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Haha, ya. My fiancee found it and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
I'm not a huge Spider-Man fan but I think it's absolutely adorable. Sonic just makes anything cool, lol.
Haha. Spider-Man and Sonic are two of my favorites heroes. I'm just a Marvel fan in general, and I find Peter Parker to be the most relateable superhero to me...
I used to be the biggest Marvel fan, and I still am in some ways, I've just fallen out of love with some of my favorites I suppose. (Though I must admit Peter Parker was never one of my favs.) I used to really enjoy the X-Men comics but, in recent years I've found them to be unreasonable hypocrites.
Now I don't keep up with writers/artists like others do, or like I should I suppose, so I'm not sure whose fault it is but it turned me away from the team for a while. And that's happened with quite a few of my "non X-Men" favs from Marvel. Not quite sure what's going on over there now but I find I'm more interested in DC's New 52 nowadays.
See, I'm not a DC fan in the slightest. And it's not that DC is bad...But I want my characters and stories some how relatable. That being said, I think Marvel characters are far more human feeling than DC. DC just seems flat out invincible...Marvel has weaknesses. Both emotional and Physical.
That's how I feel too so it really surprised me when I became more interested in what was going on in the DCU than the MU. (I just can't seem to stay away from DCU now, though, since SM and WW are finally together without Lois hanging over their heads or having to be incredibly old because Lois is dead and SM was celibate for however many hundreds of years in her memory and the best part?
They're not dictating the world because they're a power-couple; they're just a Posh and Becks! lmfao
Lol, I won't lie...I still will probably go see the JLA movie, even though I hate DC...
Is it weird that I love comic books and video games based on comics and cartoons and such but I hate super hero movies? They're usually really bland and poorly acted and now there are so many of them! The only ones that really stand out are the first two Nolan Batmans and the first two X-Men. (And X-Men mainly because of Sir Ian McKellen. I swear if anyone was ever Magneto, it's him!)
I love some superhero movies, and hate others...For example I actually can't stand the Nolan Batman flicks...To me they were just way to far from the hokey comic books...I think Marvel does their movies well. They keep it as close to the original scripts as possible, but make it NOT so heavy in the nerd lingo that non-nerds can get it...
I liked the first two didn't appreciate the idea of the third so I didn't go see it. I didn't really like the third X-Men movie or Fantastic 4. Apparently no one can do a Hulk film correctly and Avengers just seemed kinda hokey to me but I can't say for sure because I didn't go see it. I didn't see any of the individual Avenger movies but I really, really wanted to see Captain America and Thor.
I recently saw Thor 2 and didn't like it very much so I'm not sure I'd like the first one; it made me kind of wary. (The second one was just so predictable. I predicted the entire ending like thirty minutes before the end of the movie and I didn't like that.)
The FIRST Thor is actually my favorite super hero movie out there besides Spider-Man, and that's obviously bias talking...I haven't seen Avengers yet, but apparently that's the new Standard for Superhero movies, so I bet it's good. The cast is an all star cast after all...