I know a lot of people dislike her as a character but to me she made the game entertaining for all the wrong reasons. First off she dresses like a high class prostitute when she's supposed to be a professional corporate CEO (and acts very unprofessional in her work always flirting with Wesker). Second in The Mercenaries Reunion as a playable character she has some of the silliest special attacks (slapping, high heel groin stomping, using her syringe in an absurdly seductive pose) and she carries some big guns that don't show up on any harnesses on her body which makes you wonder where she stores her weapons (must be a woman's secret lol). Also her voice commands are ridiculous sounding because she just sounds bored and snooty all the time! I also find her death at the hands of Wesker to be funny in an ironic way because she was pretty much asking for it (seriously what kind of femme fatale falls so easily for a powerful man?)