Daymare 1998 is apparently coming out on April 28th for PS4 yet I can’t find it anywhere on my PS4 game store? I would like to pre order it but I can’t find it.
I was going to buy it too but can't find it on the store... I'm in touch whit Michele giannone, the head of invader studios the developer studios who made daymare, I will ask him if he know something on the matterDaymare 1998 is apparently coming out on April 28th for PS4 yet I can’t find it anywhere on my PS4 game store? I would like to pre order it but I can’t find it.
I was going to buy it too but can't find it on the store... I'm in touch whit Michele giannone, the head of invader studios the developer studios who made daymare, I will ask him if he know something on the matter
The developer of daymare where the one who were making the fan made resident evil 2 remake that was later shut down by capcomhas The game actually got anything to do with resident evil?
I did played it, it's actually playable, but the pc version is better... The studio who ported the ps4 version didn't actually mad a great job, since there is some unpleasant frame rate drop most of the timeI have the physical edition just laying unplayed as of now.. The bad reviews scared me from playing it. I don't mind a bad game, but from what i've heard it's poor beyond being a 'bad game that can be fun anyway' Which sux, I was really hoping it could atleast be a playable mess. We'll see i'll pop it in at some point.