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A little something to lift the soul.


The Confucius of ReNews...Cheers KK.
Its nearly 3am as i type, and i find myself thinking about my late mother.

My mother, during a very troubled and difficult life, always had two dreams.

1, have a baby son whilst doctors said it wouldnt be possible.....well obviously, my very existence debunks the **** out that theory.


2, Swim with Dolphins. She wasn't able to swim with Dolphins due to medical reasons, but she did get a special meeting with them just for her while my dad took her on holiday. This was shortly before she was to die unexpectedly.

During my grieving, i began to dream of Dolphins a lot. peaceful dreams, which often featured my mother being at peace and pain free...

then shortly after i began to dream of Orca's alot... always in a protection theme, keeping me from harm and what not... this was a 3 month period in my life that was serene and very revealing, yet mysterious in a way....

This is all bought back to the surface when i came across this footage earlier today.

upon watching that, i've decided i want to go see it with my own eyes one day, and that i should stay true to my original thought, which was to go to the east of Scotland and put her Ashes in beside the Dolphins.

Just thought i'd share that, on this cold Wednesday morning.


Super Saiyan Member
Very touching my friend...Follow you heart and spread your mothers ashes...And may all go well on your journey...Best wishes from your pal across the pond...
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