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  • The channel I usually watch it on is on hold until after Christmas but it was on season six when it left, though when it gets back it looks like it's jumping back to when Buffy and Dawn's mother died. (It was on the one when Riley came back to Sunnydale married when the schedule got all wonky because of the holidays.)
    Eh, not true. I think that, as the series went on, we found that more affected Spike than he originally let on - especially once he realized he was in love with Buffy and became more prominent in the series and with the Scooby-gang. Spike was funny and none too serious on many occasion, no doubt, but he was also very...deep and the things he'd seen and done gave him more layers than anyone else on the show - including Angel, in my opinion.

    In my humble estimation, I believe Angel was the one who never really showed emotion or exactly how things affected him. He was so very stoic about everything, even when Buffy told him that Spike was right and they could never be friends. (The episode where Spike kidnapped Willow and Xander in hopes of getting Dru back, I believe it was.)

    Spike was very much an open book from...late season 5/early season 6 on. His facial expressions told exactly what he was feeling and his jokes, which before had seemed to simply be the dry humor of an uncaring and remorseless vampire, turned into something infinitely darker and became sort of a...defense against his open love for Buffy - something he begrudgingly couldn't hide from anyone it seemed. :geek:

    I just found Spike to be a better character all-around but this is all just my perception.
    I never really liked Angel - Spike was always my favorite vampire on the show and he was so much more interesting than Angel. Angel always seemed like he had a stick up his butt. :lol: I think the Immortal thing was retconned in the comic-book season eight that was done but I'm not sure. I don't think it was retconned in the show, though...
    Yeah...I really wish they hadn't made that comic book season eight...or brought Spike back in Angel - it kind of ruined it for me. I mean it would have been okay to bring Spike back but I think he should have been with Buffy instead of her being with the Immortal.
    I watched it this afternoon online - Spike and Buffy are so cute; very different from their later relationship.
    Same here. Buffy was an amazing character, especially for women and young girls, and she got even more amazing after her death/resurrection - growing up and changing from the young arrogant slayer to someone more mature with real problems but then Spike was...Spike. (Best vamp ever, second only to Dracula.) He had so many layers and then he died a hero - I say my favorite is Spike too.

    My favorite episode is easier to call, though - definitely Something Blue from season 4.
    I hope you saved the draft if you had put some effort into it. I've been in your situation before and I know it sucks to suddenly find it closed. Sorry again.
    Maybe not everyone is aware of the Youtube possibility, but I think most people would think of Youtube if they are looking for the music.

    Maybe you should start a new thread? The old thread is pretty much wrecked anyway.
    I'm sorry. :(
    It was an ancient thread and the original poster had deleted everything he had said. The one who bumped the two year old topic did not add anything of value so the closing was just. What did you want to say there?
    That's good to hear. Let's have a blunt on that haha. I don't smoke in reality but I don't mind the virtual ones lol. :P
    I'm okay, but really sleepy now haha. It's so nice to see a forum old timer like yourself coming back here, I hope you stay with us! ;)
    Oh, thank you :D! Yeah, we all gotta amdit that Vampire Knight rules
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