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Capcom is trying to please all gamers.


You can't make everyone happy. It's impossible. Capcom tried with RE6, but ultimately, they just fractured the fanbase even more than it already was. Personally, I do not mind the action because of what the series is now: Trying to fight and stop bioterrorism.


Through that door, is a seperate reality.
When I first saw RE6 I thought it would be exciting. Then after it came out and I watched some gameplay, it was nothing like I expected. I then realized that no matter how much capcom says that there gonna go old school, there not. Money talks I guess.

Dr. O-T

Master Blaster Dr. O
You can't make everyone happy. It's impossible. Capcom tried with RE6, but ultimately, they just fractured the fanbase even more than it already was. Personally, I do not mind the action because of what the series is now: Trying to fight and stop bioterrorism.
I definitely agree with you there, the way the story has progressed so far it's most likely going to remain on the action side though I really liked how they have the players basically revisit raccoon in Leon's chapter 1


Super Saiyan Member
What's so wrong with trying to please everybody. I mean, face it. The Capcom bashing isn't going to help here. Ya, they're not going to please everybody. No one can. But what's wrong with trying. Change is inevitable, and for the most part, good. People need to quit being so set in their ways, and realize gaming is changing. As long as it's not along the line of the Bullsh*t Call of Duty phase (Which RE Isn't doing anyway) then who cares it they're trying to be helpful to ALL gamers.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
Trying got Resident Evil suffering an identity crisis, split the fanbase in 2 halves and the only thing it did right was finally let people know that speaking with your money can get you what you want.
Change can be good or very bad depending on how it's done, I consider change very bad when the reason I'm a fan of the franchise gets changed, but other changes can be good.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with saying that RE6 is more action than RE5. Then again, if it was, it's because it was longer than RE5. But to me RE5 was 90% if not 100% action, while RE6 was probably...maybe 65 MAYBE of whole 70% but that's just me. Note that I am not counting the gold edition of RE5 since I have not played it, but arn't the extra parts really short anyway?

I do agree with a lot of what Ken is saying, I appreciate the fact that they at least tried to do something for everybody. Not to say I am happy with all of their decisions, but I don't think it's as bad as the majority says.
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