong. I would LOVE for it to happen, but I'm speaking logically, and not really about what I want.


Keyser Söze
A REmake2 could not revitalize the series. For one, the series isn't really in NEED of revitalization
That's not true game sales have declied since RE5 gold edition and RE6 sold poorly and that's why they made RE:Revelations more experimental with backtracking and puzzle solving also they have stated their concerns on "going back to to the roots" so its just the best way they can "Go back to the roots" in both literal and figurative sense.
that style of gameplay just wouldn't sit well with most gamers today
Again this is just your opinion many people don't like RE6&operation raccoon city but it still got released.. so why not make a remake of a game which was actually in popular demand ?? I still can't imagine how terrifying licker's introduction is going to be in HD.


All there is actually needed is removal of generic 3rd person camera angles you actually had this in Lost in Nightmares and it was prefect the controls were exactly the same from RE5 but the camera angels were dynamic&artistic.
and the fact that there are the purists like us, who would buy it no matter what the price without blinking an eye, isn't really a factor
Wow congratulations !! you just lost my respect as a gamer,a consumer and an intelligent human being.
Catering to the 1% never really works out, unless you're catering to everbody else as well
Yeah the fans who made the series hyper popular to begin with are now 1% huh really ?? what are you smoking ?
No. It would do more harm than good, seeing as it would sell rather poorly.
Re:REMAKE sold exceptionally well for a gamcube game and is one of THE BEST selling games on gamcube.

You maybe new to the fanbase but the demand of RE2 remake was there from the day RE1 remake was released.


The Trickster
I would LOVE a remake of RE2, not that I don't like the new RE games, RE5 is one of my favourites, but it would be a nice break from all of the action to go back to some survival horror. I really don't want a reboot, so a remake would be a great way to please the old fans of the series without changing what the series is becoming. Also RE2 is one of my favourite games so it would be amazing to see it again in next gen graphics.


Pencil Artist
A remake would make some older gamers in need to nostalgia buy it,but I don't think it has the power to revitalise the series. For the reasons that's been stated in above posts.


Probably not. Though I would buy a REmake 2 without a second thought, it alone cannot revitalize the series. Perhaps if it were combined with RE3 to make the whole "24 hours before, 48 hours after" thing make more sense.


The King of Kings
I think Capcom should remake Resident Evil 2 and test whether or not the series should go in that direction before giving us Resident Evil 7. I'm a huge fan of REmake and have been wanting them to give the same treatment to RE2 since it released on the Gamecube, but for them to remake it today runs the risk of them not going the fixed camera route. It would have to be completely different, from a gameplay standpoint. But as long as they tell the story in a much better way and give us extra content while making it the survival horror experience we've been wanting, I'll be good without a REmake style game, so long the series continues that route. Just overall, I'm really fearing the future of the series, reboot or sequel, I just don't trust Capcom anymore.


Lurking is my jam.
A REmake 2 would be great I'd love that. but they have to make it more Modern controlled (I'd prefer Re5 Gameplay)
But if it's meant to be slow paced like the old games...well sorry but that wouldn't sell well the RE fanbase is like not even 1% of the total amount of gamers/whatever the hell you wanna call them.

I can tell you right now if it played like RE2 with the camera and whatnot I WOULDN'T buy it cause I've come to learn how atrocious the camera was back then. I bet you if they DO make a RE2 Remake it would be exactly the same just in HD. Capcom is known for being bat **** lazy. (Lawl Megaman. Eh never liked him anyways)
If it was a Re2 + Re3 with some cool new stuff like say these kind of modes

Original-Single Player, Re2 in HD with some added weapons or enemies or what ever the f they wanna do.

Modern-Co-op, Enemies do more damage no 1HK but some require you to free your partner, Zombies do more damage, Infection phase, extra content

REmake 2- Basically the Co-op but it's Single Player.

I'd love if they did a thing in SC:BL where in some sections of Co-op missions you HAVE to split up. and if one goes down they are pretty much f-ed in the butt.

They could add those old Minigames, as a bonus a MP mode, Concept Art gallery (I LOVED ORC's Concept Art)

And Finally my one wish that would probably NEVER come true.

Make Re2 and 3 Crossover and have Jill, Carlos, Leon, and Claire fight nemesis.

If we're talking about a Re3 Remake as well, same things I mentioned above. Just RE3

Also It would be cool if Leon or Claire mentioned Killing Brad to Jill


Super Saiyan Member
That's not true game sales have declied since RE5 gold edition and RE6 sold poorly and that's why they made RE:Revelations more experimental with backtracking and puzzle solving also they have stated their concerns on "going back to to the roots" so its just the best way they can "Go back to the roots" in both literal and figurative sense.Again this is just your opinion many people don't like RE6&operation raccoon city but it still got released.. so why not make a remake of a game which was actually in popular demand ?? I still can't imagine how terrifying licker's introduction is going to be in HD.


All there is actually needed is removal of generic 3rd person camera angles you actually had this in Lost in Nightmares and it was prefect the controls were exactly the same from RE5 but the camera angels were dynamic&artistic.Wow congratulations !! you just lost my respect as a gamer,a consumer and an intelligent human being.Yeah the fans who made the series hyper popular to begin with are now 1% huh really ?? what are you smoking ?Re:REMAKE sold exceptionally well for a gamcube game and is one of THE BEST selling games on gamcube.

You maybe new to the fanbase but the demand of RE2 remake was there from the day RE1 remake was released.

...Dude. New to the fanbase. I've been playing RE for YEARS. It was ME that started the post entitled "Possibility of a REmake 2" MONTHS ago. Don't talk to me about your petty assumptions based on my opinion, which is what this WHOLE thread is about...Opinion. Yes, REmake DID sell exceptionally well, but that was a TOTALLY different era of gaming than today, so that really has no validity when you're comparing it to what gamers TODAY want. And I'm not even ONE of those gamers. As I've stated MANY times before on this site, I don't even PLAY video games, unless it's RE, Sonic, Legend of Zelda, and OCCASIONALLY Street Fighter and Jak and Daxter. As a whole, I can't stand video games. A select few series pique my interest, so when I'm talking about what gamers want today, this is based on observations of the MASSES, not the true blue RE fans. You're only looking at this as an RE fan, and not as someone who wants to make a pretty penny. Sorry to say it, but that's the way the world works. The Green Stuff. Dough. Cash. Call it what you will, but unfortunately, corporations will do what makes MONEY. And when CoD and Battlefield are selling off the charts, then expect more games to try and replicate that. RE: Revelations was good, but it was still VERY similar to RE4 and RE5, which are the newer generation of RE games (Obviously). At the end of the day, our opinions are always going to differ on this subject, but I would appreciate it if you respected me enough, to not be rude or defensive, just because I don't share the same opinion as you, when this is what the forums were MADE for, and don't go making accusations like "I'm new to the fanbase" because when I was 6 years old, and my father was beating me and my mother, and she was doing drugs, and trying to kill herself, RE was my ESCAPE. It actually has a VERY symbolic and emotional meaning to me, FAR more than any other game. So much so that as a reminder, this weekend I'm getting the Umbrella Symbol tattooed on my shoulder. So THINK before you go making accusations. RE means more to me than the VAST majority of things in my life, save for my fiancee, child, and very close friends. By the way, I'm 19 and have been playing RE for YEARS. Back in the PS1 era. So like most, I have grown with the series, so I think I have the right to have my OWN opinion on how I feel about my beloved RE games. That's I'll I've to say. Thank you.

Mantis TabogganMD

Would it revitalize the series? Probably not. Would I love to see it? You betcha. As someone who has been with this series from the beginning I have to admit that a straight up survival horror experience like that, with the camera angles and all that jazz, just wouldn't have the mass appeal to sell. Certainly not enough to "revitalize" anything. In a way it pains me to say that, but its the truth. As KennedyKiller said, Capcom is a BUSINESS. You've got to put yourself in that mind frame. Times change and they have to keep up to keep it thriving. Do I agree with everything they've done thus far? No, but I put on my big boy pants and move on with my day.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
The best for business direction that Resident Evil has been taking since RE4 is not working anymore so something new HAS to happen.
Capcom is clearly gonna be releasing some spin offs before RE7, why not make one of them REmake 2 and bring back a lot of angry fans, looking at the REmake, the pre-rendered backgrounds and what not should not cost as much as 600+ people working on a crappy Micheal Bay game.

Mantis TabogganMD

I don't think it would be a bad idea for them to give the option of both, in regards to the camera angles. They did it in Lost in Nightmares DLC, I was pretty satisfied with that although it was short lived. So its not impossible. Hell, Fallout 3 lets you play in third or first person so there really shouldn't be any limitations. My main concern with a Remake, in general, is that they'd lose the whole tone of it. And Co-Op. Dear God no Co-Op in a RE2 remake.
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