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Resident Evil 6 A few more complaints after experiencing most of Chris' camaign.


(Mild spoilers)

First there was one thing that ****ed me off and cause me to die a few times, the scene where you encounter a helicopter in China, not the first time but the second, and you take cover in a building to take out the heli. What i've found, trying this 3 or 4 times, is that there is no actual spot to use as cover where the helicopter wont me able to shoot at you, I tried inside the building itself, leaning out a doorway, but even behind there the rocket barrages could easily splash damage me. Next I tried one of the pannels on the side of the balcony, but there was so little cover that the copter was easily able to shoot me with at an angle. Next i tried behind some metal cart on the balcony, with a pannel on either side of it for extra cover, but now i was too close to the wall, and the rockets would hit the wall behind me and still damage me. I beat this part by just saying "**** it" and running out in full view with the grenade launcher, trading blows with the heli until it died.

Next, the AI had something to be desired. When I was in a fighter jet, and peirs was on the deck of the aircraft carriet trying to disarm the missile, there is some debree in his way, which he clears with demolition. Thing were going well until he got to a second debree, and instead of blowing it up, he got scared because a sniper took aim at him from the control tower. I killed the sniper, (and the other javo up there with him), but for some reason, peirs would not stop running in circles instead of doing his job. So i just sat there until we lost. I did it again and this time he acted normally.

I'm playing on veteran, and what i've noticed is the real dangers of dying in the game don't come from the enemies themselves, but from the mechanics of the game. There were two things i expereinced that really ****ed me off. First, the partner collision. At one point on the aircraft carrier, i was below deck, and there was a grounded, rotating fighter jet firing machine guns at me. I was dodging this pretty easy moving from cover to cover, untill some enemies came at me forcing a retreat. Here's where the problem came in. The AI peirs just happened to get into a narrow passage I was trying to go through to get to cover, and he wouldn't move. Slowly, the jet rotated until it's guns were on me, and i died. Does the AI really need THAT much collision space?

Second, the weapons/ammo system. The enemies are no problem. I'm able to outmaneuver any mutation with ease, except for one problem that occasionally comes up, and that's a cycle of using up ammo for each weapon during the battle and switching to the next one. It seems that after each battle, i collect enough ammo to put about half a clip into half of my guns, so i go into the next battle unloading each gun fully and switching down the line until the next loaded gun comes up. The problem with this is that during the heat of battle i really can't take precious seconds scrolling through my weapons to find one with some ammo. I was firing a shotgun at a javo, when he transformed into a wacky wailing inflatable arm flailing tube man, and came at me. I was out of shells, so i clicked left on the D-Pad, i first got knife, then an empty pistol, then an empty rifle, then my assault rifle with some rounds loaded in it, but by the time i got to it, the flailing arm was smacking me into a wall and i died. There are two ways i would propose to fix this. Either skip guns without ammo when you scroll using the d-pad, OR, make ammo half as common, but with twice the amount, in which case you would have the same amount of ammo as before, just concentrated in fewer guns, so there is less mid-battle switching.

Wake up Ne0

BSAA Mercenary
Hi Darkness a few pointers I agree some of campaign Chris was glitchy in places, one bit in particular when (Spoilers)
Piers mutates, my AI opponent just would not do the finishing move on the boss and i had him down like 10 times. I got a player to join and they did kill him immediately.

I agree the enemies seem very easy to outmanuvare. Even been playing professional and not found any challenge really, on RE5 they used to kill you with 2 swipes (1 swipe or scratch your health would either loose half or go to Full red). We did the cathedral bit first time, was using infinite pistol but that was it.
Now you loose 1/6 blocks of health if something hits me, on professional i'd rather instant down or be dead so its actually a challenge! With friendly fire on, i accidently shot my friend on professional with a magnum and he lost half a block of health!

One thing you can do to help with the guns problem is go in your inventory press rb to see weapons and then you can change the order they select in so you could have knife/pistol/shotgun/machine gun rather than having an awkward order like pistol/sniper/knife or however. I think the weapons change really quickly but i always prepare them all loading them before battles and changing their order so i dont pick the wrong weapon ]
and i prefered res 5 inventory where you could choose each of the Up[/down /left/right directions rather than having your weapons stuck to left/right and other items stuck to up/down surely the old way was more customisable and better.


Yeah that final boss was sure something. When I was running up the spiraling ledge to escape him right when he hatched, there was one spot where you had to slide under a bar perfectly or else you wouldn't make it. This ****ed me off so hard, I tried it like 10 times, and i would either slide too early, which would mean i stopped halfway under it and had to crawl the rest of the way, or i would slide too late, and i wouldn't slide at all, my character just started crawling. That was pretty far from a checkpoint too so it was extra frustrating.

Then when you're fighting the boss in the room with mutated piers, the problem i found was that i ran out of ammo for everything and had to run around. Randomly ammo would spawn on the ground once every 5 minutes and i never knew where it came from. After i stabbed it in the heart 3 times i automatically got a checkpoint right as piers was doing his finishing move so that was cool.

I agree about liking the old inventory system better, it was so much simpler to use.


On A Mission...
I heard Capcom is gonna release a new Difficulty? Called 'Nightmare'? Just a rumor, but I do wish its possible


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
I heard Capcom is gonna release a new Difficulty? Called 'Nightmare'? Just a rumor, but I do wish its possible
Its caled No Hope and yes they will release it and for free at that.
Heres a vid comparison of Pro and No Hope


On A Mission...
That person obviously doesn't have skill or Defense Up. I don't care if your showing it, at least show you can fight back and show the real difference, you know.


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
That person obviously doesn't have skill or Defense Up. I don't care if your showing it, at least show you can fight back and show the real difference, you know.
He wasnt fighting, he was showing how much faster the enemies attack, recover from stuns and how much damage they do.
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