Deathstroke incoming

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Slade Wilson
Dec 25, 2013
Hi everyone,

already signed up a while ago but didnt found the time to properly get started in the last few weeks so sorry for the delay but now I´m all set and ready to invest myself in this community.

So lets start with some info on me:

I´m 31 years old and live in Germany (though I do prefer the english language - I´m playing all my games in english, read comics and books in english and watch movies and TV shows in english only). As my name and avatar indicates I´m a major comic book Fan of both the DC and Marvel Universes. Got an ever-growing collection of nearly 2000 comics and regularly get the US issues of my most favorite series. My favs are Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Justice League, Deathstroke (duh) and Flash at DC COMICS and Wolverine, X-Men, Spider-Man and Avengers at MARVEL. Also a huge fan of the Kick-Ass series by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.

Another huge passion of mine are movies and TV shows. I got way too many favorite movies to name them all but I especially love superherofilms, the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings/Hobbit sagas, horror films (particularly slasher films like Friday the 13th, Halloween etc.), the Underworld films, the Alien series, 80s action series (Die Hard, Terminator, Lethal Weapon, Rambo etc.) as well as the films by directors Quentin Tarantino, James Cameron and Michael Bay (yep, love Bay). There are lots of other films I love too but too many to name. Its really diverse.

My favorite TV shows are Smallville, Buffy, Angel, Arrow, Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Agents of SHIELD (generally I prefer superhero and fantasy dramas)

Now lets get to gaming, particularly Resident Evil. I came to RE in 1998 when I played RE 2 for the first time and fell in love with it. Ever since then its been one of my most favorite game series of all time, second only to Final Fantasy. Unlike many other veteran fans I also love the more action oriented era of RE that started with RE 4 and yes I also really enjoyed RE 5 and 6 (in fact they are my most played PS3 games of all time in terms of playtime - Over 150 hours in RE 5 and over 250 hours in RE 6). they are not such masterpieces like the RE Remake for Gamecube (which to me is still the greatest horrorgame ever conceived and is nothing but pure perfection) or the ever-beloved RE 2 but to me they are still very entertaining, kickass and fun. Though I agree that the horror and dark atmosphere needs to return to a greater degree. I really love what they did with Lost in Nightmares and Revelations (combining the modern gameplay style with old school horror), thats definitely the way to go for the future of RE.

My most favorite RE characters which I insanely love are Jill and Ada. Such amazing, strong, beautiful and smart women. My ultimate RE heroes. Of the male characters I have to pick the classics Leon and Chris as my favs.

As I mentioned before my only other gaming series that I love even more then RE is Final Fantasy so you will probably see me post a lot in a FF thread (if there is one). With Lightning Returns and FF X HD (FF X is my most favorite game of all time) soon being released in europe I am currently quite in "FF Fever" mode. But that doesnt mean I´ll neglect my beloved RE ;)

Other gaming series I am a big fan of are Tomb Raider, Batman and God of War.

I am still going to post about this in other threads but I am currently looking for some like-minded passionate RE fans that I can play co-op with in RE 5, 6 and particularly Revelations where I am in desperate need of a proper co-op partner for Raid mode. I have completed everything in story mode but havent really played Raid mode yet because I just cant find a good co-op partner. Hopefully by joining this community this might change.

My PSN ID is Cloudbahamut, if anyone is interested in playing RE 5, 6 and Revelations co-op

You can also find me on twitter (@William_Spike) or facebook (Den Uhing) if you want.

Anyway, I am happy to be here and am looking forward to great times with fellow Resident Evil fans even though there will be most definitely subjects we wont see exactly eye to eye on. But as long as everything remains peaceful and civil, lets not have our fun spoiled by that. Great to be here. Lets kick some ass.
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Arrow, huh? I already thought so when I saw "Slade Wilson" under your name, because I'm a big fan of that series too (it's my favourite TV show, actually). As for RE, I find it interesting that you like both Jill and Ada, since Jill fans usually don't like Ada and vice versa, same for Chris and Leon, and I myself am no exception. :tongue:
Anyway, willkommen im Forum and have fun!
ha cool, another Arrow fan! Just saw the new ep today. So awesome to see Sean Maher from Firefly as the villain and damn Slade just rocks so hard.

But I have already been a huge fan of Slade way before Arrow ever existed, he has always been one of my favorite comics characters. he is so deadly and badass, yet not without heart and empathy when it comes to his family. In the comics Slade is the worlds greatest assassin and essentially an anti-Batman esque character who is a most superior martial arts fighter, swordfighter (swords are his signature weapons) and expert marksman who would make Piers Nivans look like a rank amateur. he also has superhuman strength, agility, durability and an advanced healing factor. The guy on my avatar - thats Slade in his full Deathstroke persona.

At first (in Season 1) I was a bit ****ed off that Slade on Arrow didnt seem to be Deathstroke. he didnt have his skills and powers and didnt even have only one eye (like in the comics) and instead his partner Billy Wintergreen (in the comics Slades sidekick for a time) was the masked killer Deathstroke usually is. At first I thought they had really screwed Deathstroke up with that. Turns out I was dead wrong. Because now Slade is more and more evolving into the Deathstroke I love. recently in Season 2 he gained Slades powers from the comics and he is becoming more and more dangerous. Not to mention that he was revealed to be alive in the present time and had only one eye and had become a vengeful badass villain. And on top of that the promo for the next episode next week revealed a shot of Slade in full Deathstroke gear including the iconic mask from the comics. When I saw that I was positively having a nerdgasm hahaha. Looks like Arrow is really doing the character justice and giving a faithful adaption of him. And Manu Bennett is absolutely pitch perfect. he was born for this role. I just cant wait for Arrow and Deathstroke to finally clash and go all out. Its gonna be epic. Another nerdgasm guaranteed. Yeah I am quite a geek when it comes to my favorite comic characters haha.

As for what you said about Jill vs Ada - Personally I find it incredibly stupid to hate on another character just because you love one character. Why cant I love Jill, Ada, Leon and Chris? Why am I supposed to hate on one just because I love the other? No offense to anyone but I find such thinking incredibly retarded and childish. Thats just like those Twilight fangirls who either love Edward or Jacob and have to hate the other by default. I am really too old for such behavior. I love my favorite characters based on who they are and wether they appeal to me and I wont let anyone tell me that I have to dislike one particular character because I like the other. Why do people always feel they have to pit things like characters against each other? Why do Chris and Leon have to be on opposing sides? Why are Jill and Ada pitted against each other ? They dont even know each other in the games. You might as well say that Claire fans must hate Jill too. Is it just because of their popularity and role as protagonists? *sigh* people always turn everything into a "pick sides" scenario. Me? I love the characters that I want to love. And I LOVE Jill and Ada. And Leon and Chris to me are brothers in arms. fans should unite, not position each other on opposing sides all the time.

But maybe thats just me. That wasnt directed at you by the way. I was generally speaking about this issue. Hell I wasnt even aware that there is a fan war going on between Jill/Ada or Leon/Chris. Why cant we just love all four of them?
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Oh, so Deathstroke is actually Slade Wilson? I had no idea. I can't talk much about the second season of Arrow in general since I'm not even done with the first yet, but I know at least a few things like the secret of Black Canary because the Facebook page I'm following spoiled it for me... Oh well, it's my own fault, I should have stayed away from it. And I know that Arrow started as a comic series originally, but I don't know the comic at all, so whenever I say "Arrow", I'm referring to the TV series. My favourite character is Felicity, and since my dream of Green and Red Arrow as a couple will probably not come true, I'd like Oliver to end up with her, but yeah... I'm afraid that won't happen either. Time for a fanfic, eh?

I can't answer your questions about the fan wars because I wasn't aware of them myself before I decided to get in touch with RE fans outside of my own circle of friends, and you can rest assured that I do not hate on any character just because I'm a fan of their "rival". I just happen to like Chris and Ada whereas I don't like Leon and Jill, but my reasons for that have nothing to do with any fan wars, and I will never turn on anyone for liking other characters. Twilight is even easier, I like neither Edward nor Jacob, but I'm one of the few people who actually like Bella. What concerns me more is that Twilight fans love to hate on Harry Potter, and vice versa. It's just stupid, since those two stories / novel series have really nothing in common, so why is there a rivalry at all? I'm a fan of everything, I like Harry Potter and Twilight and Hunger Games, just like you like all four RE characters we were talking about, and I don't see anything wrong with that.
Arrow, huh? I already thought so when I saw "Slade Wilson" under your name, because I'm a big fan of that series too (it's my favourite TV show, actually). As for RE, I find it interesting that you like both Jill and Ada, since Jill fans usually don't like Ada and vice versa, same for Chris and Leon, and I myself am no exception. :tongue:
Anyway, willkommen im Forum and have fun!
....I didn't realize Jill fans didn't like Ada. But hey, I'm a Jill fan and I don't like Ada that much XD. It does make sense. It's not that I don't like her, I just don't think she's a strong enough character to carry her own game. She's a support character for Leon.
Because there is nothing wrong with that ;)

yeah Slade is Deathstroke, always has been. The Arrow series is a modern more realistic reimagination of the Green Arrow superhero and takes place in the DC Universe (the same universe that Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Justice League exist in). They have already included tons of stuff from the comics in the series, though they sometimes change it somewhat to fit the tone of the show. But in most cases its very faithful to the comics.

In the comics Oliver is the superhero archer Green Arrow (In Season 2 of Arrow he gets his mask from the comics and starts being more heroic and is called Arrow instead of The Hood) in Star City and also a member of the famous superheroteam known as the Justice League (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Flash are also members of that team). In the comics his parents are both dead and Oliver ´s great love is Dinah Lance (the Laurel character on Arrow) who is the superhero Black Canary. Oliver also has two sidekicks in the comics - Roy Harper and Mia Dearden. Roy later becomes superhero Red Arrow (later renamed into Arsenal), leader of the superheroteam Teen Titans and was introduced in Season 1 of Arrow. Season 2 begins his journey towards being Red Arrow/Arsenal.

Mia is Olivers apprentice Speedy in the comics and Thea is actually Arrows version of Mia (Theas middle name was revealed to be Dearden in an episode and Oliver sometimes calls her Speedy). This could mean that Thea could someday become Olivers apprentice and member of Team Arrow since she is a superhero archer in the comics. Same goes for Roy (ironically Roy and Thea are a couple on Arrow). It´ll be interesting to see where that leads.

The producers also confirmed that Laurel will indeed become Black Canary over the course of the next few years, even though her sister Sara is the current Canary. So there will be some great changes to Laurel for sure.

As for the island stuff, there are a lot of characters from the comics there. Both Yao Fei and Eddy Fyers come from the comics. Shado is a major character in the comics, an archer who is sometimes ally, sometimes foe of Olivers and had a love affair with him that resulted in a child (Oliver also has another son named Connor Hawke in the comics who became Green Arrow after Oliver died, though he was later resurrected). I dont want to spoil you but something HUGE is happening to Shado in Season 2 which is greatly affecting Slade, turning him into a more villainous character (and ultimately makes him become Deathstroke)

Season 2 also introduces the villain Anthony Ivo from the comics, an evil scientist who is a major villain in the comics and plays an instrumental role in Slades evolution into Deathstroke.

Season 1 also had many other gust characters from the comics, many of them actually from the Batman comics such as Garfield Lynns aka Firefly, the Royal Flush Gang (foes of the Flash) or of course Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot (the guy who killed Diggles brother) who is a major villain in the comics and a member of the governments villain team known as the Suicide Squad (the founder of this team and the team itself is introduced in Season 2 by the way!).

Then of course there is Helena Bertinelli aka the Huntress. In the comics she is actually the daughter of Batman and Catwoman from a parallel earth (Earth-2), who for a while was trained by Batman and became part of the Justice League. But her methods were too ruthless (much like on Arrow) and she was eventually kicked out and went away on her own, becoming a deadly vigilante. She later formed the team Birds of Prey together with Barbara Gordon (the original Batgirl) and Dinah Lance (Laurel). I hope we see her again on Arrow someday.

On Season 1 they also introduced Count Vertigo, one of the biggest Green Arrow villains in the comics and of course there is Merlyn aka the Dark Archer, who is Olivers ultimate nemesis in the comics (Tommy doesnt exist in the comics though and neither do Diggle or Felicity. They were created for the show)

For Season 2 they REALLY kicked it up several notches in the comics department. Slade is becoming the Deathstroke from the comics and becomes a villain in the present day who is working together with another comics villain, Brother Blood.

Other comics villains that appeared were Bronze Tiger, Dollmaker or Cyrus Gold (who is the invincible undead monster Solomon Grundy in the comics). They also introduced the League of Assassins, which is one of the biggest villain organisations in the entire DC Universe. They consist of ninjas and the most deadly assassins on earth and on the show Sara is connected to them. This League is usually a major villain in the Batman comics. They are led by the immortal warrior and terrorist Ras al Ghul (who has been mentioned on Arrow and was the man who trained Malcolm Merlyn). Ras has two daughters: Talia and Nyssa. Talia had an affair with Batman in the comics, resulting in their son Damian Wayne. Nyssa will appear later on Season 2 of Arrow.

In this weeks episode they featured the villain Shrapnel and in a future episode the Clock King (another Batman villain) will be featured in an episode.

But the absolute biggest addition to the Arrow universe from the comics was in episodes 8 and 9 of Season 2, which introduced Barry Allen (who becomes a love interest for Felicity by the way). Barry is the superhero the Flash in the comics, who can move with the speed of light after he has an accident where he is struck by lightning. Flash is one of the 5 biggest superheroes in the DC Universe so his inclusion into Arrow was HUGE. episode 9 ended with Barrys accident that will give him his superspeed powers from the comics.

The creators of Arrow currently are writing a Pilotepisode for a "The Flash" series, which will shoot in march and if its picked up will be a spin-off series that takes place in the same universe as Arrow (also using some of its characters) but focus on Barry instead of Oliver, who becomes the costumed superhero the Flash. All fans are currently extremely excited for the Flash series which will hopefully happen and start airing in Fall 2014 along with Arrow Season 3.

So you see Arrow is REALLY upping the ante on Season 2. And for comic fans like me its even more exciting to see all those elements, characters and mythology from the comics being adapted into the show.
Hello, welcome to the forum! And congrats of making the longest intro I've seen, I like it.

Smallville, Buffy, Angel
Agreed. :grin:

My most favorite RE characters which I insanely love are Jill and Ada. Such amazing, strong, beautiful and smart women.
Agreed again! I have the hots for both. But the ending of RE4 made my relationship with Ada complicated. Tough love. :tongue:
Oliver also has two sidekicks in the comics - Roy Harper and Mia Dearden. Roy later becomes superhero Red Arrow (later renamed into Arsenal), leader of the superheroteam Teen Titans and was introduced in Season 1 of Arrow. Season 2 begins his journey towards being Red Arrow/Arsenal.

Mia is Olivers apprentice Speedy in the comics and Thea is actually Arrows version of Mia (Theas middle name was revealed to be Dearden in an episode and Oliver sometimes calls her Speedy). This could mean that Thea could someday become Olivers apprentice and member of Team Arrow since she is a superhero archer in the comics. Same goes for Roy (ironically Roy and Thea are a couple on Arrow). It´ll be interesting to see where that leads.

Arsenal? What a stupid name for a hero, Red Arrow sounds much better. Also, wasn't "Speedy" originally a nickname for Roy (in the comics, I mean)? I had the idea that maybe Thea dies in the course of time and he will adopt the nickname in remembrance of her. (And I have nothing against that; with the little sister/girlfriend out of the way, nothing stops Ollie from finally getting it on with Roy. This event will be known as "The Day the Arrows crossed"! :cool: )

The producers also confirmed that Laurel will indeed become Black Canary over the course of the next few years, even though her sister Sara is the current Canary. So there will be some great changes to Laurel for sure.

I hope so. I can't stand her at the moment. Generally (and that is rare for me), I don't really like the female characters of this show. The policewoman from the first season is just plain and boring, Thea is an annoying brat, Laurel is a whiny bitch and Helena (who I prefer to call The Funsen) is worst - I hope I'll never have to see her again! I only like Felicity. And I don't mind her ending up with Barry, he seems to be an interesting character too from what I've heard, and if his spin-off series comes to my country, I will definitely watch that too.

Oh, by the way, I heard Black Canary has a terrifying scream as magic power. Spoil me: Will that appear in Season 2? Because it sounds cool!

So you see Arrow is REALLY upping the ante on Season 2. And for comic fans like me its even more exciting to see all those elements, characters and mythology from the comics being adapted into the show.

I'm looking very much forward to it. :happy:

....I didn't realize Jill fans didn't like Ada. But hey, I'm a Jill fan and I don't like Ada that much XD. It does make sense. It's not that I don't like her, I just don't think she's a strong enough character to carry her own game. She's a support character for Leon.

Yeah, same here, I just happen to like the one and not the other. Although the rivalry doesn't seem to be as strong as that between Chris and Leon fans, it seems to me that it's just not possible for most fans to like both female characters. Perhaps because they're so different... but I don't know.
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Whats with this the "I want Oliver to be gay" stuff? I have to admit, that creeps me out. Not that I have something against homosexuality but Oliver was never gay in the comics and was always a ladies man so the notion of him making out with Roy, who in the comics is like a son to him is really fricking creepy. I cant wait to see his evolution into the Red Arrow though.

And yes Roy was the original Speedy in the comics when he was Olivers student and also had a major drug problem during that time (which was the first time the subject of drug abuse was used in comics) but when he became a hero of his own he became Red Arrow and Oliver took on Mia as his new student who became the new Speedy. Mia also appeared on the TV series Smallville (Roy didnt though) where much like in the comics she was introduced as a teenage prostitute who was saved by Oliver and subsequently became his apprentice. In the Season 11 comic series (which is the official continuation of Smallville) she officially adopted the name Speedy and began wearing her outfit from the comics and became an archer. She later joined the superheroteam Teen Titans (along with Superboy, the Wonder Twins, Blue Beetle and Miss Martian). On Arrow its pretty obvious that Thea is a highly revamped version of Mia and I think it´ll be fun to see her as the costumed archer Speedy some time. When Oliver will start training her she probably will drive him crazy haha. That´ll be fun. And its a great evolution for her character.

Yeah Black Canary has the "Canary Cry" in the comics, which is a sonic scream that can ****ter glass and metal. When she appeared on "Smallville" in Season 7 she was actually able to hurt Clark (the future Superman) with her scream because of his super hearing. Since Arrow is generally not going too fantasy or scifi but goes for the more realistic approach (much like Christopher Nolans Batman films - though there are exceptions like Slade and Barry who obviously both have superhuman powers), Sara doesnt actually have the ability to produce such a scream but instead she uses a small device which produces the scream instead and can ****ter glass and metal just like the Canarys cry in the comics. However since Sara will obviously one day make way for her sister to be the Black Canary it remains to be seen if Laurel will have the actual ability to produce that scream or like Sara will use a device too.

Right now I am really pumped for the next episode since we will most likely see Slade for the first time ever in his Deathstroke armor and mask in the present day. And thats something I have been waiting for since day 1. And yes Slade is my favorite character on the show (Not surprising seeing as Deathstroke is one of my most fav characters of all time). When Manu Bennett (who plays Slade) followed me on twitter a few days ago I positively freaked out like a little kid in a toystore haha. I am just really afraid that they might kill Slade at the end of Season 2 since he is the big villain of Season 2 and they intend for every season to have a new big villain (In Season 1 it was Merlyn, in Season 2 Slade) - much like Buffy did. So I am really fearing for Slade. But I am also really excited that we get to seem him as Deathstroke going up against Oliver in present day. Its a really amazing and epic arc from their days as friends on the island to their big confrontation as Arrow and Deathstroke in the present. Its already been confirmed that Slade will not be in the island flashbacks anymore after Season 2 . He said in a recent episode that he hasnt seen Oliver for 5 years and ever since their big fallout he has been planning his revenge. That big fallout will happen at the end of Season 2 in the island flashbacks.

Do you remember in the very first episode when there was a scene at the beach that showed a red/black colored mask on a stick with an arrow through the right eye? That is Deathstrokes mask. That was the very first hint to Slades and Olivers fallout since Oliver placed that mask there after he somehow defeated Slade and took his right eye by shooting an arrow in it. Which is why in the present day Slade is shown with an eyepatch over his right eye (like in the comics).


yeah Buffy is probably my most favorite show of all time along with Smallville :) I also have the Season 8 and 9 Comics that officially continue the series and in March 2014 the Season 10 comic series begins which I am really excited about. I am currently rewatching Buffy and Angel but from Spikes perspective (Spike is my most favorite character of all time). I started with all the flashbacks that include Spike in chronological order (starting with his time as human, how he kills his mother, meets Angelus, Rome, killing Xin Rong and Nikki Wood etc.) and have now moved to the present day events of Season 2 when he and Dru first come to Sunnydale. Next episode on my list is "Whats my line Part 2"


Thanks for the great welcome :)

So now we can tag other people in our posts? Is that a new function? Cool!

You seem to know quite a lot about the comics. Impressive! I suppose if I ever have a problem understanding something that happens on Arrow, I can just ask you. :wink:

Whats with this the "I want Oliver to be gay" stuff? I have to admit, that creeps me out. Not that I have something against homosexuality but Oliver was never gay in the comics and was always a ladies man so the notion of him making out with Roy, who in the comics is like a son to him is really fricking creepy. I cant wait to see his evolution into the Red Arrow though.

Oh, that's just me. Bored of all the standard straight couples we always see everywhere (even though I'm straight myself), especially when it happens so fast (Roy and Thea started making out after barely knowing each other for two episodes), I have a strong tendency to just ship two hot male characters when I see them together on screen. (Well, sometimes there are more reasons than just hotness, but I don't know Roy very well, so you don't have to take it seriously... yet.) It might indeed be creepy if Oliver is a fatherly figure to Roy, but as I said, I don't know much about the comics, and the age difference doesn't look that big in the TV show, so I'll just have my fun anyway. :lol:

When Oliver will start training her she probably will drive him crazy haha.

She's already driving me crazy and I don't even know her personally! AAAARRRGH! :cross: But everything is better than the Funsen. That little dominatrix is clearly mentally unstable!

Since Arrow is generally not going too fantasy or scifi but goes for the more realistic approach, Sara doesnt actually have the ability to produce such a scream but instead she uses a small device which produces the scream instead and can ****ter glass and metal just like the Canarys cry in the comics.

That's what I was hoping for. :happy: Did the Green Arrow himself have any powers in the comic? And if yes, where did they come from, or were they just there?

Do you remember in the very first episode when there was a scene at the beach that showed a red/black colored mask on a stick with an arrow through the right eye? That is Deathstrokes mask. That was the very first hint to Slades and Olivers fallout since Oliver placed that mask there after he somehow defeated Slade and took his right eye by shooting an arrow in it.

No, I don't remember that... Time to rewatch the first episode, I suppose. I only remember a few little things, actually, but that's because the series keeps getting better and better! I do remember, though, that when Sara "died" in the first episode, I said to the person I was watching with: "Oh, she'll survive and come back. They always do." Turns out I'm right!! :cool:
Hey no problem :) I´ll be happy to provide you with more information about the comics since it increases the experience of the series immensely if you know all that stuff. You start noticing things that a non-comics fan would never notice and see things in ways and see connections that you wouldnt see if you dont know the comics. Thats the beauty of it. Thats why someone like me experiences the series and especially the characters in an entirely different way then someone who has no idea about the comics. sadly this means that many of the things that are special because of the comics knowledge wont even be noticed as such by someone who doesnt know the comics. Thats why I am always happy to provide people who dont know the comics with that knowledge because it will inevitably improve their experience of the series.

Green Arrow was originally conceived in the 50s as a archer version of Batman, which is why they share so many similarities (both are rich playboys by day and hardened vigilantes by night without superhuman powers). In the 60s and 70s Ollie even had an Arrowmobile , Arrow-Plane and calls his hideout the Arrow-Cave (all obvious references to Batman). actually on Arrow, that hideout OLiver has beneath the club is retrofitted in Season 2 with lots of high tech technology and even glass cases for his weapons and costume and is referred to as "Arrowcave".

Another similarity that Batman and Arrow share is that they have teenage sidekicks. Batman has Robin, Arrow has Speedy. On Smallville Green Arrow was introduced on Season 6 as a replacement for Batman (whom the producers were not allowed to use on the show because of the films), because his dynamic with Clark was very similar to Supermans dynamic with Batman in the comics. However Oliver proved so popular on Smallville (this also being the first live-action version of Green Arrow) that he became quite the character on his own and even became a series regular with Season 8 until the series ended with Season 10. On Smallville Oliver interestingly didnt end up with Dinah (Canary) like in the comics but instead was the first true love of Lois Lane (Clarks future wife) and later when Lois and Clark got together, Oliver fell in love with Lois cousin (and Clarks best friend) Chloe Sullivan who is remarkably similar to Felicity on Arrow (both are computer geniuses and operate the superhero operation in their shows - and obviously have one hell of chemistry with Oliver). Oliver married Chloe in Season 10 and in the Season 11 comic series Chloe is pregnant and moves with Oliver from Metropolis (Supermans city) back to Star City. Oliver also had a serious relationship with Tess Mercer, who is the sister of Supermans nemesis Lex Luthor. Tess and Oliver met while Oliver was on the island and he saved her life and both escaped the island together. however Oliver was psychologically damaged and was a very flawed man who cheated on Tess (kind of like Ollie in Arrow cheated on Laurel), who left him afterwards and became a very angry and ruthless woman after she was taking in and mentored by her brother Lex, whom she practically worshipped.

Tess made her debut on Smallville in Season 8 after her brother disappeared (in the Season 7 finale) and became the new CEO of his company Luthorcorp. This is when she and Oliver met again but he was sad to learn that she had become such a ruthless woman (Being cheated on and mentored by Lex Luthor will do that do you). However Tess drastically changed her ways after she learned from Lana Lang (Clarks first love and former wife of Lex) that Lex was actually using Tess and had violated her without her knowing. Afterwards Tess turned her back on Lex and developed an intense hatred towards her brother. Oliver was also falling into a REALLY dark phase during that time after he learned that Lionel Luthor (Lex father) had murdered his parents and he became so consumed by hatred that he murdered Lex in cold blood (Lex was resurrected in the Season 10 finale by the evil New God Darkseid). After the death of lex, Oliver was consumed with guilt and became a shadow of his former self, eventually abandoning his Green Arrow persona altogether and burning his costume. He was saved and returned to his heroic self by Chloe, who refused to stop believing in him, which became the beginning of their love. By the time of Season 9 he finally returned to his Green Arrow role (and also started dating Chloe). He even publicly announced his true identity in a press conference in Season 10 in order to quell the fear of superheroes (that had been instigated by Darkseid who was infecting the minds of many humans with his darkness and turned the leaders of the United States Government against superheroes).

This is Oliver on Smallville:


Oliver in Green Arrow outfit on Smallville (without hood):


Oliver as Green Arrow with hood up in Smallville:


Oliver and his future wife Chloe on Smallville:


And this is the Deathstroke mask that I meant, which you can see in the first episode of Arrow in the island. Note how the mask is a bit charred at the bottom. Oliver said in season 2, that he faced a man with superhuman strength before and had to burn him to defeat him. Obviously he was talking about Slade - which is why the mask shows burning marks. they have really thought this story well through havent they? Every piece of this fits together from the first to the current episode.

You start noticing things that a non-comics fan would never notice and see things in ways and see connections that you wouldnt see if you dont know the comics. Thats the beauty of it.

I know what you mean. I felt that way while I was playing Tomb Raider Underworld, being familiar with some of the depicted underworlds like Xibalbá, Valhalla and especially Helheim (my own realm). It was interesting (but sometimes also disappointing) to see how the developers had executed the ideas provided by the source material, and I was able to notice the appearance or lack of a few elements that most other gamers might not have noticed at all. When I reached Bhogavati, though, I felt completely ignorant; never heard of that underworld before.

actually on Arrow, that hideout OLiver has beneath the club is retrofitted in Season 2 with lots of high tech technology and even glass cases for his weapons and costume and is referred to as "Arrowcave".

I suppose we can thank my Felicity for that, because she also updated his computer systems, hm?

This is Oliver on Smallville:


Does this Oliver have the same back-story as the one in the TV series Arrow? I know the actor is probably an adult, but here it looks like the stylists tried to make him look like a teenager, whereas Ollie's lost island story only happened when he was older.

Okay, this makes sense... Isn't this also the mask the torturer was wearing? I remember Ollie calling Slade out on it in one episode, where Slade explained that he and the torturer were partners and both of them had masks like this. But I'm not sure if it's the same mask, I thought the other one was black.
Yeah it was Felicity who heavily updated Olivers systems and turned into a High tech HQ^^ (Interestingly enough Chloe did the very same thing with the Watchtower HQ of the Justice League on Smallville - a team that was founded by Oliver in Season 6) She even got him a state of the art compound bow, which he has been using ever since. Barry later also created an actual mask for Oliver, like he has in the comics, which he is wearing now under his hood.

The "Torturer" you are referring too was wearing a similar mask, but it was yellow-black instead of red-black. Actually this caused many too believe at first that this guy was Deathstroke until it was released that it wasnt Slade under that mask. The man under the yellow-black mask was Billy Wintergreen, who in the comics was a sidekick for Slade for years until they had a fallout and Slade killed him.

On Arrow Slades background was changed a bit and he and Billy are both australian (in the comics Slade is american) and were working for ASIS (australian intelligence). They were members of an elite team known as Team 7 (That team actually exists in the comics as well but as a special forces team of the US government) that were sent to the island to rescue Yao Fei. However Eddie Fyers and his mercenaries killed the members of the team except for Slade and Billy. Billy joined Fyers as his enforcer while Slade escaped. All members of Team 7 have such a mask (though in different colors), thats why both Billy and Slade have one. Billy then later tortured Oliver on Fyers command and as you probably remember eventually Slade and Billy faced off and Slade killed Billy by stabbing him in the eye (which was an ironic reference to Slade having only one eye in the comics). Another nice reference was when Slade finds a sword in Season 2 and says "I like swords". That is a reference to Slade using swords as his signature weapons in the comics.

Slade also mentioned that Billy was the godfather of his son Joe. In the comics Slade had actually three children. There was Grant, who was later killed when a mission that Slade was on went wrong and for years Slade felt guilty about his death. Then there is Joseph Wilson (Thats most likely his son Joe that he is referring to in Arrow) who later become the supervillain Jericho, who hated his father and vowed to destroy him. Slade later killed him in battle. His third child is his daughter Rose Wilson, who at first became the assassin Ravager who was trained by Slade but later joined the superheroteam Teen Titans and developed a hatred towards her father. They reconciled later though and because of his love for his daughter, Slade went more from villain to anti-hero (but also still an assassin), making him an increasingly more complex character. I wonder if we´ll ever see Joe, Grant or Rose on Arrow.

As for Olivers story on Smallville:

as a teenager he went to a prep school in england together with Lex Luthor. During those days Oliver was pretty arrogant and cruel and bullied Lex often, which eventually even led to the death of a classmate. This was a wake up call for Oliver who changed completely after that.

"My hands are far from clean. But I have been trying to wash them ever since while yours just kept getting dirtier"

-Oliver to Lex in the present

Soon afterwards Olivers parents Robert and Laura Queen were murdered by Lionel Luthor (the Queens were part of a secret society called "Veritas" whose purpose it was to protect the kryptonian Kal-El after his arrival on earth and help to guide him to his destiny of becoming Superman, but Lionel who was also a member betrayed the group because he wanted Kal-El for himself), leading to Oliver cutting himself from emotions and becoming a party-loving playboy. After he graduated he went on a cruise onboard a yacht, but the yacht was attacked by pirates and sunk. Oliver was the only survivor and made it to an island.

Here over the course of two years, he learned to survive and taught himself to hunt with bow and arrow. Two years later he was poisoned and kidnapped on the island by mercenaries, which is where he met Tess Mercer (who was also a prisoner). She cured him and together they escaped their captors and used their ship to escape the island.

Oliver and Tess went to Star City where they were together for a while but after he cheated on her and she left him, Oliver felt unworthy of his parents legacy and joined a secret organisation of Assassins where he was trained by the Dark Archer (Malcolm Merlyn is Arrows version of the Dark Archer), which is where he learned his superior archery skills. However Oliver left the Organisation because of their extreme views and methods (This is extremely similar to Saras story in Arrow Season 2). In Season 9 his former mentor comes to Metropolis to challenge Oliver to a final duel. Oliver wins (with Clarks help) but doesnt kill him..

Afterwards Oliver returns to Star City and decides to honor his families memory by using his new skills to protect Star City from evil and injustice and creates himself a disguise in form of a green costume to protect his true identity. He also takes over his families company and becomes the CEO of Queen Industries. After the events at the beginning of Smallville Season 6 (where the evil kryptonian General Zod takes over the body of Lex and nearly destroy the world), Oliver moves to Metropolis to investigate this further after he hears that Lex (controlled by Zod) was seen breaking into the Pentagon, having enormous superhuman powers.

This is where Oliver meets Lois Lane (and through her he also meets Clark Kent) and the two fall deeply in love. He begins patrolling the streets of Metropolis in his disguise and its Lois (who doesnt know its Oliver) who eventually names him Green Arrow. Clark finds out that Oliver is Arrow and helps protect his secret. During this Oliver also finds out what Clark can do and that he is actually an alien from the planet Krypton. Oliver deeply admires Clark, not just for his powers but his enormous goodness and convictions and aspires to be more like him but at the same time he also advises Clark that with that kind of power he should be out there protecting people, making the world a better place.

"There is a whole world of people out there, Clark. You cannot wait for them to come to you. When you´re ready to do something about that, you know where to find me" - Oliver to Clark

Oliver also meets other remarkable people with special powers. The first of those is Bart Allen (who comes from the future and is actually Barry Allens grandson and also has the same ability as the Flash) who joins Oliver and becomes the costumed superhero Impulse. Bart is also a very close friend of Clarks, who sacrifices himself for him in the Season 11 comic series.

Ollie and Bart then meet Victor Stone, a man who once had a terrible car accident and whose ****tered bones were replaced with bionic body parts by Lex in order to create a super soldier. Victor escaped Lex with Clarks help. He joins Oliver and Bart and becomes the superhero Cyborg. Later the three of them save a man named Arthur Curry at the coast of Japan. Arthur was trying to stop some whale catchers but was captured by them and nearly killed. Arthur is actually an atlantean and heir of the throne of the underwater kingdom Atlantis (though he only finds out about that some years later) and as an atlantean has special powers. He can breathe underwater, move with superhuman speed under water and has superhuman strength while his body is wet (even more increased under water). he also can communicate with any animals living in water. he joins Oliver and his team, becoming the superhero Aquaman.

In the Season 6 episode "Justice" Oliver assembles this team (which is basically the prototype version of the future Justice League) for the first time onscreen to take down a facility of Lex Luthor, in which he uses kryptonite to experiment on people. Clark joins them for this mission as well (being dubbed "Boy Scout" by Oliver). While Clark afterwards isnt ready to join Olivers team just yet on their missions, he says that one day he will.

CYBORG: What about you? We could use the big guns.

AQUAMAN: yeah you gotta come with us, man.

OLIVER: They´re right you know. You´d be a major asset to the team.

CLARK: I wanna be part of this guys, I really do. But there are some things I need to figure out and take care of first.

OLIVER: This isnt the end of the story, Clark. This is just the beginning.

In Season 7, Oliver and Clark meet Dinah Laurel Lance aka the Black Canary who later joins the team as well. Starting with Season 8 the evolution of the team into the Justice League is explored in more detail. Chloe (Olivers future wife) becomes the operator of the team, codename Watchtower and she is the one setting up the high tech HQ (also called Watchtower) for the team in metropolis. By the time of the Season 11 comic series, the team actually has headquarters (or Hubs) in every major city in the US.

In Season 8 the team is joined by the martian John Jones (who used to be an ally of Clarks birth father Jor-El and has watched over Clark for years). As a martian he has incredible superpowers that rival Supermans (superstrength, superspeed, flight, can blast energy from his eyes, shapeshifter, can make himself intangible, powerful telepath) and becomes the superhero "Martian Manhunter". Oliver also meets the beautiful sorceress Zatanna in Season 8 who joins his team as well.

In Season 9 the team meets the surviving members of the "Justice Society of America" (JSA), a superheroteam from the 70s who were forced into exile by the US-government when they refused to work for them. the JSA was actually the first superheroteam in comics history (created in 1940). The former JSA members Hawkman (who becomes a close friend with Clark but has a rivalry with Oliver) and Stargirl eventually join Olivers team (By this time Clark is also already a superhero known as "The Blur" and has joined the team in full). Hawkman later sacrifices himself in Season 10 to save Clarks love, Lois Lane.

Another former JSA member, Jay Garrick (the first Flash) later in the Season 11 comic series forms the previously mentioned superheroteam Teen Titans, consisting of the following members:

Conner Kent/SUPERBOY

a clone from the genes of Clark and Lex. He has similar powers to Clark but if he is exposed to red kryptonite his "Lex" side is unleashed and he becomes evil. He becomes romantically involved with Miss Martian. He is introduced in Season 10.

Mia Dearden/SPEEDY

A former prostitute and protege of Oliver and Black canary. Like Oliver she is an archer. She was introduced in Season 9.


A young teenager, that an alien high tech scarab device attached itself to. the device allows Jaime to call upon a blue alien armor to encase his body and giving him superhuman strength, flight and energy projection. he was introduced in Season 10.


Two siblings with superhuman powers. Zan can turn himself into all forms of water and ice and Jayna can shape**** into any animal she desires. However they need to bump their fists together to activate their powers. They greatly idolize Clark and want nothing more then to be true heroes. they were introduced in Season 9.


besides John Jones (who is her mentor), she is the last surviving martian and the last living white martian (John is a green martian). she was trapped for years and became out of control until John and Batman found her and were able to restore her senses. She becomes romantically involved with Superboy. She is the only member of the team who wasnt introduced on the TV show but in the Season 11 series.

In Season 10, Clark met the superhero Booster Gold, a self-loving former athlete from the 25th century who stole a high tech suit and travelled to the 21st century to become the worlds greatest hero before Clark could become Superman. He eventually learned from Clark that the suit doesnt make the hero and learned the value of being a real hero. He stayed in the 21st century and joined Clarks and Olivers team. he became much more mature in Season 11 after he travelled with Superman to the 31st century and fought in a war between humans and kryptonians.

In the Season 11 comic series the show was able to introduce some heroes who joined the team that they were not able to use on the TV-show, such as Batman and Wonder Woman (the two biggest superheroes in the DC Universe besides Superman). It also expected that the Flash (Barry Allen) and Green Lantern will soon be introduced on the Season 11 series (which is currently ongoing)

Although Batman and Wonder Woman are of course characters you know, here is a bit about how they are in ther Smallville versions:

Bruce Wayne/BATMAN

A billionaire and CEO of Wayne Tech, who witnessed the murder of his parents at a young age, forever scarring him emotionally and making him grim and vengeful. He is raised by his butler and friend Alfred Pennyworth and once out of school trains his body and mind to the peak of human perfection becoming the worlds greatest detective, a genius, master tactician, criminal psychologist and martial arts expert. He dons a bat-themed costume, becoming the Batman and begins fighting a war against organized crime in his home Gotham City utilizing his superior skills, intimidation, fear and various state of the art equipment and vehicles. he starts his career as Batman already in 2001 (at a time where Clark was only just starting highschool) and until Season 11 he is actually thought by many to be a mere myth (until he meets Superman and Green Arrow). In season 11 he also has a sidekick, the spunky Barbara Gordon (who is the original Batgirl in normal comics) who is named Nightwing in the SV version. It is shown that Oliver is incredibly jealous of Batman, because Batman is very similar to him but superior to Ollie in almost every way. When Lois and Chloe enter the Batcave for the first time Chloe says "Okay, now I understand why Ollie is so jealous"


Diana is the daughter of Queen Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons of greek myth and was born and raised on the mythological paradise island known as Themyscira. She is also the biological daughter of Zeus, the reigning olympian deity of greek mythology and therefore a demigod. 20 years ago a boy named Steve Trevor stranded on the island and he and Diana became close friends and once teenagers developed a crush on each other. After Hippolyta found out about it she decided to take Steve back to "Mans world" - only she and Steve never came back. Once she was an adult, Diana left the island to search for her mother, eventually coming to Washington DC. here she not only met Superman and Lois Lane but also her old flame Steve who was now working for a government organisation known as the DEO. the leader of the DEO was actually working for the greek deity Hades and was trying to free him from the Underworld. Diana discovered that the DEO held her mother captive (which Steve didnt know) and with the help of Superman found and rescued her mother. However the leader of the DEO was subsequently able to free Hades, who assaulted washington with an army of harpies and turned the Washington monument into a giant stone creature that nearly killed Superman. Diana donned her mothers amazonian armor, becoming the superhero Wonder Woman and aided Superman in the battle against Hades and his creatures. Together they were able to send Hades back to the underworld and save the US President. This brought great change to the world since the existence of magic, gods and mythological creatures was now revealed to the world and Superman later also revealed to the world that he was actually an alien from the planet Krypton to ease the worlds fear of these new discoveries. Diana decided to stay in Washington with Steve and protect "Mans world" as Wonder Woman, joining Clarks and Olivers team and creating herself the human identity of Diana Prince. After Steve became the new leader of the DEO, Diana joined the organisation as special agent as well to be at Steves side.

Here a listing plus images of the Superheroes in the Smallville-Version of the Justice League:

Clark Kent (Kal-EL)/SUPERMAN

First Appearance: Episode 001 "Pilot" (as Clark), Episode 175 "Savior" (as The Blur), Episode 218 "Finale" (as Superman)

Played by: Tom Welling

Powers: Superstrength, Superspeed, Invulnerability, Heat Vision, X-ray Vision, Microscopic/Telescopic Vision, Super Breath, Freeze Breath, Super Hearing, Flight

Special Weakness: Kryptonite, Magic


Bart Allen/IMPULSE *Deceased*

First Appearance: Episode 071 "Run" (as Bart), Episode 121 "Justice" (as Impulse)

Played by: Kyle Gallner

Powers: able to move with the speed of light by using the Speed Force (Power Source of The Flash)


Arthur Curry (Orin)/AQUAMAN

First Appearance: Episode 092 "Aqua" (as Arthur), Episode 121 "Justice" (as Aquaman)

Played by: Alan Ritchson

Powers: can breathe underwater, superhuman speed under water, superhuman strength (when skin is wet), commands animals of the oceans

Special Weakness: Heat


Victor Stone/CYBORG

First Appearance: Episode 103 "Cyborg" (as Victor), Episode 121 "Justice" (as Cyborg)

Played by: Lee Thompson-Young

Powers: Superhuman strength and durability (thanks to bionic body parts), can access every computer and electronical system once he connects to it


Oliver Queen/GREEN ARROW

First Appearance: Episode 111 "Sneeze" (as Oliver), Episode 114 "Arrow" (as Green Arrow)

Played by: Justin Hartley

Powers: Highly trained in martial arts, Master Archer, uses a variety of gadgets and trick arrows


John Jones (Jonn Jonnzz)/MARTIAN MANHUNTER

First Appearance: Episode 118 "Static" (Cameo), Episode 122 "Labyrinth"

Played by: Phil Morris

Powers: Superstrength, Superspeed, Shapeshifter, can make himself intangible, Flight, powerful telepath, Martian Vision

Special Weakness: Fire



First Appearance: Episode 133 "Bizarro" (as Kara), Episode 199 "Supergirl" (as Supergirl)

Played by: Laura Vandervoort

Powers: Same as Superman (see above)

Special Weakness: Kryptonite, Magic


Dinah Laurel Lance/BLACK CANARY

First Appearance: Episode 143 "Siren"

Played by: Alaina Huffman

Powers: Highly skilled in martial arts and knife fighting, uses throwing knifes, can produce the "Canary Cry" which ****ters glass and metal



First Appearance: Episode 169 "Hex"

Played by: Serinda Swan

Powers: Master of magic, casts magical spells by saying them backwards


Carter Hall/HAWKMAN *deceased*

First Appearance: Episode 187 "Absolute Justice"

Played by: Michael Shanks

Powers: highly trained in close combat and archaic weaponry, has artificial wings that enable him to fly at superhuman speed, some time after he and his great love (Hawkgirl) die, they are both reincarnated in an endless cycle of life, death and rebirth


Courteney Whitmore/STARGIRL

First Appearance: Episode 187 "Absolute Justice"

Played by: Britt Irvin

Powers: highly athletic, trained in martial arts, wields a magical staff that can project energy and teleport her


Michael Jon Carter/BOOSTER GOLD

First Appearance: Episode 214 "Booster"

Played by: Eric Martsolf

Powers: High tech suit and gadgets that give him Flight, superhuman strength, Energy projection and the ability to time travel


Bruce Wayne/BATMAN

First Appearance: Episode 220 "Detective" (Comics)

Powers: body and mind trained to peak of human perfection, master martial artist, master tactician, genius-level intellect, uses a variety of state of the art gadgets and vehicles, supreme criminal psychologist and the worlds greatest detective



First Appearance: Episode 225 "Olympus" (Comics)

Powers: highly trained warrior, proficient with bladed weapons, indestructible magic lasso, indestructible bracelets, tiara that can be used as a throwing weapon (even cuts a kryptonians skin), superhuman strength, speed, agility and durability, Flight

