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  • Hey, SS. I has an idea but I wanna get a second opinion first. One of my favorite singers, Christina Perri, is having voice problems. Her vocal cords were busted, then they got better, now they are bad again. Needless to say she's getting worried. I'm considering setting up a thread where people can post encouraging words which I can then send to her. Do you think that's a good idea or no?
    If you think it would bring happiness, then defiantly!
    Putting a smile on someones face or showing you care in times of hardship are some of the greatest things you can do in the world, I say go for it! ^^
    :D!! Thanks SS. ^^ I hope a lot of people respond with happiness!
    BTW, what should we call this forum of ours?
    *huggies* Thanks for posting. I hope more people do. :(
    *poke poke* How you doing my good man? ^^
    I wouldn't know as I haven't been there. :P
    I'm swell thanks. ^^ Glad to know everything is working now. Just know I'm around if you need me.
    Thanks, that means a lot to me :)
    Of course! You always help me out. ^^
    Well hello there! :)
    *headdesk* NO! The drama isn't it either. XD
    When I meant the "forums themselves" I really did mean its just the SITE that I don't want to be on anymore. Its not any part of it, or the drama, or the people, its the whole thing I just don't like. Sorry if that's hard to understand. :(

    I'll still pop on here absolutely. :)
    Oh no I get it....I think, I was just saying what is bothering me there :P

    It;s nice to know I'll still be able to say hi now and again ^^
    Well of course. REN is a nice site. I like being here. ^^
    Hi SpawnShooter, welcome to REN :D
    I'm not on here often, too scared of playing the series, so i don't really know much about it :D.
    Hope you like it here though and thanks for the follow.
    Hi Veeb ^_^

    I must say it was a very pleasant surprise to see you here, it is nice to see some familiar faces around!
    Yeah, Resident Evil isn't what it used to be. I don't even know how to explain what it used to be, it just had this.. classic horror essence, this great nostalgic feel to it, and Capcom back then focused on creating a deep story rather than just *KICK SPIN SHOOT CAMERA GLARE EXSPLOSIONZ YAY!" all the time.
    Eh, it looks alright I guess. Though having said that, I'm not looking forward to it. I won't be buying the game. (sorry to be a downer, lol)
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