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Uncategorised Difficulty in actual games...


Well-Known Member
Sorry for my English.

I love this game really. Not only for the ambientation, the graphics, the story and so many things.

I like it too because it's not so easy like actual games.

Don't you think actual games are extremely easy?? I think the companies search only for money (I mean more than in the past), trying to attract those new gamers of the new gen that only like to pass the game with less possible effort.

An example... and I don't have to go back too much in time.

Tomb Raider, the first one. Yes poligonal graphics, low textures, she moves like a roasted chiken in the oven...

But what about playing? I remember those days where I past hours trying to find where to go. Those days when you switch a lever and you have no idea of what is happening. You don't know if the stone you move was nearby or kilometers away.

And when you were stuck in a place? You haved search all the possibles sites and there is no possibility to go anywere except the place you are. And it's a precipice. You have in front of you a long falling if you move to the front. HOURS trying to guess where to go.... and the solution was to get lara looking backwards to the precipice and press down in the pad because there was A STEP HIDDEN TO SIGHT down below!!!!!

Nowadays the games includes some sort of cinematic that guides you all over the path. And there are no hard puzzles to solve.

And so many things like never ending inventory. Weapons that are totally descompensated with the enemies (favoring you), saving the game anywhere.

Maybe I sound like a curdmudgeon? (sorry don't know how to say it in English, I have to use the translator for this word). from what I said. But no one else notices this?

And I'm no speaking about Nintendo's time, where some 2d games where a lot more diffcult than some of the nowadays games.


REN's #1 Barry fan
I agree, games nowdays are nothing like they was in the past. Look at the Resident Evil series for example, RE1,2,3 and Veronica all followed the "classic RE" theme (which I consider TRUE Resident Evil). Resident Evil 4-6 are good games, but they are totally aimed toward the younger new gen fan base. I hope that the next RE game is atleast a step back towards the good old days of RE... let's hope it does indeed return to it's roots... just one more time capcom... come on!!


La Vita Nuova
I just started replaying RE1 again for the first time in probably 13 years. IT'S HARD! I was pro at this game when I was 13 but now..lol. I've gotten really good at RE6, and so used to it that I almost forgot how hard this game used to be, and I totally agree. I love that it takes 5 good slow shots to take down a zombie, and they don't slow down for bullets either, making even 2 or 3 of them a pretty intense situation. They're not so easy to run around either. I was just killed by ANOTHER hunter. And behold, I'm gonna have to go back and redo a bunch because back then, THERE WERE NO CHECKPOINTS. Oh right, I forgot. I actually have to make an intelligent decision as to when to save. Sometimes, I have to make decisions as to what to take with me with only 6 slots, or whether or not I can get around a group of zombs without wasting 12 of my 15 bullets just to take down like...2 lol. Going back really makes me realize just how easy games are these days. I've died a bunch of times now, and not once did I feel it was a "cheap" death like I have in RE6 either. I have to say that 13 years later, it's still super addictive, and a challenging and enjoyable replay. I thought that the "horror" would seem dated too but....nope...still creepy.
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